Interesting facts

Interesting facts

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Fact: Abraham Lincoln was a bartender

You know that the 16th president of the United States fought for the freedom of slaves and the Union, but what you didn’t know is that he was a licensed bartender(бармен). Lincoln’s liquor license was discovered in 1930 and displayed in a Springfield liquor store.

Fact: Albert Einstein’s eyeballs are in New York City

They were given to Henry Abrams and preserved in a safety deposit box. Abrams was Einstein’s eye doctor. He received the eyeballs from Thomas Harvey, the man who performed the autopsy on Einstein and illegally took the scientist’s brain for himself.

Fact: Wimbledon tennis balls are kept at 68 degrees Fahrenheit

The temperature of a tennis ball affects how it bounces(отскакивает). At warmer temperatures, the gas molecules inside the ball expand(расширяются), making the ball bounce higher. Lower temperatures cause the molecules to shrink(сжиматься) and the ball to bounce lower. To make sure the best tennis balls are used, Wimbledon goes through more than 50,000 tennis balls each year.

Fact: Bees can make colored honey

In France, there’s a biogas plant that manages waste(отходы) from a Mars chocolate factory, where M&Ms are made. Beekeepers nearby noticed(заметили) that their bees were making “unnatural shades of green and blue” honey. A spokesperson from the British Beekeepers’ Association theorized that the bees eating the sugary M&M waste caused the colored honey.

Fact: The first stroller was engineered to be pulled by a goat (or animal of similar size)

William Kent, a landscape architect, invented the first stroller(детская коляска) for the third Duke of Devonshire in 1733. But upper-class parents were hardly expected to put effort into transporting their children around, so Kent designed his model to be pulled by a small animal, like a goat.

Fact: Movie trailers originally played after the movie

They “trailed”(следовали) the feature film—hence(отсюда), the name. The first trailer appeared in 1912 and was for a Broadway show, not a movie.

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