Intellectuals of Cafe Naderi

Intellectuals of Cafe Naderi

👓 Bagher Mohama
Intellectuals of Cafe Naderi

Intellectuals of Cafe Naderi

✅ In our 👥⬅️ side of the roof, everyone was talking 🗣️ and ➕ joking 😜 except for me 👤⬅️. I was silently 🔇 and ➕ eagerly listening 👂️ to their conversations while staring ⭐️ at the sky which was covered 📔 by many thousands of shiny stars ⭐️. Beauty 💇 of the heavens was beyond any dispute and ➕ my fascination with its elegance and ➕ splendour beyond the description. I was never so close to the sky and ➕ stars ⭐️. On top 🔝 of the roof and ➕ lying 🤥 in 🛌 bed on my back 🔙; I was completely taken over by this majestic view and ➕ barely could see 👀 anything else. Numerous stars ⭐️ had surrounded me 👤⬅️ and ➕ the magnificent sky was like a dome above the roof. It seemed that the stars ⭐️ were dragging me 👤⬅️ towards the heavens and ➕ it appeared that in a childish way I had somehow perceived the seriousness of the life 🧬 and ➕ had a vague feeling 💆‍♀️ of its mysterious profoundness. Strangely, I felt 💆‍♀️ a kind of loneliness amongst the crowd and ➕ sadness 😢 filled my heart 💘.


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