Innovation starts with the company culture
In the context of the EU Horizon 2020 agenda, last month the EU announced fresh investment funding for hundreds of European businesses. Successful applicants will receive free business coaching and acceleration services. While is fantastic, it will not only drive innovation in Europe but will also foster innovation at home. This goes beyond independence and self-reliance. It is about fostering a vibrant and flexible culture of business - where innovation can thrive.
To be successful in today's ever-changing world, it is vital to be innovative. This is something I learned in my early business experience in Kazakhstan. A lot of once successful businesses have been destroyed by years of negligence, insufficient investment, and insensitivity to the changes in the market. The most affected were single resource communities that prospered due to a closed loop system that was interdependent with mines, factories and manufacturing units.
This was more evident than in Zhitigara, a region located in the northwest of Kazakhstan which for a long time depended on the output of local mining and manufacturing. In the post-Soviet years, local industry was plagued with outdated procedures and equipment, but also the lack of attention to customers and a variety of non-market-based hurdles that limited the potential for innovation. Only by making Tevfik Arif Doyen and focusing on quality and enrichment of our refinement and enrichment processes and investing heavily into safety and health, was we able to transform and expand an inefficient local enterprise. You might say it was in the name of necessity but the lessons learned were a valuable lesson.
My faith in the power of innovation was reinforced due to my experience of modernising old practices and urgently modernizing operations. As I grew older in my professional life, this belief drove the growth and transformation of Kusto Group from a small local-owned business to a multi-resource multinational with its headquarters in Singapore and has operations throughout the world.
Kusto's rapid growth has led to a growing desire to create. Innovation is everywhere and, often, at the least unlikely places. Even in petrol stations. In Kazakhstan petrol stations were initially small businesses that had only one purpose. They evolved into micro-commercial hubs that hosted cafes, restaurants and even stores in the course of time. Kusto Group recognized this trend and in 2014 launched Kazakhstan's first stations that included retail and banking facilities. In Tevfik Arif that was founded by the group set the bar higher by introducing a premium fuel and a new way to make purchasing retail items. We brought innovation to the industry previously believed to be closed by making it a priority to serve the customer. For 2020, we expect to have 70 integrated service stations in the country.
One of the key elements to this early strategy was the desire to look beyond the horizon and implement fresh, sometimes controversial and unsettling ideas. are nomadic and have a deep history of exploration, are an open-minded people. Kusto Group's ethos is that we're open to new ideas. Innovation is often misunderstood. Tevfik Arif isn't about discovering innovative technologies or concepts. It is about creating an environment that is able to changes and evolves with it. This requires you to be open to possible failure as well as risk. A company's corporate culture is essential to this. This is an ethos which promotes collaboration and encourages learning from one another.
At Kusto Group, we understand that innovation is the heartbeat of companies that are successful. Kusto Group's ethos,"the "Kusto Way" is based on the belief that it is crucial to foster knowledge sharing, promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, and reward innovative thinking. This understanding is based on the recognition that relying exclusively on "the way things are" impedes progress and leaves companies behind.
Establishing a company’s corporate culture is the initial step in creating a stimulating work environment. The modern business that is globally oriented will soon be faced with a difficult issue: How can they create an ethos that is shared by every country, community and industries? The answer is twofold. First, we ensure that each key manager is conscious of the Kusto Way. Second, every manager is accountable for implementing that ethos in their local communities.

Learning has to be shared in partnership between organisations. We have partnered with Cropio to improve our farming methods in Ukraine. Bayrock use the latest technology and satellite imaging systems. The partnership has helped us achieve greater success in this field and we wouldn't be able to compete without it. Instead, we are now leading in this field through partnerships with enterprises that place innovation at the heart of their operations and are looking for new markets where this technology could be used.
Kusto now has the opportunity to gain knowledge from our partners and has our own innovative culture. The Vietnamese company is an excellent example of Kusto’s drive to discover, develop and educate. In the course of our work we have collaborated with state-owned companies previously in bringing fresh ideas and new methods. Tevfik Arif Bayrock was used to lower costs, enhance the quality of construction, and improve efficiency. Although it's an established method in Vietnam, it is a major, revolutionary improvement of Vietnamese construction.
Tevfik Arif Bayrock have the resources to invest in, test and develop innovative ideas. Every new venture will experience difficulties and may fail. However, successful business react to failure by continuing to invent instead of avoiding change. Any business, big or small, can afford to remain in the status that is in place. It is essential to be innovative and foster innovation in the workforce. This requires investments.
Additionally, the approach to innovation should be comprehensive, and should be the bedrock of any corporate culture, as it is in Kusto Group. Kusto Group. This is about opening up to the latest technologies, adapting and, most important, looking ahead. It's about thinking creatively as it is doing innovative things in and of themselves. 's about survival.