Inner and outer female beauty

Inner and outer female beauty

Many beauty product commercials promise to give you a smooth, radiant face all day long and away from acne. This makes the mindset of society that assesses women's beauty can only be seen from their physical beauty.

The female beauty in question has been oriented to how beautiful the eyebrows are or how blush the lipstick is. Many women then forget the many natural beauty tips that can be done and can exude a woman's beauty apart from her physical appearance. Because beauty is not only defined by beauty. There is a beautiful personality who also plays an important role in the definition of "beautiful woman".

Self-esteem or self-confidence is defined as an assessment, evaluation of all favorable, pleasant, or unhappy conditions that occur to him. Self-esteem is assessed as a necessity needed to meet achievement. A person with high self-esteem has the characteristics of assertiveness in problem solving in the problems at hand, is happy, and does not easily give up. A person with low self-esteem is characterized by being anxious, lacking self-confidence, and always feeling less about his own achievements.

A woman who is able to recognize herself, be it weaknesses or shortcomings, will find it easy to achieve her life achievements. Having self-esteem will easily recognize their condition and accept these conditions. Women will be separated from the frame into other people's “beautiful” versions and media advertisements. Being able to cover up his shortcomings due to his "less beautiful" face by accentuating his strengths, not caring about the judgments of others, only accepting and proud of himself.

Having a less beautiful face, not as beautiful as Gal Gadot or Lady Gaga, still accept the face as it is. If we reject what is already in us, then we make ourselves restless. This anxiety can be removed by looking back at what advantages we can give. For example, women are "not beautiful" but are good at cooking, socializing with the environment, and good at taking care of children.

A woman who thinks her face is "not beautiful" will not be less attractive forever. They have an advantage that can be overlooked if they strive to accept that behind their unreasonableness there is a million plus that can be radiated on their faces. Even though it has weaknesses, just accept it, give priority to the strengths you have, the advantages can cover your weaknesses. Gratitude reduces frustration with one's own shortcomings. All women have their own way of being beautiful.

A woman who is not confident and only focuses on how she can be "beautiful" has a bad impact on her. More often to think about the appearance of his face. The intensity of her life dwells on negative thoughts about her face. This results in wasted time thinking that she is "ugly and not beautiful."

Women become unproductive, hate themselves, because their days are spent thinking about body image.

"Smart is the new sexy"

Section is boxed with terms that contain elements of sexual and romanticism. Sexy here, is defined as the beauty of a woman in her character, who has self-confidence, honesty, talent, intelligence, and good behavior. A woman of good quality includes her wisdom, kindness to others, care and social status.

Women can have flaws in their faces. But still have intelligence, one of the most valuable assets that humans have. A woman with intelligence can radiate her speech, behavior and beauty. He is able to see his strengths and accept his weaknesses. Women will appear more confident after being able to accept anything from them.

Movement of Women Without Makeup #nomakeup

The women without makeup movement aims to erase the stigma that women are said to be “beautiful” because of makeup. For example, the NAA (Newspapper Association America) has campaigned for the women without makeup movement. The aim of the NAA is to create a movement for women without makeup so that women realize that they are beautiful, not with makeup alone. Beauty can be obtained by being smart.

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