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These Tattoos Would Make a Nun Swear
These Tattoos Would Make a Nun Swear
While there were plenty of beautiful and tasteful tattoos done in 2018, these are not them. These tattoos are rude, crude and down right dirty. They're for tattoo collectors with a sick sense of humor and we're totally on board. Take a look at some of the best (or worst) tattoos from the last year and let us know what you really think of this controversial ink in the comments section on Facebook.
Love her everyday, even during shark week.
You've gotta have your priorities straight.
Buffalo Bill looks totally cute as a Kewpie.
What do you think about these tattoos? Are you totally stunned? Share your thoughts, opinions and questions in the comments section on Facebook.

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9 Vagina Tattoos You Were Not Expecting (But Are Going To Love)
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By Rebecca Jane Stokes — Written on May 18, 2019
Madonna may no longer technically be a pop princess, but she is pop music royalty.
When she does something, it kicks off a major trend. And it's usually pretty shocking.
For instance, when she shares a photo of a vagina tattoo on Instagram (a Nike swoosh, as if to say "just do it") to get people psyched about taking down Trump.
(Technically it wasn't on a vagina, but rather on the pubic area just above a vulva (which are the external parts of a woman's genitals), but you catch my drift.)
Madonna has yet to confirm to that the tattoo — or is it a pubic hair design? — in question is on her own vulva, but would you put it past her to get a tattoo on her vagina? Let's be real here.
While it takes a super brave woman to get a vagina tattoo because of the pain associated with that part of your body during the tattoo process, I realize that I, like so many other women, pay a professional to wax the pubic hair off of my vulva once a month for mere aesthetics.
I mean, come on, a vagina tattoo can't feel that much worse, right?
After seeing Madonna's own (alleged) vagina tattoo, I went on a little internet adventure scoping out other pubic region tattoo ideas and designs that were out there waiting to be found.
I'll be real, some of them were a hot mess.
They did not make my cut, but if for laughs, you ever feel like seeing a vulva turned into Homer Simpson's mouth, you're only a Google search away! I can only hope that I found there is a temporary tattoo or Photoshop or something like that.
Here are 9 of my favorite vagina/vulva tattoos to give you lots of tattoo ideas.
(And some of these pubic tattoos are so pretty, they've actually got me thinking about going under the needle again, myself.)
There were a lot of kitten tattoos (*wink*) out there when I started researching, but this one really popped out. It's sweet, simple, and totally unique.
We can't take our eyes off this gorgeous design of vines and flowers that perfectly accentuate a woman's hips and draws your eyes down to the prize.
This vagina tattoo is perfect if you are trying to get someone who really loves art to also love performing cunnilingus on you.
Captivate them with this stunner and you're both in for a treat.
There are kitten tattoos and then there are full grown cat tattoos. This woman wasn't content to put a house cat on her vagina, she went for a wild cat, and it's pure perfection.
Sex with you takes people to the other side. Or something like that.
A pubic tattoo that proves gaming geeks can get vagina tattoos, too!
Origami swans ... because why not. And swans are also symbolic for grace, beauty, and love.
It's like they're standing guard of your lady cave. How cool is that?
This sweet treat represents your cute and fun nature — and the tasty treat nearby. *wink*
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cats, Batman and Margot, whose work focuses on relationships, pop culture and news. For more, check out her Tumblr .
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