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achieve victory or meet their Creator. 9/11 was neither the Amin. LETTER FROMTHE EDITOR. YAHYA IBRAHIM, EDITOR IN CHIEF . 7. Inspire | Al-Malahem Media | Fall 2011. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula | Issue 7 | 9/11 SPECIAL. TOM FRIEDMAN, The New York Times(Charlie Rose):. "Bin Ladin really messed us 7. If your opponent covers his right cheek, slap him on his left. Since. 9-11 the West has been stepping up defenses for its commercial aircrafts. The continuous .. printer. When the toner is pulled out the circuit is disconnected. When it is placed back the circuit is connected. The door of the printer cannot close unless the SHEIKH USAMA BIN LADEN. 4 Editor's Letter. Yahya Ibrahim. 8 Inspire Reactions. 10 Hear the World. 12 Mujahid's Notes. 14 Words of Wisdom. 43 A Simple . 7. 6 | INSPIRE #14 | Al-Malahem Media | 2015. Congratulations to you for these brave men who blew off the dust of disgrace and lit the torch of glory in the and 7/21 transatlantic plots, the Fort. Hood shooter, the Times Square attempted bomber, the underwear bomber and more) and his ongoing propaganda campaign thru DVD's. (which he sells), web postings and the online magazine "Inspire". Officials say they're paying close attention to the magazine which is written in est issue of Inspire condemns the lies within the American media, howev- er, you too confuse your reporting in writing that “Obama is deceiving in claiming that his war is a war against al Qaeda rather than Islam.” This is a lie from your own end. America has seven million Muslims who live in peace here with no conflict with INSPIRE. INTERVIEW. 32. 8. 64. Train Derail editor's letter. aDvice fOr. MarTyrDOM Seeker. rulingS On. lOne JihaD. iMMinenT ThreaT. SecuriTy fOr The .. was capable of targeting commercial ships with great ease. Other operations of this kind include the 7/7. Metro bombings in London. 2. Targeting the lines and 7 issue]. I am a follower of your efforts online and am impressed with all of the work you do for the sake of Allah. Like many others,. I have been following the news [Qasim]. This is the first time that I read your. (and our) "Inspire" magazine. This is something that we young Muslims need on a monthly basis. This magazine. al-Qa'idah in the Arabian Peninsula's al-Mala?im Media releases Inspire Magazine Issue #7 Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Inspire Magazine 7 (Ar) The magazine begins with a letter from the editor, Samir Khan, about the Shi'a in their midst, as well as a reprint of AQAP's statement following the car Inspire is an English language online magazine reported to be published by the organization al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The magazine is one of the many ways AQAP uses the Internet to reach its audience. Numerous international and domestic extremists motivated by radical interpretations of Islam have 3 Letter from the Editor. 3 Opinion: A repeat of the Hama debacle? Muhannad. 3 The Corner:Blended duality: Muslim and. American? bySamir Khan. 4 Hear the world. 8 News Flash. 6 Inspire Responses. 7 Questions we should be asking. 10 Jihadisphere. History & Strategy. 18 The Jihadi Experiences: The main arenas of

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