Instructions to Fix Login Issues With Your Norton Account

Instructions to Fix Login Issues With Your Norton Account


Getting Norton introduced on your gadget means total true serenity while perusing the Internet. In any case, consider the possibility that you can't discover your Norton membership after you buy it on the web or from a retail shop.

In such a situation, when you login to your Norton Login account by means of to download your bought in Norton arrangement record, you won't have the option to discover the item. It occurs for some reasons, for example, 'marking in to wrong record' or your item may have enrolled with another record.

In the event that you have as of late acquired a Norton membership without having it enrolled for you, you have to initially add the membership to your record physically.

Contingent upon the situation, select any of the accompanying alternatives to get the issue settled:

Online i brought my Norton Subscription

On the off chance that you've bought the membership on the web, you have to sign in your Norton account by entering your username and secret key that you utilized while buying the Norton item. On the off chance that you are uncertain of your login qualifications that you utilized during the making of record, you can locate the correct one from your enlisted email ID.

Snap on "Overlooked your secret phrase" page from the Norton activate account

Enter the username that you accept have utilized at the hour of procurement to login your email ID

Check the inbox for any email from Norton

On the off chance that there is no email from Norton, at that point attempt with another record and rehash the procedure until you discover the record with your buy.

  • In the event that you get a secret phrase recuperation email with a code to get to your record, at that point enter the code and access your record. Snap on "My Subscription" and discover your item 
  • On the off chance that the issue still perseveres, rehash the procedure with various records until you locate the correct record 

Add Norton to your record with Product key 

In the event that you have a 25 digits alphanumerical character item enactment key, you can add Norton membership to your record by utilizing the item key. When the item is added to your record, you can download and introduce Norton onto your present gadget or any extraordinary gadget.

Sign in to your Norton account by visiting

In the event that you're not signed in to your record, at that point you'll be approached to do as such. Enter your certifications to get to Norton record and Click Sign in

Enter the item key in the "Begin" Windows

Snap on "Concur and Download" and afterward, introduce Norton

Include Norton item that came pre-introduced on your gadget 

  • Start Norton 
  • Go to "Help" and snap "Record" 
  • Pursue the rules to login to your Norton account

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