Injection Fetish Stories

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Injection Fetish Stories

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August 2013




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Medical fetish




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I met Kim on one of the internet medical sites some time ago and spent a lot of time talking about her medical fetish ideas. She was married and her husband had not interest in the medical play and she wanted to experience it but was worried about meeting someone she did not know. We exchanged emails for some time talking not only about her desires but about how to keep her safe. We finally worked out a meeting place so that neither of us would have to drive a real long distance since she lived in one state and I lived in another.
I arrived early and booked the motel room and set up all my equipment and then went out and put a slip of paper with the room number on it under the wiper on my vehicle and then went to the coffee shop to wait for her. We had exchanged description so we pretty well knew who to look for. We were going to meet in the coffee shop and then if she felt comfortable, I would go to the room and she would get the room number off my vehicle and come up if she wanted and if not she would just leave.
I watched as she walked to the table and I stood to meet her. We enjoyed a long conversation and finally I told her I was going to the room and where my vehicle was parked and hoped to see her shortly. I left and went to the room where I put on my white lab coat since she had a real problem with doctors wearing lab coats it seemed to cause her some sort of anxiety from it. I did not have to wait long as I had watched her take the slip and without hesitation walk to the room. I opened the door after her knock and invited her inside. I had displayed all of my equipment and I watched as she stopped to stare first at the equipment and then her eyes returned to look at me in the lab coat. I asked if she was okay with everything and she told me she was but that she felt like her blood pressure was sky high just from seeing me and the equipment.
She came in and I had her sit down where she would be looking at the equipment as we talked and I took out the file with the paper work she had filled out earlier describing exactly what type of exam she would receive and the code word she had picked. I always give the patient a code word to be used to stop the exam. If they say this word the exam will be stopped immediately. I have never had to use it but want to make sure they are comfortable. She once again agreed to everything spelled out in the exam forms and I told her it was time to start.
I started off by just taking her blood pressure and checking her throat, nose ears etc. I told her I was going to listen to her lungs and she soon had her white blouse unbuttoned showing me her rather large breasts in a lacy white bra. I listened to her heart and lungs and told her things sounded fine. I then walked over to the counter and picked up some equipment and returned. I explained that I wanted to take a blood sample which she had agreed to. She had told me earlier that she really did not like needles but wanted a very complete and detailed exam. She watched as I placed a tourniquet around her arm and wiped a vein and quickly had the needle inserted and soon had two tubes filled with blood. I applied a band aid and she smiled and told me I was good that I did not hurt her.
I then explained that I needed her to undress so I could do a more detailed exam and that she could use the bathroom. I watched as she stood expecting her to move to the bathroom to undress. She surprised me by removing her white blouse and then reaching behind her and unsnapping her bra. I watched as her nice firm breasts came in to view. I was pleased to see she had rather large nipples which seemed to be hard at the moment. She then unsnapped her jeans and kicked off her shoes and slipped her jeans down and stood in front of me with only her bright red thong underwear on. I told her she had a nice body for her age and the fact she had delivered two children. I could see some stretch marks but not a lot and she told me one of the births had been by c-section. She then bent over to slid her thong off giving me a nice view of her ass. She moved to the bed and I handed her a sheet to cover with which she sort of spread over her.
I moved over and told her I would do a breast exam first and quickly moved my hands over first her right then left breast checking for any lumps. I finished by rolling each nipple between my thumb and forefinger which caused her to arch her back off the bed and moan. I ask if I had hurt her and she told me no just pleasure. I then moved down to check her abdomen and legs and could not helped but notice her clean Shavian vaginal area. I then moved over to pick up some more equipment explaining that I was going to insert a urinary cath for a urine specimen. I placed a pad down and she moved her butt over on it and then I swabbed her vaginal area with betadine. I then changed gloves and sat on the stool and asked her to let her legs just fall apart as I picked up the cath and lubricated the end and the using one hand separated her vaginal lips and slowly moved the cath inside her until I felt the muscle resistance at the entrance to the bladder. I had her take some deep breaths and the I advanced the cath inside causing her to gasp as it moved inside and I saw urine start to flow. I asked if there was any pain and she explained it felt like she was going to have an orgasm when it went inside. I soon had the balloon inflated to hold it in place and a sample collected.
I then changed gloves again and told her I was going to do the vaginal exam. I soon had her positioned with her feet placed on the tops of my legs and her legs spread giving me complete access to her vagina. I moved the plastic speculum inside her vagina as I held the lips open and then rotated the speculum and slowly opened it exposing the cervix. The blades soon clicked in to place and I took the first of several swabs of the cervical area and finally closed the blades and removed the speculum. I asked if she was doing okay and she told my yes and as I looked I could see a sheen of sweat covering her body. I then explained I was going to continue the exam by inserting two fingers inside her. I stood and slowly inserted my two lubricated fingers deep inside her and felt her muscles tighten around them and as I started to move them she arched her back off the bed breathing rapidly and groaning loudly with an orgasm. I smiled as I continued to move my fingers around and was rewarded with at least two more loud groaning orgasms. I slowly removed my fingers and asked if she was alright. She smiled and told me to please continue. I then explained that I wanted her to move to her hands and knees for a rectal exam and watched as her naked body moved to comply. I then inserted a lubricated finger deep in her ass and was rewarded with another loud groan and with that I inserted a second finger slowly as she pushed back to accept it. I moved them around deep in her ass as she yelled and groaned thru several orgasms. I finally removed my fingers as she rolled over on to her back and told me she needed a short break.
I let her rest for a while in fact she fell asleep for about an hour and woke up with a smile and ask if there was any more.
During the break I had filled a large enema bag as well as fixed a bag of IV saline solution. I explained to her that I was going to run the bag of saline solution in to the urinary cath to expand her bladder very carefully. I was then going to give her a large volume enema and then insert a butt plug and then use a couple of my special toys to excite her. I hooked the saline line to the cath and soon had the solution running slowly in to her and after a while I could see her abdomen start to extend and finally shut this flow off. I then attached a set of electrodes from a tens unit to her nipples and handed her the control unit and explained how it worked. I instructed her to slowly turn it on and adjust it until it felt good for her. I watched as she adjusted the unit and her breathing increased as the tens unit went to work on her nipples. She was still adjusting the tens unit when I had her roll over on her hands and knees with her ass in the air. I then proceeded to insert the lubricated tip of the enema device slowly in her ass. The device I use is not a normal enema tip but rather a log plastic tube with a ball on the end to expand the canal as I move it forward and allows the fluid to flow better. Kim grunted as the ball slid in her ass and the as the fluid was released. I watched as her stomach became more distended from the additional fluid and she soon looked like she was pregnant. I removed the enema tube after all the fluid was drained in to her ass and quickly inserted a butt plug. Kim was now covered in sweat and breathing rapidly as she had found the right spot on the tens unit and I quickly picked up one of my vibrators and slid it deep inside her vagina. She lost no time in reaching a screaming climax and falling face down on the bed.
I let her recover for a while and ask how she was. She explained that it was the most mind numbing explosion she had ever felt. I used another vibrator to stroke her clit and soon had her moaning and groaning thru another climax. She then asked to use the bathroom to expel the enema. I unhooked the line to the cath but left the cath inserted and watched her waddle to the bathroom. Her stomach moved in waves from the liquid and she walked like she was several months pregnant.
Kim returned from expelling the enema and I then drained her bladder returning her stomach to its former flat style.
I then checked the file Kim had completed and explained that I was ready to inject the saline in her clit and labia and would do her nipples last if she still wanted it done. She told me that she knew it would be painful but the pain was another stimulus for her. I filled several small syringes with sterile saline and sat down between her legs. Her pussy was so wet and stretched from all the orgasms that I had no problem in finding a place to make the first injection. I watched as she turned up the control on the tens unit and when she looked back at me I inserted the needle in to her inner labia and started injecting the saline. I knew the solution would sting and was soon rewarded with a groan of pain from her as her labia expanded with the fluid. I soon had first one then the other filled with fluid as Kim moaned in pain and pleasure.
I picked up another syringe and moved my hand to her clit as she yelled thru a climax from my touch. I grasp her clit and pushed the needle in to the erect tissue. This time I knew it hurt because she yelled and tried to close her legs but I had blocked them with my arms. Her ass pushed down on the bed to escape the burning pain but I made sure she took the whole amount and soon her clit was erect and rock hard.
I stopped to fill some more syringes and ask if she wanted me to stop. She told me no was that she was experiencing the thrills she had been waiting for. I disconnected the tens unit and moved the pads to her now swollen and extended labia to give me access to her nipples. I watched her play with the control and her hips move off the bed as the machine went to work. I cleaned her nipples with alcohol swabs and soon had the needle pushed deep down in the left nipple. I pushed the plunger as her eyes shot open and she gasped in pain. I knew she would not want me to stop and soon had her nipple expanded to about three times its normal state. I pulled the needle out and soon had the other nipple distended to match. During this time Kim had moaned thru several orgasms and had her hand stroking her distended clit bucking her hips off the bed.
She finally calmed down and told me to finish the last part. I walked over and stepped in to a strap on dildo device which enabled me to slide my cock in her ass and the device in her vagina. I moved the electrodes back to her distended nipples as she moved back to her hands and knees. I soon had my cock in her ass and the dildo deep in her vagina and she pushed and humped until she could not stay up any more and I slowly slid out of her.
She slept again and then we talked and she told me that this had been the greatest exam she had ever experienced.
I never got a chance to do another exam as she moved away and I lost contact with her. Maybe if she reads this she will remember me.
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Re: Small bum..? -- iggy , Tuesday, July 05, 2022, 03:08: am

Re: Small bum..? -- DaInj, Tuesday, July 05, 2022, 09:50: am

Re: Small bum..? -- Deemz, Friday, July 08, 2022, 01:33: pm

Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 12:15: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Nick, Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 05:30: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Tim, Saturday, February 24, 2018, 03:18: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Cybergamer, Sunday, February 25, 2018, 03:24: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Will, Sunday, March 11, 2018, 08:15: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Wednesday, June 01, 2022, 06:33: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Dom, Wednesday, June 01, 2022, 06:51: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Thursday, June 02, 2022, 05:18: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Dom, Saturday, June 04, 2022, 05:10: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Sunday, June 05, 2022, 12:04: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Greg, Monday, June 06, 2022, 04:09: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 06:34: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Greg, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 03:25: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Friday, June 10, 2022, 06:35: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Greg, Friday, June 10, 2022, 03:03: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Dom, Sunday, June 05, 2022, 03:24: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Julie, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 08:48: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Arya , Thursday, July 07, 2022, 01:36: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Dom, Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 06:58: pm

Re: Am I ok ? -- Bart, Friday, June 10, 2022, 04:45: am

Re: Am I ok ? -- Mike2775, Saturday, June 11, 2022, 02:02: am

Re: How do nurses practise giving injections? -- BIll, Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 09:20: am

Re: How do nurses practise giving injections? -- KEVIN (SMITH), Wednesday, July 08, 2020, 11:26: am

Re: How do nurses practise giving injections? -- GN, Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 07:00: am

Thursday, November 03, 2011, 05:41: am

Re: injection fetish -- Stacey, Saturday, November 05, 2011, 03:47: am

Re: injection fetish -- John, Saturday, November 12, 2011, 02:11: am

Re: injection fetish -- ray (happy), Thursday, December 15, 2011, 10:13: am

Re: injection fetish -- tom , Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 06:46: pm

Re: injection fetish -- ray (happy), Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 03:41: pm

Re: injection fetish -- tom, Thursday, February 02, 2012, 06:04: pm

Re: injection fetish -- john (hey), Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 06:35: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Mike2775 , Thursday, February 02, 2012, 06:30: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Gaby (Femenine), Sunday, February 19, 2012, 11:33: pm

Re: injection fetish -- jimmy, Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 10:52: pm

Re: injection fetish -- John (joy full), Thursday, March 01, 2012, 03:54: am

Re: injection fetish -- john (needing a nurses attention), Wednesday, March 07, 2012, 06:54: am

Re: injection fetish -- Veronica, Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 01:05: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Ray (happy), Thursday, March 29, 2012, 05:35: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Veronica, Wednesday, April 04, 2012, 05:13: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Ray (happy), Thursday, April 05, 2012, 01:24: pm

Re: injection fetish -- John , Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 04:57: am

Re: injection fetish -- Nurse, Thursday, March 29, 2012, 06:02: pm

Re: injection fetish -- John, Wednesday, April 04, 2012, 10:13: am

Re: injection fetish -- pdeagle , Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 10:19: pm

Re: injection fetish -- dan , Monday, April 30, 2012, 02:05: pm

Re: injection fetish -- Pazientecomo12 (Injections), Friday, June 17, 2022, 12:17: am

Saturday, February 04, 2017, 04:22: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Sam, Saturday, February 04, 2017, 06:14: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Tim, Sunday, February 12, 2017, 09:27: pm

Re: most painful injections -- tom , Thursday, March 16, 2017, 08:01: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Coltonzg, Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 03:42: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Nick (post-injection soreness), Friday, February 10, 2017, 04:24: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Paul (Injections), Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 12:42: am

Re: most painful injections -- Coltonzg, Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 12:29: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Pazientecomo12 (Injections), Thursday, June 16, 2022, 12:51: am

Re: most painful injections -- Coltonzg, Thursday, June 16, 2022, 04:01: pm

Re: most painful injections -- Pazientecomo12 (Injections), Thursday, June 16, 2022, 01:10: am

Saturday, February 06, 2016, 04:57: pm

Re: lost site -- jean, Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 04:19: am

Re: lost site -- Pazientecomo12 (Buttinjection), Thursday, June 16, 2022, 04:58: am

Re: lost site -- manolis, Monday, April 25, 2016, 10:12:
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