Instagram Nasty

Instagram Nasty


Instagram Nasty

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If you're told that you've ended up on Instagram's 'Nasty List', you'll likely want to know what the reason for this is. A 'Nasty List' sounds like a list of accounts that have done something wrong, so, especially if you're an avid user of the photo-sharing network, you'd be in a hurry to find out what's going on. Sadly, when people are in a hurry, they tend to overlook some rather important details. That's why the new Nasty List phishing scam works so well.
As you might have guessed already, there is no such thing as a Nasty List on Instagram. The concept was invented by cybercriminals who have been running a phishing campaign for the last few days. Here's how it works.
You log in to Instagram, and you find a direct message from one of your friends who tells you that they've seen your username on Instagram's "Nasty List". It's fair to say that the person who wrote the message has skipped a few grammar classes at school, which could tip some users off. Unfortunately, many people clicked through and ended up giving away their usernames and passwords which means that they either can't tell the difference between "you're" and "your", or they just don't care.
The message includes a link to another Instagram profile which can supposedly help you check out this mysterious Nasty List. The account in question doesn't seem particularly active, and from a grammatical standpoint, the profile description is just as woeful as the direct message. There is a link, however, which will supposedly lead you to the aforementioned Nasty List.
If you click on it, you will be presented with a login page that asks you for your Instagram username and password. The login form is identical to what the real Instagram will show you if you're trying to sign into your account. The only thing giving it away is the URL which clearly doesn't belong to the social network. Fail to spot it, and your login credentials are going straight to the crooks who will then use them to log in to your account and send direct messages about Nasty Lists to your friends.
The scam has already been covered by quite a few outlets, including some mainstream media, but despite this, Reddit users say that they're still receiving direct messages about the Nasty List. It's difficult to say how active the campaign is, but the way it's propagating means that if the crooks pick up the pace, it could spread like wildfire.
As you can see, the Nasty List scam is a textbook example of a well socially-engineered phishing expedition. Nevertheless, people who have already fallen victims probably feel a bit silly at the moment. They realize that they should have checked whether Instagram really has a nasty list, and they know that they should have been a bit more suspicious of the grammatical errors and the URL they clicked on. They have learned their lesson, but unfortunately, they learned it after they gave their login credentials away.
That's the root of the problem. If they knew this beforehand, the Nasty List attack would have been a lot less successful. The criminals bank on people's lack of awareness, and the strategy is paying off handsomely.
If you're going to stay safe on the internet, you need to have your wits about you. You must know, for example, what sort of mechanisms your favorite social networks use to penalize people who don't behave. Although these mechanisms can change, there is usually something to indicate that there are a few newly added features, which means that before you click on something you don't recognize, you should double-check with Google to make sure that it exists. Last but not least, you must know that things aren't always what they seem on the internet. Often, a pinch of proverbial salt could mean the difference between retaining full control of your accounts and holding the door open for the cybercriminals.

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What is Instagram? In case you've been frozen in ice for the last 40 years, or you don't keep up with the trends, Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service currently owned by Facebook. Kevin...
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With nearly 1 billion active users Instagram is one of the biggest and most popular social media on the planet. Since its inception by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010 and its acquisition by Facebook in 2012, it...
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There is always something going viral on Instagram, that's the beauty of this particular social sharing platform. Unfortunately, the latest Instagram craze is more viral than is healthy. The Nasty List is actually a login credential stealer.
The Nasty List phenomenon seems to have started earlier this week. It first came to my attention when a Reddit user asked if anyone else was having a problem with the Instagram Nasty List. "I logged onto Instagram yesterday and I had a dm from my sister. It said I was in some kind of Nasty List" the Reddit user by the name of molecularwolf explained , continuing "Well I had just woken up and I was kind of out of it so I clicked on it because I was curious. I then realized that it was probably a virus, but too late, I had already clicked."
The scam works by using compromised accounts to send messages to followers that express shock at them being on the Instagram Nasty List. You can find examples of Nasty List message formats at Bleeping Computer , but these usually start with something like "OMG your (sic) actually on here at number 38" or "WOW. Your (sic) on here!!! ranked 100." The messages all include a link to the full Nasty List and provide an explanation of why the user is on it. This lands at a convincing looking, but fake, Instagram login page.
If you fail to spot that the URL for the login page is incorrect, as is highly likely as you just want to see why you are on this list, then your login credentials will be scraped. Armed with your now compromised Instagram username and password, the hackers will use this account access to continue distributing the Nasty List messages. They will also, of course, have control of your Instagram account and all that brings with it! What the people behind the Nasty List plan to do with all these compromised Instagram accounts remains to be seen. However, I would be surprised if there isn't a botnet of some kind waiting to make good use of them by way of spamming campaigns or malware distribution.
What to do if you've already clicked on the Nasty List link
Your course of action to recover control of your account will depend on whether the hacker has already changed the email address and phone number associated with it. If they have not, then go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Password and follow the procedure to change your password. If the hackers have already changed your details then you will need to follow the Instagram process for regaining control of a hacked account. You can find full instructions for this here.
If you are not already using two-factor authentication (2FA) then I recommend you do this immediately. This is a very simple process that will work with apps such as Google Authenticator. Sure, it will add a few seconds to your login time when you use a different device to usual, but it will also prevent scams such as the Nasty List from being able to get control of your account. Full instructions for enabling Instagram 2FA can be found here .

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Instagram is trying to stop bullying and trolling on its platform by warning people before they post offensive comments.
The new A.I.-powered feature will detect potentially nasty content and ask the offending user if they still want to post it.
In a Monday blog post , Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri wrote that the new feature is aimed at deterring bullying, especially among teens. The social network has already used artificial intelligence to detect all kinds of harmful content in comments, photos, and videos, but the new warning aims to stop negativity before it gets posted.
“This intervention gives people a chance to reflect and undo their comment and prevents the recipient from receiving the harmful comment notification,” Mosseri wrote. “From early tests of this feature, we have found that it encourages some people to undo their comment and share something less hurtful once they have had a chance to reflect.”
Instagram also introduced what’s essentially a shadowban feature in the hopes of helping people who are being bullied. Users can now “Restrict” others, which means that person can still comment on your posts, but the comments will only be visible to them. Restricted users won’t be able to see if you’ve read their messages or see when you’re active on Instagram.
“We’ve heard from young people in our community that they’re reluctant to block, unfollow, or report their bully because it could escalate the situation, especially if they interact with their bully in real life,” Mosseri wrote. “Some of these actions also make it difficult for a target to keep track of their bully’s behavior.”
Bullying is a particular problem among younger people on Instagram. A 2017 study found that 17% of teens are bullied online , and the majority of that cyberbullying happens over Instagram. Mosseri himself acknowledged that it’s an ongoing problem, and that Instagram plans to take additional steps to crack down on bullying on its platform.
“We can do more to prevent bullying from happening on Instagram, and we can do more to empower the targets of bullying to stand up for themselves. Today we’re announcing one new feature in both areas,” Mosseri wrote. “These tools are grounded in a deep understanding of how people bully each other and how they respond to bullying on Instagram, but they’re only two steps on a longer path.”
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