Interracial Anal Stories

Interracial Anal Stories


7,985 views | 1102 words | 6min read
I leaned over the old roman balcony, taking solace in the fact that nobody knew where I was. The chilly morning air danced over my skin as I leaned closer towards the edge, taking in the ultramarine water. I would have to take a swim sometime today, enjoy the beauty while it lasted. The knock at the door pulled me away from my internal peace; I whispered a curse to the intruder. I constricted my waist with the straps of my robe slowly making my way to the door. The door did not have a peep-hole and I cursed again. "Who is it?" I said to the closed door. When no reply came I asked the question again letting frustration seep into the words. "Just open the door." I froze when I heard the voice. I couldn't ... Read more »
9,778 views | 2243 words | 11min read
When a man is gripped by the seemingly all-powerful force that is lust, there's absolutely nothing he can do. My name is Troy James Whitehead. My friends call me T.J. for short. As for the Whitehead thing, weird last name for a big and tall young Black man, I know. I was born in the City of Decatur, State of Georgia, and moved to the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, three years ago. I came here to attend grad school at Carleton University after flunking out of Georgia Tech. Civil engineering is my passion and Carleton University has one of the best programs in Canada. Life hasn't been a bed of roses in the Canadian capital but I'm managing just fine, I guess. I have a confession to make, ladies and gentl... Read more »
6,956 views | 1795 words | 9min read
Sitting on the number ninety five bus coursing through the City of Ottawa, in Provincial Ontario, Adam Stephenson Lefebvre felt supremely bored. Once again, his talent for being unusually observant was bothering him. The big and tall young Haitian-American man tugged at his backpack, anxious for the bus to get to the stop he needed. As soon as it got past Metcalfe Street he'd get off to walk to the number four bus stop. From there he'd take the bus to Carleton University. At Hurdman station, a dark-skinned African chick got in, pushing a stroller containing a pair of light-skinned brats. She was accompanied by an older Black woman who could be her mother or her grandmother. The young lady in question fit in th... Read more »
5,678 views | 1004 words | 5min read
"Beth. I'm really sorry. I can't leave the home right now. If you want, you can come here and we can give the tax papers a quick once over. I don't want to take you away from anything on a Friday evening." Beth hesitated for a moment. " Are you there?" "Yes Alexander. I'm here. Sorry. Yes. I can actually bring it up to you. I'll just explain it very quickly and then I'll be on my way." "Are you sure? It's Friday night. You probably want to spend it with your friends or family." Beth sort of lied. "No friends. I'll be there in a few minutes." Beth was greeted at the front door. He concealed his lower half behind the door. "Alexander, are you OK? "Nothing. I'm doing laundry, and I'm only wearing these o... Read more »
5,982 views | 1855 words | 9min read
The Princess felt Spring with every cell in her body. Feeling, she thought, wasn't the same as just being aware of it: rather, it was so much more. Her eyes registered that the dawn came earlier and the nights drew in later. She had to stock up on antihistamines when the flowers came into bloom. She didn't need to wear a heavy coat any longer and when storm clouds came and refreshed the earth with rain, the drops that fell no longer carried a chill. Rather, sometimes she felt tempted to stand in the downpour with her arms extended and feel washed clean by the tempest. No, Spring had touched her on a deeper level, she thought. She felt it when she looked out over her garden on a Saturday morning. It was 7 AM, ... Read more »
7,833 views | 1979 words | 10min read
[excerpted from the novel--AEGIS] Guy'd called me over to his costly condo as he packed for a two week long business trip. Two weeks?! That's a long time, I frowned in thought. Without looking my way, his clear, deep voice ventured, "I know that's a long time for you." Damned eerie. He flipped me a Police business card. I expected it to say Psych because the Department's always after me about being so ... "out there". But, no, the card was Ren's. FYI, someone lately accused me of leaving out ... detail, so—Guy, pronounced in the French manner is a fair deadringer for tall, dark and exquisitely handsome actor/martial artist Russell Wong and Ren [René] resembles Keanu. Yes, that Keanu. Happy now? "What's ... Read more »
6,664 views | 2673 words | 13min read
Mr Thomas stretched his arms and contemplated the journey home, he felt exhausted and slightly stressed, and would feel even more so after the rigours of rush hour travel on the London Underground. It had been his first day in the new job and he felt that, at his age, he had been very fortunate to secure the position. Most employers, nowadays, tended to regard anyone over the age of forty as being a little bit past their best; and over fifty as being a close relation of Methuselah. His previous experience as a construction engineer had not prepared him for a life in an office environment and many times, he found that he had to hold his tongue rather than use the robust language of the construction site. At lea... Read more »
5,558 views | 7410 words | 37min read
Ali had been talking to Eddie on line for the past few months. He lived in California, she in Bangkok. They met through an on-line dating site for Thai women. He had visited Thailand as a guest professor at Maidhol University and fell in love with the culture and its people. He was divorced, she never married, and each was searching for their next great love. Ali was 41 and Eddie several years her senior. Yet, for both of them, there was an attraction that went far beyond their age difference. She wanted a new life abroad, away from memories of past situations and Eddie seemed to be her savior. For Eddie, Ali was a sexy, vibrant, woman that could make him feel years younger. Ali understood the risks of thi... Read more »
7,067 views | 1982 words | 10min read
"When all acquaintance be forgot and all of…" everyone sung, not really knowing the words, to bring in the New Year. Yes, again I bring in the New Year by myself as couples around me kiss. Shit, I hate this time of year. I guess it's time to head home. I'm singing to the radio when I hear a loud pop. Damn it! Why tonight, of all nights? My fucking tire blows out. I can't change this damn tire by myself. And there is no one out. As I attempt to change my tire. Yes, I said attempt, because I looked fine as hell. I spent too much money for this one night. I was dress in a brand new long strapless dress with black high-heeled sandals. The dress made the curves of my body stand out perfectly and the split tha... Read more »
8,748 views | 944 words | 5min read
There I was going North on the highway for an hour and fifteen minutes. A long way just to see a black virgin, but oh well. I was in love with him and thats all that mattered. So I drove in the pouring rain all the way up there to see him and maybe get some black dick, which I had wanted for over a year! He was my baby boo and the first black guy I have ever dated, not the first black guy I've fucked but the first one I dated. We were in love. So I pulled up to his town house and called him up, "Baby, I'm outside." He meet me at the door and lead me in out of the rain. I took my jacket off to show a lot cut shirt with my breast peeking over the top. I felt his eyes travel my body from my tight blue jeans to... Read more »
8,383 views | 1046 words | 5min read
When my special phone rang I knew better than to ignore it even if I wanted to, which of course I didn't. Just hearing it ring got my cunt damp with anticipation and started the fire that was seldom completely out burning in my gut. I never knew what my instructions would be or where they would lead me but I knew that it would be exciting and that if I didn't follow them to the letter immediately that the consequences would be unpleasant and probably quite painful. "Put on your ho clothes and hang a blindfold around your neck, drive to the turnout on route six, park, climb into the back seat and put on the blind fold. You will be told what to do. Do it." That was the text message I received and I knew just wh... Read more »
5,591 views | 1733 words | 9min read
His eyes looked into mine. All I could do was stare back. Of course we were in the middle of the street and cars were constantly beeping. He got out of his car and helped me out of mine, which he hit. It was obvious he was speeding, but I didn't care. He was fine as hell. He had these piercing green eyes, brown hair, tall ( i'd say about 6 feet) and sexy arms to go along with it. " Are you okay? Oh my god! Shit! I am late for work." Now I wasn't happy anymore after that selfish comment coming from his lips. " Listen here. You hit my car and you are worrying about work. You should worry about your life,asshole." "Well excuse me miss. I'm sorry, okay?" I just looked at him and sneered, pulling my car into ... Read more »
8,786 views | 4113 words | 21min read
Jill and I were invited to a wedding shower. The girl that the shower was for, was a girlfriend of ours and the party was being hosted by another girlfriend of ours. The ages of the fifteen or so guest ranged from nineteen to forty five.The host, Susan, age 32, got everyone's attention after the last guest had arrived by saying, "Please make yourselves comfortable girls. We will have the entertainment first and it should be here in the next five to ten minutes, then we can pig out and have Sherry open the gifts." We went about blabbing again until the buzzer rang. Our eyes went to the door as Susan opened it and in came to black guys, two white guys and a female caring a boom-box. Susan led the guys to a bed... Read more »
9,282 views | 3235 words | 16min read
The day started as a normal work day for me. I worked grave yards as an EMT for our local ambulance service. I got up at my normal time around 1pm to jump in the shower and make me some coffee and start my day, or night. I stopped by Star Bucks on my way to work to get me some more caffeine not knowing what the night would hold and if we would get any rest. When I got to the station my partner was already there. Ready for work. We talked a little bit with the day crew, finding out how their day went. They told us that the hospital was holding a patient for us to go to a psych hospital 180 miles away. I Was not thrilled about this because I knew I would be the one riding in the back and that's a long way off ... Read more »
6,602 views | 12790 words | 64min read
I had not intended to tell this story until later. It is ongoing, and hopefully will not end for years to come. But when I consider the purpose of these stories, to share the remarkable women who have enriched my life, JuLee is probably the most extraordinary of remarkable women and deserves a place at the front of the queue. So I will start this Paean to JuLee now, and perhaps supplement it with later episodes. JuLee contributed to my recollections and has added her comments in italics. Thanks also to Mandy Marie for her invaluable assistance in helping me with the editing. * * * * * I first met her in my office some two decades ago. She was there to introduce one of her clients to me, a local motel owne... Read more »
9,257 views | 2917 words | 15min read
How many of you women have a dark hidden fantasy, one so disturbing it scares you? Well I had one and as much as I was afraid of it, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I've had this fantasy every since I was a teenager and it never seems to change. I mean it's so disturbing I hate even writing about it. I fantasize about being taken by a black man, I don't mean rape, I mean I just let him have his way with me. The thing is, I'm terrified of black men, they are just so, so male. Most of the white men I know if you catch them leering at you they quickly turn away in embarrassment but the few blacks I've come in contact with will just keep leering at you as if it is their right. I consider myself a modern woman, a... Read more »
9,519 views | 7069 words | 35min read
She was just another Chinese student, in another classroom, the same as any other girl I had seen over the last 3 years of teaching English in China, but there was something about her. I could not tell at that time just what it was that drew me towards her. Her name was Viki; she was around 21, the same as most of the others in her class. She was nothing different from any of the other 300 students that I had in my various classes (well, apart from the boys), after all, she was Chinese, and she had black hair, the typical "Asian" features. Once you have spent a number of years in Asian countries like I have, you don't look at people and see "White, Black, European," etc., you see people. Yes, you take notice... Read more »
8,541 views | 2076 words | 10min read
"What is your opinion for this one?" I looked up as Keiko stepped into the living room. Her small build was absolutely perfect in my eyes, but she had often complained that her lack of height and especially lack of sizeable breasts made it difficult for her to find really good clothing which would truly attract attention. The swimsuit she wore truly attracted my attention. It was a basic blue swimsuit with a semi-high cut for the legs, and while it did not have a plunging neckline, there was just enough of her upper chest exposed to hint at the humble swells hidden by the swimsuit itself. As she turned in place like a ballerina, I noted that pair of thin yellow stripes ran down each side to further accentu... Read more »
5,828 views | 10824 words | 54min read
Chapter One: Really? "Really? I mean yes! Sure. Either Friday or Saturday would be great." That was Diane's answer in the parking lot of Applebee's, as we stood by her car while a gentle mist began to fall. "Friday then?" I asked, and when she nodded, I stood there awkwardly for a second before extending my hand. Diane's hand came up to meet mine - tiny white fingers that looked even smaller as they disappeared into my enormous black hand. Her hand was moist, but mine was too, and after a brief handclasp, on impulse I lifted her hand and bent down and kissed the back of it. "Thank you," Diane said softly, and while I had bent over, took the opportunity to bounce up on her toes and give me a peck on the ch... Read more »
7,897 views | 7584 words | 38min read
She was irritated. This is the age of everything being digital. It's now texting as opposed to talking to someone on the phone. Letters sent via the postal service is considered "snail mail". Instead of "call me", it's "Facebook me". Thank you Mark Zuckerberg. Why her agent wanted a hard copy of her latest chapter was beyond her, but he did. Fine, whatever, as long as him got off her ass, she would give him what he wanted. Unfortunately her printer, the one that she had to unbury, had crapped out on her in the middle of printing off the two hundred some odd pages. Really? Grr. That's right she growled. The damn thing was forcing her to leave her house to buy something she was hardly ever going to use, and sh... Read more »
5,753 views | 3530 words | 18min read
Dustin ran back inside Ortlieb's to grab his guitar and told his stage manager he'd see him later on. The set was a jam session so he wouldn't be missed. There were several in the audience dying to take Dustin's position for that evening. He explained that he had a dire emergency that needed his immediate attention. He did not mention that what was at attention was his thick seven and a half inch penis that was already leaking pre cum. He adjusted his fly as he walked back outside to Bria. She was waiting in her car; smoking the last of a joint she had been smoking earlier in the day. She was such a pothead. Dustin tapped on the window and startled her. "You gonna share some of that?" he asked jokingly. Star... Read more »
6,661 views | 1841 words | 9min read
It was all the new guy's fault. He was the reason for my sweating, my tossing and turning. I tossed off the blanket that felt so heavy and hot. Laying in just my nightshirt I thought more about Michael the new guy. I can't say men of color ever made me weak in the knees but when I saw Michael I felt the heat pool in my panties. He was tall, muscular, and of all things he had his head shaved. All together the total package was very sexy and nice. Of course his jeans fitting just right and the tight t-shirt showing off rippling muscles also played a big part in my now state of horniness. I sat up and looked at the wall behind my bed, he was in there sleeping in the next apartment. My mind wondered if he mast... Read more »
5,735 views | 2234 words | 11min read
It began as a very sad day for us all. My family and I had to go to my Uncle David's funeral. He was driving down the road and skidded on some leftover ice for the snowstorm last week and drove off a bridge. The doctor's said that he died on impact and most likely didn't feel a thing. At least he didn't have to suffer. My Aunt Nia on the other hand did suffer, she was his wife after all. She was so upset that she kept putting off the funeral three times because she couldn't go through with it until today. Aunt Nia isn't my biological Aunt. Uncle David, from my fathers side of the family, met Nia three years ago, and six months later they were married. Most of my family members, such as my parents, didn't lik... Read more »
8,464 views | 856 words | 4min read
I was sitting on the beach admiring the full moon. The phosphorous was making each gentle wave glow in the moonlight and it was so beautiful and peaceful. Then I began to hear a singing from far away. The ocean and the earth began to make music for this fairy voice and I became entranced. I sat captured by this song. I wanted desperately to get up from my perch and go to this song but I could not move. The sound of the music drew closer. Finally I began to see the source of this fantastic sound draw nearer. It was you walking along the beach singing a song like none I had ever heard before. You looked like a dark fairy princess. The moonlight was caressing you and the glittering waves were Reflecting off you... Read more »
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Where my white wife LIsa gets a moonlight gangbang in the Swaziland bush attended by naked black Swazi maidens to the beat of tribal drums. I watch my randy wife being repeatedly fucked...
My son's college African friend is my stud....
Young newlywed finds herself in an awkward situation...
Young newlywed innocently goes out for a day with out telling her husband and finds herself in a difficult situation...
Wife goes out with black man from work...
I always wanted to turn my gorgeous wife into a cock loving whore. I had such a hot looking wife that my male friends were not shy, they all wanted to fuck her...
Where I get more than morning coffee service. An ebony maid offering black to my white...
As a young farm boy we swim naked in the river compare cocks and wank each other...
Continuing from part one: “Oh, by the way, did I mention that I had invited the three Swazi boys around to the cottage for drinks tonight? They asked if they could bring three of their well hung friends. I said sure...
While on a weekend
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