Inputenc Latex

Inputenc Latex


Inputenc Latex
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The LaTeX kernel has selected \usepackage [utf8] { inputenc } by default since April 2018. As of 2020, you only need (and should only use) inputenc if you need to compile files in another encoding on a non-UTF-8 engine. Even there, it might be a good idea to use selinput, so that the file will still work if it gets converted to another encoding.
The inputenc package is how LaTeX knows what encoding is used. For instance, the following command explicitly says that the input file is UTF-8 (note the lack of a dash). \usepackage [utf8] { inputenc } Caution: use inputenc only with the pdfTeX engine (see TeX engines ). (The XeTeX and LuaTeX engines assume that the input file is UTF-8 encoded.)
The inputenc package makes the upper 8-bit characters active and assigns to all of them an error message. It then waits for the input encoding definitions to change this set-up. Similarly, whenever \inputencoding is encountered in a document, first the upper 8-bit characters are set back to produce an error and
inputenc - Accept different input encodings The package translates various standard and other input encodings into a ' LaTX internal language'. The internal language is expressed entirely in TX 's base encoding (standard ASCII printable characters, carriage control tokens and TX control sequences, the latter mostly defined by LaTX ).
We do not, by default, pre-declare math characters for inputenc (and most math characters would generate errors if used in text mode, if they were declared). So you could change the input to The remarkable double pulsar PSR J0737-3039A/B provides similar or if you really want to (mis-)use a minus sign here, add
The inputenc package: The inputenc package recognizes all characters that have an ascii code > 127 and hence is able to parse umlauts: \usepackage [option] { inputenc } The following options are available and have to be used depending on your operating system: latin1/latin9: Most Unix system and VMS. applemac/macce: Older Mac systems/current mac ...
Make sure this setting matches the inputenc option you use in your document.) Exercise 4: Using Special Characters Start a new file in TeXworks, and see if you can write the source code to create the output below. (Ignore any hyphenation that may appear below, LaTeX does that automatically where necessary, see §2.14. Hyphenation.
\usepackage [utf8x] { inputenc } I got it to work. Don't ask me why this works. Maybe one of the gurus can explain the difference. Although there are some other errors in your document that need fixing too. There's an extra \end {itemize} at the end of section 1.2.3, and a stray "}" after "vpréemption" in the "Ressources" subsection.
inputenc In current LaTeX release (2018 and later) You do not need to load inputenc as UTF-8 encoding, equivalent to \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} is preloaded into the format. The standard input encoding for Western Europe prior to the wide adoption of Unicode was ISO 8859-1 (commonly known by the standard's subtitle 'Latin-1').
Sep 19, 2020 (It's kinda funny, as inputenc is actually used to convert different character encodings (including unicode) into the internal latex format. But you clearly have an error.) Getting unicode characters in your text can happen when you are copy pasting code or text from another application into your latex file.
Is there any reason to use inputenc
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The basic LaTeX/TeX engine expects (or perhaps is meant to process) pure ASCII input. Whenever your file uses any other characters, the inputenc package comes to the rescue, specifying to the engine how to process the symbols you're typing.
So it's quite necessary, whenever you use unicode (non ASCII ) characters, to use the inputenc package, in order to have a meaningful output (or sometimes to make a successful run of (La)TeX)
The difference comes with the "naturally UTF8 compliant" engines, such as LuaTeX and XeTeX, which automatically interpret the input files as UTF8 and won't accept different input encodings: in that cases \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} can be omitted, since it does basically nothing (and is not used internally anyway)
To put it in other terms, the programs do not check whether the file characters comply to the ASCII standards, they simply interpret them to be as such.
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The package translates various standard and other input encodings
into a ‘ L a T e X internal language’. The internal language is
expressed entirely in T e X ’s base encoding (standard ASCII
printable characters, carriage control tokens and T e X control
sequences, the latter mostly defined by L a T e X ).

The package is part of the L a T e X distribution.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive

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T e X Live as latex MiKT e X as ltxbase

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TeX - LaTeX



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Note : This question turns out to be based on a mistaken premise, and the ‘aha!’ that may come from it, if you think you may have a similar problem, is that the pdftex in TeXLive 2018 handles UTF-8/Unicode characters differently (and better!) from the one in TeXLive 2017. I'm leaving it up, rather than deleting it, in case someone else enters a similar blind alley to me.
My system's configuration of inputenc appears to be missing some fallback setup, so that Unicode characters produce an error:
The character in the middle of the name, there, is a dash, U+2212. On one system, this works fine:
The first machine has (as you can see) TeXLive 2017, and has been used/tweaked/extended in normal use for a while (that is, it may be in a significantly but not drastically non-default state); the second is a freshly-downloaded TeXLive 2018 (both are macOS, but I'd be surprised if that's relevant).
I'm having difficulty seeing why this works on the first machine and not the second, and, separately, how to fix it.
The various related questions and answers ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) are generally concerned with specific characters, and the fixes suggested are to do with explicitly declaring characters, or using one or other alternative. I'm concerned with how it is that TeXLive 2017, or I (accidentally or deliberately), have apparently configured inputenc so that pdftex+inputenc works with this MWE, in a way that vanilla TeXLive 2018 doesn't.
A RedHat support question mentions updating the various map files that pdftex consults. This is clearly close to the answer, because I do notice that the first, working, system reads , and the second doesn't. My updmap.cfg looks broadly plausible, and kpsewhich produces /usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/ with plausible contents. I've run updmap-sys ; I haven't run the commands suggested in that RedHat thread, partly because I don't know what they do, partly because they seem specific to a particular font map, and partly because I'd like to make this a useful site question.
Things that I'm ruling out on immediate practical grounds:
Thus my question is: what do I do (or what have I done in the past ) to make this MWE work unchanged with pdflatex?
I'm aware this is a slightly naïve question, and I haven't done a huge amount of digging into fixing it myself, but (a) to some extent I treasure my ignorance of pdftex+inputenc (just use XeTeX!), and (b) I'm surprised that I can't find a question matching this on TeX.SE, and it might be useful for this to be that question. I'd be surprised if I'm the only person to have this problem, but googling is surprisingly little help, partly since most folk ask, and have answered, a more specific ‘why doesn't character X work?’ question.
You did not get an error in earlier latex as the character would be dropped but with no error in the terminal just a missing character line in the log.
In current releases UTF-8 is assumed and you would have had no error had the input used an en-dash U+2013 but it is using U+2212 which is a minus sign. We do not, by default, pre-declare math characters for inputenc (and most math characters would generate errors if used in text mode, if they were declared).
or if you really want to (mis-)use a minus sign here, add
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Some Latex editors (like WinEdt ) internally convert your umlauts to Lamport’s umlaut format, e.g. ä \"a
Now, if your editor is not doing it automatically (like Vim ), you basically have two possibilities
The inputenc package recognizes all characters that have an ascii code > 127 and hence is able to parse umlauts:
The following options are available and have to be used depending on your operating system:
Difference between latin1 and latin9:
The ISO latin9 character set replaces a few less commonly used characters with characters that gained importance recently. If you need the euro sign € or Caron (háček), which replace e.g. the broken vertical bar (¦) or encoded fractions.
Thanks for this. It was very useful.
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