Interview by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to «IRNA» news agency

Interview by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to «IRNA» news agency

Russian Mission Vienna

In your opinion, the importance of the Iranian President's visit to China can be evaluated in what fields at this time?

For Russia, both China and Iran are valuable partners, very good friends and neighbours. Therefore, we welcome further development of their bilateral relations. As per ongoing visit of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to China, I believe that at first place it is aimed at strengthening economic ties between the two countries, especially in light of bilateral 25-year Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement.

What is your point of view about the future prospects of China-Iran relations and the role of these two countries in the new world order?

Iran and China relations have all chances to make further progress. Both countries are very important and independent actors in international relations and global economy. By all means they significantly contribute to establishment of new multipolar world. They are among the major actors of the appearing multipolar system of international relations.

US is definitely worried about the close relations between China, Iran and Russia. What measures do you think Washington will take to counter the Tehran-Moscow-Beijing alliance?

We clearly see that the US quite often builds its foreign policy on the basis of principle «divide and rule». Of course, this fully relates to interaction between Russia, China and Iran. Therefore, these three countries need to be vigilant and should not succumb to provocative actions of Washington.

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