Interruption du show

Interruption du show


Interruption du show
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I have a team looking for clarification on whether the excess capacity hinged container can be touched when completely in home AND still being pushed by the robot. Based on R17, this is Cargo. The team would like confirmation that they can grab the cargo as soon as it is fully in home. We read this as no penalty. We are not certain though because there seems to be a conflict in defining what an Interruption is. R15 states an Interruption is "When you interact with a launched robot or any object touching it". R16 defines Interruption Procedure as "To interrupt the robot, stop it and carry it home if it is not there." So it seems that grabbing cargo that is fully in home is an Interruption based on R15, but there is no Penalty for this type of Interruption because the cargo is fully in home.

If your teams robot moves the unused capacity into the home area, they are free to pick it up and fill it once it is in the home area. This will not result in an interruption penalty.

Once something is no longer in contact with the robot, R15 should no longer apply. there is probably going to be lots of time after the robot backs away from the hinged container for your team members to do what they need. Just don't cut it so close that the referees might perceive that they touched it while it was still in contact with the robot.

This is an interruption because the container is in contact with the robot (as described in your post). What happens will depend on where the robot and the container are when the interruption occurred.

If the container is completely in the home area it is given to the team. If the container is not completely in the home area the referee takes it away and it is out of play.
If the robot and the container are completely in the home area there is no interrupt penalty. If the robot or container are not completely in the home area an interrupt penalty is awarded.

I would either make sure the robot and container are completely in home before the team team touches anything, or modify the mission so the robot loses contact with the container after it is in the home area.

Just to reiterate the specific scenario:
1. the container is fully in home
2. the robot is moving and pushing the container west
3. the robot is not fully in home
4. the technician grabs the container pulling it west away from the robot

Which Rule(s) make this an interruption resulting in token loss? Dean, you state "If the robot or container are not completely in the home area an interrupt penalty is awarded." I'm not seeing that in the rules.

R15 "defines and limits the action of you touching the robot after it is launched" It also does imply that the scenario could be an Interruption, but this statement is not a complete sentence: "When you interact with a launched robot or any object touching it." If that statement is intended to define an Interruption, then yes, this is an interruption. However, it does not state that this would cause loss of a token. I do not see a Rule that says Interruption = loss of a token. I see Robot Interruption = loss of a token. But not Cargo interruption.

R16 states "To interrupt the robot, stop it". The robot is not stopped, nor is it touched, so this is not a robot interruption.

R18 talks about cargo NOT completely in home, so that Rule doesn't apply.

In past years, I believe anything touching the Robot was considered part of the Robot. This year, R03 states the Robot is "Your controller and any equipment currently combined with the controller". In other words, the Cargo is not part of the Robot this year.
All token loss wording is directly related to either Robot interruption OR stranded cargo. Nothing about touching cargo in home causing loss of a token.

Of course the safe thing to do is to avoid the problem by eliminating the scenario, but that's not very FLL like. The team is trying to maximize use of time by playing the game per the rules, and I think they are right this time - no token loss for this. Happy to discuss further. Thanks!

Originally posted by rising eagle

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Of course the safe thing to do is to avoid the problem by eliminating the scenario, but that's not very FLL like. The team is trying to maximize use of time by playing the game per the rules, and I think they are right this time - no token loss for this. Happy to discuss further. Thanks!


R15 Interruption says an interruption occurs when you touch the robot or anything it is in contact with. The penalty is based on where the robot is when the interruption occurs (R16). What happens to cargo is based on where the cargo is and if it was in contact with the robot when the interruption occurred.

Last edited by Dean Hystad ; 12-18-2021, 03:35 PM .

Thanks for the discussion here. The kids programmed the robot to back away from the container so they can grab it without risk of a penalty.
R16 only talks about stopping the robot, which they were not doing, so I'm still of the opinion that as written, the rules do not call for a penalty in the original scenario. MI state tournament is tomorrow, I'll see if I can get our head ref"s opinion.

There is no rule that talks about stopping the robot. There are rules about interrupting the robot.

If you touch something which is touching the robot, that is an interruption (rule 15). If you interrupt the robot while it is not in home you get a penalty. The penalty is based on the interruption and where the robot is at the time of the interruption. The penalty is not dependent on if you touched the robot or if you touched cargo or equipment in contact with the robot.

Just returned from our Michigan FLL state championship. I ran this by our head ref and was told that Michigan has determined this scenario is legal, no penalty.

Interruption seems to get watered down every year. I thought an autonomous robot game was fun. Oh well.

Just to pile on, I agree with others - if a team member interacts/touches something that is being touched/controlled by the robot - that is an interruption. Location and motion of the robot are not relevant. Once that occurs, bot has to be stopped and relaunched if you wish to continue.

If the OP is describing a scenario where the bot pushes cargo into Home and then continues autonomously on its way - that is fine, but there is no need to even RISK grabbing that delivered item until the bot is fully disengaged. Especially given the blue hinged container mission, for most refs positioned - that will be hard to "see" the air gap over the bot and from the home side...don't give em a reason to suspect.

Rules are quite clear for the scenario described:
1. Team touching hinged container is an interruption of the robot. See R15.
2. Team loses a precision token because robot is not completely in home when interruption occurs. See R16. However, R16's wording "To interrupt a robot, stop it, ..." is dumb. Should say "Once a robot is interrupted, stop it, ...".
3. Team can keep the hinged container because it is completely in home.

Why Michigan has determined this scenario carries no penalty is a mystery to me. I would like to hear their explanation.

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