Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.Тест - Купить / Скачать онлайн

Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.Тест - Купить / Скачать онлайн

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Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.Тест Синергия 2022г Сдано на 97баллов в 2022г.! Верно 29 из 30 Скриншот с отметкой прилагается к работе. Ответы выделены цветом. После покупки Вы получите файл с ответами на вопросы которые указаны ниже: 1. I wonder what street … in? do he live he lives does he live he living is he living 2.We ... so much time yesterday if everybody had come in time. would wasted will waste wouldn´t have wasted had wasted wasted 3. Our party has been fixed ... next Saturday. on for at to - 4. Why didn´t you mention the fact then? I... come and helped you. will - will have would would have 5. Do you agree that twenty-four hours isn’t … to do we all have to do. enough well bad quite quick 6. About half of economists are government economists business economists entrepreneurs 7. Business organizations may as firms or companies. consider be considered should put 8. The government all the main productive resources in command economies. rules owns is owned 9. World War II is known … the most cruel in history. is was being to was to be 10. What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? - I (to buy) a book. did ... bought, bought did ... buy, bought will... buy, will buy 11. If never … here. doesn’t snow snowing snowed didn’t snow snows 12. People goods and services. make are produced produce 13. This letter … immediately. are sent is sent must send must sent must be sent 14. You can wait … there. over to at on behind 15. If you get off at the next stop you’ll get to the University … . quick quicker more quick the quick quickerly 16. I … hardly recognize him when I saw him. couldn’t can can’t could is able 17. … an answer he wrote a letter again. Not receiving Not having received Didn’t received Doesn’t receiving Not being received 18. I didn’t know that your friend … for a holiday without you. goes will go has gone going would go 19. He sat in the hall … taking off his coat. with no on without for 20. Let’s go by air. It’s … . convenient much convenient convenientest much more convenient convenienter 21. How do opportunity costs affect both individuals and nations? a state must spend less money on education an individual has to give up something that gives him pleasure an individual or a nation has to sacrifice something for the choice made 22. Be reasonable and don’t go out … this rainy weather on in about for neither 23. After looking … all the magazines, he came across a very interesting article about England. before through behind on about 24. I asked him where he … . come from did come from came from does come from comes from 25. I am right, …? wasn’t I aren’t I weren’t I am I amn’t I 26. … our success depend on all these changes? Do Does Is Are Have 27. Managers can by level and by area. led by be classified classify 28. … of them told me to come. Somebody Any Nobody Anybody None 29. In this season there is only one way of getting there – … plane. on in – off by 30. The story … in several magazines lately. was published is published has been published were published have published

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