International Kiss A Ginger Day 2017

International Kiss A Ginger Day 2017

ginger day 2022

international kick a ginger day

Celebrating National Kiss A Ginger Day is simple - just find one of these individuals and offer to give them a big old kiss - with their permission of course! The internet is celebrating national Kiss a Ginger day with waves of humorous memes and hilarious jokes about the hair color. Kiss A Ginger Day was established in 2009 by Derek Forgie as part of a Facebook group, intended to offset Kick A Ginger Day that takes place in November. With the nickname Ginge, you would guess that I’ve always loved and embraced my ginger locks. Guests are served a mystery beer and have to guess which one it is from 4-5 options. Either way, you’ve got options for your weird holiday promotions. Celebrate the occasion with weird holiday promotions like a New Year’s Eve style countdown to midnight. Celebrate the halfway mark with weird holiday promotions involving green beer, Guinness on draught, Irish whiskey cocktails, corned beef, and all things Irish. Under the watchful eye of an official Guinness Book of Records official the total number of 1,672 redheads in one place was recorded. The least common eye color: blue. I loved hearing all of the “redhead stories” and bonding with current clients and gingers I had never met before over our common trait.

international kick a ginger day

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