


Overview of Injective - The First Layer-2 Decentralized Exchange Protocol

Описание проекта:
Injective is the first layer-2 decentralized exchange protocol that unlocks the full potential of decentralized derivatives and borderless DeFi. Thе protocol enables traders to create, enter into, and execute decentralized perpetual swap contracts on any arbitrary market.

Ключевые особенности:

Core features of Injective:
Fully Decentralized: the Injective Chain is a fully-decentralized sidechain relayer network which serves as a layer- 2 derivatives platform, trade execution coordinator(TEC), and decentralized orderbook. The core consensus is Tendermint- based.

Layer-2 Speed: the Injective Chain provides a two-way Ethereum peg-zone for Ether and ERC-20 tokens to be transferred to the Injective Chain as well as an EVM-compatible execution environment for DeFi applications. The peg-zone is based off Peggy and the EVM execution is based off Ethermint.

Orderbook model: Injective's Orderbook is a fully decentralized 0x-based orderbook enabling sidechain order relay with on - chain settlement - a decentralized implementation of the traditionally centralized off-chain order relay used by nearly all central limit order book decentralized exchanges.

Unlimited markets: Market creation is entirely open and permissionless. This enables anyone to create a market using only a price feed and deploy it the larger Injective ecosystem.

Zero Gas Fees: Injective is able to avoid both network congestion and the associated high gas fees.

Ключевые компоненты (+ картинка в разделе Architecture):

Injective Protocol is comprised of four principal components:

Injective Chain
Injective's smart contracts on Ethereum
Injective API nodes
Front-end interface

Картинка с новыми возможностями с помощью протокола:

New possibilities with Injective Protocol (картинка на главной сайта под заголовком "Trailblazing the new dawn of Decentralized Finance")

Логотипы партнеров: на главной сайта в разделе 'Our family'

Логотип проекта: на главной сайта в левом верхнем углу.

Что хотелось бы видеть: картинку в наших фирменных цветах, где будет представлена вся вышеперечисленная информация. Плашка с соцсетями обязательна. Размер 1200 на 628.

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