SBS Inkigayo - Starpass Tutorial

SBS Inkigayo - Starpass Tutorial

@BTSVoteOrg (Telegram)
Image Credits: BTSVotingOrg (Twitter)

To vote for Inkigayo, you need to install Starpass in your device.

Google Playstore Link

If you have installed it, then open the app, and follow the steps given in the image!

How to create Account

NOTE: There's a limit of 1 account per device, so it isn't recommended to make multiple accounts. If you do want to create more accounts, then please make them on other devices.

How to collect Heart Jellies

There's two ways to earn Jellies, first by posting photo or youtube link:

You can send photos 2 times per day, while video links you can send once per day.

1 photo - 20 Jellies

1 video link - 10 Jellies

Total : 50 Jellies per day

The 2nd way is to watch ads or do missions:

You can watch 5 ads per hour, and each ad gives 10 Jellies. So you can earn 50 Jellies per hour.

Minumim Requirement

5 votes per person (1 vote = 100 Heart Jelly)

We need a total of 500 Heart Jellies for this voting. You can easily earn them by watching 5 ads every hour for 10 times.

Voting duration

This is a Live voting. Which means the voting will happen DURING BROADCAST. The voting might only be open for about a few hours, so PLEASE collect your 500 Jellies in advance.

Inkigayo broadcast starts at 3:50PM KST, this Sunday, so please be ready ARMYs!

Where to vote

SBS Inkigayo 1095th Live Vote

This is the correct voting. Please note, and DOUBLE CHECK BEFORE PUTTING YOUR VOTES ANYWHERE.

How to Vote

The 2nd pic in the middle and the pic on the right are taken from other votings for illustrative purposes. The voting will look similar when it opens.

Make sure the voting says: "SBS Inkigayo ___ Live Vote".

Scroll down and look for BTS.

When you do, tap on the coloured star on the right side of BTS. (Only available when the voting is open)

On the pop-up, tap on 'Use All'. Then tap on 'OK'. Now you have voted for BTS! (If your 5 votes aren't over, get to collecting more Jellies!)

For this voting, preparation is key. Without preparing in advance, there's no votes. I request you, PLEASE collect your 500 Jellies in advance.


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