Instagram Whores

Instagram Whores


Instagram Whores
1. One who posts way too many posts/pictures on the social media app of Instagram . 2. One who posts almost naked/comepletely naked pictures of themselves on Instagram
1. What the hell, Joe! Stop fucking posting ten pictures on Instagram every second!
2. Nikki keeps posting pictures of her half-naked . What an Instagram whore!
A person who only cares about post asking for comments or like to feel special because they are lame ass people at heart. Sometimes they ask for shout outs and just seek attention because they think its cool to have their notification stats high. Or one talks to multiple people on instagram and trys to date them.
Person 1:Ugh Sam( antha ) is such a instagram whore (s)he always asking for Likes and comments . Person 2: I heard (s)he dates people from all over instagram
by Your friendly hater April 9, 2017
A person who thinks having more followers than someone else makes them cool. Usually a teen , or a adult who thinks he's a teen still.
1:"hey did you see bob had 300 followers ?" 2: "no, I don't really care , he's just an Instagram whore"
A man or woman on instagram who takes pictures of themselves almost ass naked and often making their ass, crotch, abs or chest very obvious. They're also very attention seeking and tend to promote each other on their stories.
God damn it , there are so many of these instagram whores flooding my dms , I really need to get off of instagram.
by Iprobablyfuckinghateyou September 30, 2018
A person who acts ignorant because he/she has more followers than other people. There a snob and can't find any other way to spend daddy's money than to use it to buy the best phone for nip slips and other stupid ways of getting attention. Because people wouldn't pay attention otherwise. They usually have ass and boob implants because they hate their vagina. They also love songs like let me take a selfie . One of the most repetitive songs the only lyrics being the title name.
"Omg did you see that phone that just came out? Ima use for Instagram. Omg totes gonna become famous.......uhhh retweet ......hashtag.......... uhhhhhh ....I eat chipotle everyday. "Your a Instagram whore "
A person who only cares about post asking for comments or like to feel special because they are lame ass people at heart. Sometimes they ask for shout outs and just seek attention because they think its cool to have their notification stats high.
Or one talks to multiple people on instagram and trys to date them..
Person 1:Ugh Sam( antha ) is such a instagram whore (s)he always asking for Likes and comments . Person 2: I heard (s)he dates people from all over instagram. What a Instagram whore / Insta Thot.
by Your friendly hater April 9, 2017





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Instagram is indeed an unlikely or likely (depending on your
sensibility and expectation) place to host online whoring or prostitution. 

As one of the most popular and highly
accessible social media network platform, it is very conducive to this kind of endeavor for several reasons.  

reach is no longer local but expands to international.  
Second, it is easy to promote oneself via
selfie and likes and tags.  
Third, there
is a certain degree of excitement Instagram gives to both client and the sexual
service provider where client can search his or her own provider without going
to a third party (pimps for that matter) and the provider can also get to
choose clients to serve.

Lately, there has been much talk about the latest brouhaha
Instagram is involved with. This time it
is not about nipples but one article made people very curious about the real
deal with Instagram models. These are
women who try to look very alluring, sexy, hot, and cool. However, the real deal about this Instagram
model posing with extreme decadence like beside a $100,000 car or carrying
several bags or other accessories from premium brand logos, or posing with (supposed) Arabian Sheik
for the matter. 

However, there is
more to these Instagram models on top of trying to look hot and sexy and
accumulating likes or fans. In an
article published by , they exposed the real situation behind and
surrounding these Instagram models or some may have them as Internet models. In one of their posts ,
they shared a story from one of the blogs they encountered “ Tag The Sponsor ,”
where allegedly this blog exposed the shenanigans of most Instagram
models are guilty of doing. These Instagram models were not actually role
models but are creating templates for online whoring or prostitution. Many of these models made a living by having
a sponsor. This “sponsor” thing is described by the blog as having someone to pay
for a trip to where the client is and perform sexual services not only with
that one client but also with some of the clients’ friends.’ The blog further
described that the sexual services include dehumanizing acts like turning the faces
of these Instagram models as portable toilets where clients urinate and
defecate to get the money’s worth they spend on such models. 

These girls will do anything, even the most disgusting things
just to have their vaginas rented. Apparently, rich Saudi nationals for
example, will pay these models $10,000 to $50,000 for a two night or two weeks
sexual services for him and his friends included. Because of the insanely high money received,
girls are willing to wash their faces with feces and urine from their
clients. It is quite unimaginable for
some to think that there are indeed women who are willing to demean themselves
just for the sake of money and acquire all the material things that their
hearts desire.

The Debate Between Whoring And Prostitution

There are women who are into prostitution who are not happy
about Instagram models whoring their way for a grab of rich man’s
pockets. For some female prostitutes,
there is a need for a differentiation between what these models do and what
prostitution is all about. There are
huge differences between the two not only in terms of spelling and usage but in
terms of behavior as well.  

According to
some prostitution blogs, women are considered as whores if they use sex to
manipulate partners to gain money or control. Whoring then is a term used where a
woman manipulates a man to give her money, or refer to the act of enjoying sex,
or using sex to cheat or lay with lovers or friends in order to scam them. Based on this description, one can conclude
that the terms whoring and prostitution can mean the same thing as prostitutes
can be a whore also.

But, prostitutes cried foul at this insinuation as they
believe that the great divide between prostitution and whoring lies on the
intent. Prostitutes became as such due to survival need but not to sell their
precious bodies for the purpose of manipulating, controlling, or by just being
simply being promiscuous. In other words,
prostitutes sell their bodies just solely for the money, not for fun or
pleasure. According to many prostitutes,
they are not gold diggers who manipulate men into giving them money. Whores on the other hand are gold diggers who
search for rich men to subsidize their lifestyle. Prostitutes are very direct when it comes to
providing sexual services. They will
only allow other people to use their bodies provided it involves safety and do
not demean their humanity. This is where
the huge difference lies between prostitution and whoring.

It is not right for whoring and prostitution to be used in
the same sentence. There are prostitutes who are not promiscuous as not all
women who enjoy sex are promiscuous. 
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Instagram Models: The Difference Between Whoring and Prostitution

Alden I. Bula

July 02, 2015


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“Katherine” (whose name has been changed for anonymity) is a model with a six-figure Instagram following. She even has that all-elusive and much-coveted “verified” blue badge next to her name. Her brown hair tumbles down her back in a mass of perfect locks, and her enviable figure is flaunted in designer bikinis in prime locations all over the globe. Her picture-perfect profile is flooded with thousands of likes and comments from adoring fans who, seemingly, worship the twenty-something-year-old. She makes a fortune from sponsored and affiliated posts, or at least, that is what her fanbase believes. The real truth is that Katherine is part of a new generation of sex workers – one that was manufactured and marketed for prostitution on Instagram.
I meet Katherine at a swanky restaurant in Manhattan, where she tells me that we would dine for free since she “pays” with Instagram stories of herself eating there. In exchange for her glamorous presence and the free publicity she gives the establishment, they are happy to let her eat without charge.
“Most people think Instagram models make a lot of money from ads and sponsorship, but the truth is you don’t really earn that much from it,” she explains, twirling her wine glass with French-manicured nails. “I mean, you don’t make enough from that to jet set to different countries. The reality is that a lot of these Insta-models you see regularly posing on beaches and staying in the fanciest hotels all the time are hired for sex. Everyone in the industry knows, but it’s just kept hidden.”
Katherine gets paid to spend time with affluent men all around the globe. She says that the majority of her clients are wealthy Middle-Eastern men, and she has been flown all over for sex and escapades.
“Basically, these guys contact you on Instagram and they suggest meeting or flying you somewhere. After that, most of the conversation continues on WhatsAspp,” she adds. “Of course, you check out their account and do some research about them first to make sure they are legitimate. Sometimes, you might even know a girl who worked for them before and she might be able to vouch for them.”
Katherine gets paid anywhere between the sum of $5,000 to $15,000 for all-expenses-paid trips, with Dubai and Bali being some of the most favoured destinations. Generally speaking, sex is part of the package – and by her own admission, the money and “extras” earned feel worth it to her. She is unwilling to divulge the details of what is expected sexually. Yet she alludes that she had “tried most things”, but does not disclose anything further.
For many, Instagram can contribute a stream of honest income – in varying quantities. Yet, the reality is that many of the public’s favourite Instagram models and influencers are little more than high-class escorts.
One model wrote about her experience in Evie Magazine and how she was shocked to discover that a lot of the popular models with huge followings – some in the millions – were prostitutes. She said:
“Sure, some models with big followings can make hundreds or thousands per post marketing products. But many brands aren’t lining up to jump into bed with a model whose page is not far from a modern Playboy spread. To be clear, there are MANY legitimate bloggers and influencers who make a living traveling and creating content for hotels and brands in exchange for complimentary stay or fees. Those are not the people I’m talking about. The easiest way to differentiate? The borderline pornographic content they post. These pages, full of sexual teasers, are their advertisements. Their honeypots. Their portfolios , if you will.”
Katherine agrees that the right photos are imperative for the “trade”. On her international debaucheries, she always ensures she gets the best snaps of herself posing in slinky bikinis while draped against some exotic background. She does not reveal where her next travels will be to, but admits that she is currently negotiating two trips with two separate clients.
“I’m only young once, and I’ll only look like this once. Might as well use it to my benefit,” she remarks before asking me to take a photo of her with her chocolate-dusted tiramisu.
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