Influence Marketing In Social Media: Is It All About Social Rank?

Influence Marketing In Social Media: Is It All About Social Rank?

You've heard everyone talking about how powerful social media is for marketing your business. How if you're not using it to market your business you're stuck in the 80's. So you go out and create a Face Book page, open a LinkedIn account, start tweeting on twitter, build a Blog and start looking at YouTube. Now what do you do?

Blogging - Two to three blog posts a week should be the minimum if you want to keep your blog from getting "dusty". Internet search engines like web sites that change and are always updated.

You can easily see when someone comes to your site and leaves a comment, or when your status is retweeted or commented on, but what are your followers doing the rest of the time? There are two solutions to this: 1. Ask them social media marketing or Use your Facebook and Twitter to see what they "like" or "tweet." When you're logged in to those accounts, and you're traveling the web and come across an interesting article, when you go down to "Like" it, it will automatically tell you if any of your followers or friends also "Liked" the same article or site. This can also give you a conversation starter when you're trying to engage with your customers or potential customers.

15.Don't over-automate. Don't set up an account on Facebook or Twitter but never login in and; participate there because you've automated all your post through or some other means. You want to spend time on the sites you are submitting content to and interact with others over there. Doing this helps boost your credibility and helps others get to know you.

social media is about micro-topical conversations, so consider how you can introduce internal offers or pages of your website into these conversations.

Imagine if you took a few hours out of a weekday to write a really killer piece of content. This is not a post that can be thrown together in five minutes using auto blogging software. I am talking about the kind of content that has the potential to go viral. Content that newspapers, magazines, and online communities go crazy for.

With a basic understanding of social media agency networks and the change marketing communication, it's time to setup a profile. Pick three main social media networks, for example, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Select a name that is available across all three platforms. During the setup process, fill out the profiles in complete and add the same picture to each.

Once your expanding tribe thinks you're important enough, so will Google. Meanwhile, your content must address whatever problems your Facebook Friends, Twitter Followers and all those folks you're LinkedIn with are having. They don't have plenty of MLM leads? Show them how to raise their MLM lead generation with good tools and education. They don't know how to tweet their links? Figure it out for yourself and then share it with them. Once people know and trust you, they will begin to pass your info on to their warm list. At that point, they will gladly hit the like button.

I'm trying to get more people to do this. At least for this week. We need to send a message to Arm and Hammer that people care about green products so they don't yank Essentials off the shelf. The best way to do this is to go out and buy it.

If things are a bit slow for you at the moment, have a good look at your marketing activities with all you quality listings. Revisit the listings and change your marketing approach. Freshen up your listings.

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