Insemination Fantasy

Insemination Fantasy


Insemination Fantasy
My boyfriend told me one of his fantasies which turned out to be really cute: he wants me to dress like a schoolgirl. I told him I would do it, but then he told me he also wants me to tell him my biggest fantasy. My biggest and only fantasy (that I´ve had since I can remember) is getting pregnant. I don´t mean having a belly and things that relate to motherhood. It means that I love the idea of a guy f****g me and cumming inside me without any kind of protection on either side. I love the idea of total intimacy, trust and the feeling of his come deep inside me. I have never done this in my life, in fact the only guy I slept with is my now boyfriend. I do not want to have a baby. Well, at least not now, I´m too young and we´re just not ready. Should I tell him my fantasy? What are the chances he gets freaked out? And, how can we do this without me getting pregnant? I´m not on the pill, we only use condoms and he pulls out...
Impregnation fantasy. Would guys be freaked out?
If you two are very trusting of each other, you can tell him your fantasy. It's not weird at all and makes perfect sense. It's a very natural urge. I'm sure it won't freak him out, considering you don't want to be pregnant. However, you can't do it without risk of pregnancy. Sure, you can take birth control, but there's still risk of you getting pregnant. Even if you got an IUD you could still technically get pregnant. I suggest you think hard about if you could deal with getting pregnant before you decide to act on anything. I say this because my mom became pregnant on the pill. Twice. Genetics may play a role. But anyway, I'd refrain from acting 100% on your fantasy and trying to find other ways to indulge yourself. You'll be happy later when you're not pregnant.
My fantasy was similar to this. Getting me pregnant wasn't exactly it, but cumming inside me was. Like you said, the intimacy, the feelings, etc. The thought just drove me crazy. I eventually told him. I'm on birth control though. Like the other said, get on the birth control pill, and don't mention getting pregnant ha ha tell him you want his to come inside of you.
You could do anal if you just want him to cum in you
I think if you tell him, you should reword it. Tell him your fantasy is to bareback. That you want him to have sex without a condom, or anything else, and you just want to feel him skin to skin and for him to come inside you. Keep it as simple as this. As to keep from getting pregnant, I would suggest getting on birth control. Get a doctor to prescribe you something, and take it exactly as directed. That should help. You still have a chance at getting pregnant, but it's significantly reduced, if you can keep taking it as directed. So yeah, feel free to tell him. Just don't call it "impregnation", because that's likely to freak him out, or at bare minimum, give him the wrong impression. Good luck.
I would put my girl on da pill and creampie da heck out of her if that's what she wants
I wouldn't be freaked out at all. Your fantasy is the same as mine and probably everybody else. I definitely don't want a baby right now but I can't help it, I have the urge and desire to come inside my girlfriend's vagina really bad lol. It takes a lot of effort to pull out and the sensation is reduced with a condom. I would love just to have sex and be able to come inside her, I think it would make me come way harder also. The risk she could get pregnant turns me on more too even though I'm not sure I want that. I think the safest time for bareback sex is probably when the woman is on her period assuming she can enjoy it that time of month. My current girlfriend is not down for period sex though : (
I'd be freaked out if you avoided taking the pill because obviously you'd get pregnant. As hot as this fantasy sounds there needs to be a safety net. Get on birth control. I'd personally be really into this impregnation fantasy.
Just take the pill or a Depo Provera shot if you really want to. Or you can wait two years until the male birth control pill comes out.
My brother fuck her so hard there birth control is going to get knocked out of her
How would your fantasy be workable in a safe way? I have ideas but I don't know what would be hot in your mind.
Get on the pill, fulfill your fantasy.
I'd freak out, unless I wanted a child myself.
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As for birth control, try perhaps Depo-Provera. That's what I'm on and its so much easier because I don't have to remember to take the pill. and your fine the day after you get it done. (totally agree with this guys answer and too lazy to write my own, so I'm hijacking it). This is a totally sexy fantasy, but I agree that it would scare me off if you worded it that way, much better saying bareback. Plus, with all the benefits of semen for women, it's totallly healthy too
I've had a couple girlfriends on Depo, and knew a few more who tried it. I would certainly not suggest it for longterm use. There can potentially be some nasty side-effects to Depo. I figure it should be pointed out.
And hope you won't end up like that girl who said she was on the pill and got pregnant anyways.

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Medically Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD on November 16, 2020
A breeding fetish is a strong attraction to the idea of getting -- or getting someone else -- pregna nt. Frequently, this fetish involves a person with a penis ejaculating into someone with a uterus, “breeding” them. People with a breeding fetish generally enjoy the “risky” feeling of potentially permanent consequences from a sexual act. They may also enjoy a feeling of power exchange, where one partner is “submitting” to the other. 
For some, breeding fetish may be more about role-play and fantasy, and partners engaging in it will use contraception. But for many, breeding fetish involves the exchange of body fluids, so partners risk getting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in addition to a potentially unwanted pregnancy.
A pregnancy fetish is an attraction to pregnant people. The fetish might include an appreciation for how bodies change during pregnancy.
On the other hand, a breeding fetish is focused on the act of impregnation. 
Fantasizing about your breeding fetish while masturbating is a common and safe way some people enjoy it on their own. When a breeding fetish with a partner is just about fantasy, it can also be safe. Breeding roleplay can range from talking about the fetish during sex to actively acting out a scene. When it is more than role-play, however, breeding fetish comes with significant risks. 
Most people engaging in breeding fetish are excited by the idea of pregnancy, but not what comes after. Unless you want to conceive and care for a child, a contraceptive plan is critical.
You should also be cautious about ST D s . Having any kind of sex without a barrier puts both you and any partners at risk of transmitting an STD. 
Nooky Box: “What’s The Difference? Kink vs. Fetishes.”
Sofia Gray: “What Is a Breeding Fetish?”
Vice: “Seeds of Love: When Risking Pregnancy Is Your Biggest Turn-On.”
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Impregnation Stories

18 plus will be posting stories when i feel like it and whatever i find hot may take suggestions.....


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Mar 14th, 2018

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While leaving the bar a woman bumps into a tall man she mumbles a sorry as she continues on compleatly destracted by the days events. Her long time boyfriend told her he wanted some more kink in the sexual part of the relationship hence why she was out at that bar, he had texted her 2 meet him there but never showed. So cought up she didnt hear the foot steps behind her, it was only as she passed old turnoff for a closed gas station that she kniticed she was being followed. Hands reach out and grab her pulling her 2 the side of the building.
Before she could see anything a rag was tied around her head. She fought as hard as she could almost breaking away a few time. For all her struggles he mannaged 2 pin her 2 the wall and somehow mannaged 2 get her panties down and her shirt up around her hips. It was then that she knoticed he had pulled his pants down and was alining himself up with her cunt. He thrusts into her hard rocking her into the wall with each thrust.
Time seemed 2 stop fot her as she felt him geting rougher knowing he was about 2 cum inside her.
“Please dont cum in me.” she pleaded “I’m not on birth controle.”
His only response was a deep groan and slaming into her harder. Finaly thrusting in till his entire langth was inside her then spilling his cum into her cunt.
Finaly he pulled out and turned her lifting the blindfold. She looked up smiling into her boyfriends eyes as he whispers. “Bet ur going 2 be a mother never came so hard in my life.”

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