Install streamrip in Termux

Install streamrip in Termux


The following is a guide on how to install streamrip in Termux without any errors or effort, with one quick command.

Table of Contents


1) Install a fresh instance of Termux by either:

2) Depending on your version of android, you'll need to give storage permissions to Termux after installation.

Storage permissions are given in the following way.

  • Android < 11Android Settings -> Apps -> Termux -> Permissions -> Storage
  • Android >= 11Android Settings -> Apps -> Termux -> Permissions -> Files and media -> Allow management of all files
  • Android >= 13Android Settings -> Apps -> (Advanced ->) Special app access -> All files access -> Termux

Install latest version of streamrip

Open Termux and copy-paste the following command in the prompt and press <enter>:

termux-change-repo && pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install git python clang libjpeg-turbo ffmpeg zlib -y && pip install setuptools && cd /sdcard && git clone && cd pycares && python install && cd /sdcard && rm -rf pycares && pip3 install streamrip && rip config path && cd ~ && clear

After entering the above command, Termux will ask you which repositories you want to edit:

Just press the "OK" button.
Next Termux will ask you which mirror you want to use:

Just press "OK" again.

During the installation, you will be prompted what to do with files that are already on your system but also have a version provided by the maintainer of a package that is being installed:

Each time the installation stops with a prompt as shown above, just press enter (default) and the installation will continue.


After the installation is completed, you can open the streamrip configuration file with the following command:

nano ~/.config/streamrip/config.toml

This will allow you to configure your preferences using the nano text editor:

config.toml example

In order to have streamrip write the downloaded files to a location that is easily accessible using your phone's browser and/or media player, it is recommended to change the download folder to something like /sdcard/Music/StreamripDownloads/.

In order to exit the nano editor and save the config file, you can just press "CTRL-X" followed by "Y" and "ENTER" ("Y" = yes to the question to save the file), as indicated in the image below:

Exit & save config.toml file in nano editor

Install dev branch of streamrip (optional)

Sometimes features get published to the dev branch for testing before they are deemed stable enough to merge into the main branch.
If you want to use these features, follow the guide from the beginning but just replace the installation command with the following to install the streamrip dev branch:

termux-change-repo && pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install git python clang libjpeg-turbo ffmpeg zlib -y && pip install setuptools && cd /sdcard && git clone && cd pycares && python install && cd /sdcard && rm -rf pycares && pip3 install git+ && rip config path && cd ~ && clear


This guide was compiled by DJDoubleD based on the original instructions provided by TheKVT in the Firehawk52 Official Community.

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