Installation of a LTO node on a Raspberry PI

Installation of a LTO node on a Raspberry PI

Big thanks to hawky!

Although the node is available as a JAR (Java ARchive), which is usually considered a platform-independent deployment artifact, it is not automatically possible to start this version of the node on a Raspberry PI, e.g., running on Raspbian. This tutorial explains how to modify the corresponding JAR file in order to allow for a smooth start on a Raspberry PI.

Problem Description

If you try to start the node via the following command:

java -jar lto-public-all.jar lto-mainnet.conf

You’ll get an error message similar to the following one:

pi@raspberrypi:~/lto $ java -jar lto-public-all.jar lto-mainnet.conf

2019-04-22 16:09:41,453 INFO  [main] c.w.Application$ - Starting...

2019-04-22 16:09:45,939 INFO  [main] kamon.Kamon$Instance - Initializing Kamon...

2019-04-22 16:09:46,959 INFO  [main] kamon.Kamon$Instance - Kamon-autoweave has been successfully loaded.

2019-04-22 16:09:46,963 INFO  [main] kamon.Kamon$Instance - The AspectJ load time weaving agent is now attached to the JVM (you don't need to use -javaagent).

2019-04-22 16:09:46,968 INFO  [main] kamon.Kamon$Instance - This offers extra flexibility but obviously any classes loaded before attachment will not be woven.

2019-04-22 16:10:08,427 INFO  [ctor.default-dispatcher-3] a.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started

2019-04-22 16:10:10,500 INFO  [ctor.default-dispatcher-4] a.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started

2019-04-22 16:10:10,535 INFO  [main] c.w.Application$ - LTO v1.0.3 Blockchain Id: L

2019-04-22 16:10:11,158 ERROR [main]$ - Error while initializing actor system wavesplatform

java.lang.Exception: Could not load any of the factory classes: org.fusesource.leveldbjni.JniDBFactory, org.iq80.leveldb.impl.Iq80DBFactory

at com.wavesplatform.db.LevelDBFactory$.$anonfun$load$5(LevelDBFactory.scala:35)

at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:121)

at com.wavesplatform.db.LevelDBFactory$.load(LevelDBFactory.scala:35)

at com.wavesplatform.db.LevelDBFactory$.factory$lzycompute(LevelDBFactory.scala:10)

at com.wavesplatform.db.LevelDBFactory$.factory(LevelDBFactory.scala:10)

at com.wavesplatform.db.package$.openDB(package.scala:22)

at com.wavesplatform.Application.<init>(Application.scala:54)

at com.wavesplatform.Application$.$anonfun$main$3(Application.scala:413)

at com.wavesplatform.Application$.$anonfun$main$3$adapted(Application.scala:387)


at com.wavesplatform.Application$.main(Application.scala:387)

at com.wavesplatform.Application.main(Application.scala)

pi@raspberrypi:~/lto $

The reason for the error is that one of the dependencies of the node, namely the LevelDB implementation, is not compiled for the ARM architecture of the Raspberry PI. Therefore, what we need to do in order to start it successfully is described in the next section.

Necessary Steps

The basic idea of the patch is to exchange the platform dependent, and not compatible, parts of the JAR file with corresponding parts that are compatible with the ARM architecture of the Raspberry PI. In order to perform the next steps in a clean environment, you should copy the lto-public-all.jar file to a new directory from which you execute the described commands.

First of all, we need to install the platform independent version of the LevelDB database with the following command:

sudo apt install libleveldb-java libleveldb-api-java

The second step is to unpack the JAR archive. Basically, JAR archives are simple ZIP files with a special directory structure. Therefore, we can just unpack the JAR archive with the following command:

jar -xvf lto-public-all.jar

After unpacking, we can remove the JAR archive itself, so that we later on, when we repackage the archive, do not include the old archive in the new one:

rm -f lto-public-all.jar

Then we secure the MANIFEST.MF file, which is sort of the configuration file of the archive, so that we can later on restore it in order to keep all information about the archive, e.g., which kind of class should be executed once we start the archive. Therefore, we copy the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file to the current directory:


The next step is to remove all traces of the platform dependent version of the LevelDB packages:

rm -rf `find . -name *leveldb*`

Now we just need to extract the platform independent version of the LevelDB installation that we did in the first step. In order to do so, we need to copy two files in our current directory:

cp /usr/share/java/leveldb-api.jar .

cp /usr/share/java/leveldb.jar .

And again, we need to unpack those archives in the current directory:

jar -xvf leveldb-api.jar

jar -xvf leveldb.jar

Now, we can again remove those two archive files in order not to include those as archives in the new node archive that we will create in the last step:

rm -f *.jar

Finally, we need to recover the MANIFEST.MF file that we have secured in the fourth step:


before we can finally package the content of our current directory into a new archive that will then be our JAR archive that we can start the node with:

jar -cfm lto-public-all-arm.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *

This process might take some time. After it finishes, the created JAR archive lto-public-all-arm.jar can be copied to whatever directory you want to start your node from. The following command will then start your node:

java -jar lto-public-all-arm.jar lto-mainnet.conf

Final Notes

Since a Raspberry PI provides very limited ressources, both from a computational as well as from a memory (RAM) perspective, one can not assume that a node on a Raspberry PI will run with a high performance. Nevertheless, it might make sense in some scenarios, e.g., providing an API to the LTO network, running a test environment or providing a testnet node.

The steps described above should not only work on a Raspberry PI but should also create deployment artefact for other ARM based boards. Depending on the underlying operating systems, some tweaks may be necessary though.

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