Inflatable Butt Plug Stories

Inflatable Butt Plug Stories


Inflatable Butt Plug Stories

Butt Plug Horror Stories (As Told By Really Embarrassed People)
By Rebecca Jane Stokes — Written on Feb 09, 2017
Butt plugs are hand's down one of the best sex toys around. 
If you haven't used one, let me just tell you, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. 
For men, butt plugs are a great way to explore the fast and sexy unknown (you know, the prostate) .
For women, butt plugs can heighten sensation during orgasms and make for a great tool if you're into being teased, and let's face it, we all love a little teasing now and then (and I refuse to hear otherwise.)
But if you're new to butt plugs they can be a little, well, scary.
Why's that? Well, because unlike your vagina, your butt isn't designed for stuff to go INSIDE. 
If you're playing around with butt plugs and you use the wrong tool, a butt plug can actually get LOST inside your body making for one of the world's most awkward ER visits. 
Also, a lot of people rush into using their butt plug. I don't mean they make the decision lightly, it's not that big I deal.
I mean they literally rush in, minus lube, and cause themselves a world of hurt. 
I think these sorts of fears keep people from exploring what can be a totally bomb sex experience. 
To that end, I rounded up stories of butt plug sex toy horror from my friends (who because they all have real jobs and parents have asked to remain anonymous). 
You should know that none of the people here QUIT using butt plugs because of a bad experience. Instead, they learned, moved on, and got better at embracing the butt plug! 
And here's a bonus story. It's not about a butt plug, but it's definitely about a butt!
"My story isn't really about a plastic or even glass butt plug. It's about my ex-husband's real penis tho!! Lol. We were in his parents' camper and long story short, he took my ass virginity. The hilarious thing about it is that as he pulled out, I couldn't stop farting! Yes, I had uncontrollable gas!! What I thought would be an embarrassing moment turned out to be extremely hilarious to BOTH of us!"
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Your Girlfriend's Plaything
Your girlfriend decides that you'd make a better plaything than a boyfriend. Is it a dream come true or a living nightmare? You decide.


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“Hmmm.” Olivia ponders as she reaches into one of the bags. She shuffles through it for a moment before pulling something out. You scoot over to the edge of the bed in hopes of seeing what she is grabbing, “Well, since I’m opening up, I guess you should too.” You recognize the smile on her face, it’s one she makes when she thinks she’s made a really cleaver joke. You don’t get it, but have a feeling you will eventually.
Olivia walks over to you, her hands behind her back.
“You really want to know what I picked, don’t you?” She leans in close to you, you can feel her breath on your face. She takes her free hand and places it on your caged cock. “Now that this little guy’s out of commission, I bet you’re just dying to get off in new ways.” She lifts her hand off of you, the cage shakes as your cock twitches inside. “Oooh! You really are excited!” She says gleefully. “Put your head down on the bed and your ass up in the air.”
You really must be excited, because without even a second thought you roll over raising your ass up towards her.
“You’re eager, I like it.” Olivia says, you soon feel her slap your ass. “Since I’m not going to always be able to use my natural lube, I got plenty of store bought.” You soon hear a squirting sound, like something being squeezed out of a tube. Olivia presses two fingers over the entrance of your ass hole, they’re cold and slick and slide in without any trouble. A surprising light moan escapes your lips.
“Loving it all ready, are we?” Olivia asks rotating her fingers in a circular motion. “This is just the prep.” She slides her fingers back out but you're not left empty for long as you soon feel something else press against your hole. With some light pressure it pops right in. It’s definitely noticeable, but doesn’t feel to be that large of an object.
“Okay, you can sit back down, but you’re going to want to do it slowly.” Olivia says as she puts her hand on your side gently leading you back around into a seated position. You’re a bit confused, but follow her directions. You are once again seated back at the edge of the bed. Your ass clenches around the object inside causing shivers to go up your spine.
“I bet that feels good.” Olivia says as she moves your legs apart a bit. “It’s going to get even better.” As your legs separate, you notice something strange. It’s a long, black tube. The one end seems to disappear underneath you, you follow the other end to Olivia’s hand, where she holds a small balloon like object. With a mischievous grin, Olivia gives the object in her hand a squeeze. Your eyes widen as the object inside of you starts to expand. This causes Olivia to laugh.
“I thought this one would be a nice surprise.” She says, waving the thing in her hand. “That’s a inflatable butt plug inside of you, all I have to do is give this little pump a squeeze and it grows.” She squeezes the pump again, causing you to stretch even more. “And you can’t even imagine how big it can get.”
You start to panic slightly, You already feel filled by the plug, you can’t see there being much more room for it to grow.
“I think this might be big enough.” You say as you shift your body a little. Moving with it inside you is another strange yet somewhat enjoyable sensation.
“Oh this is nothing.” Olivia says. “It’s barely bigger than my dildo.” She gives the pump another squeeze and you shudder from the feeling. “Your ass can take way more than you’d think, but you’ll find that out soon enough.” You wriggle around a bit, beginning to actually enjoy the sensation.
“I knew you’d like it.” Olivia says
“Is that... why... you got… the toys?” You ask, struggling to get the words out, as even the slight movements from talking cause the plug to move.
“Pretty much.” She says as she squeezes the pump. You feel yourself stretching around it even more, your not sure you can handle it getting any bigger.
“What I really wanted, was to show you how good being filled feels.” She says. You breath deep, trying your best to move as little as possible.
“For years, I’ve wanted to feel filled.” She says before pointing at your caged cock. “And your little guy doesn’t really do it for me.” You’d be insulted, but you’re currently focused more on the feeling in your ass than the words she’s saying.
“My dildo normally does the trick, but lately, I’ve been wanting something more real.” She says as she begins to mindlessly tousle your cage between her fingers.
“Like what?” You ask, doing your best to focus on the conversation.
“Like I want a real, big dick to fuck me.” She says bluntly. “I figured now that you have plenty of things to fuck you, you wouldn’t mind if I got something for me, or I guess I should say someone.”
You are about to respond, but Olivia gives the pump another squeeze. The feeling is so intense, it causes you to collapse onto your side.
You can’t believe she’s asking you this, but at the same time, you also can’t believe you’re currently toppled over from the intense feeling of having your asshole spread open.
“It’s your call babe, will you let me play too?”

No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

Your girlfriend decides that you'd make a better plaything than a boyfriend. Is it a dream come true or a living nightmare? You decide.
Additions are more than welcome, please add!

Updated on Jun 30, 2022
by namenotfound

Created on Feb 14, 2021
by namenotfound

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plugs are great and all, but have you ever had a time where the experience was just no bueno? popping out, accidents, had to take it out when you didn't want to, etc...
D: Inserted one a couple weeks ago before sex with my boyfriend, started having sex, felt a strange sensation. It had gotten pushed into my butt somehow. Then I spent 20 minutes trying to get it out in various ways. I ended up with two fingers in my vagina gently palpating and a finger in my ass because the plug had gotten lodged at an angle.
Not necessarily a nightmare, but the first time I tried to have sex with a plug in, it just popped right out.
So I went up to the next size. And the same thing happened.
So I went up ANOTHER size. Same thing.
Now, I can walk around, go out, run errands with the biggest one in with no threat of it sliding out. But as soon as I start fucking, well, it just plops right out.
I was driving from one city to another, a little over one hour away on the thruway. It was probably a few months after getting my first plug. I loved the thought of being teased the whole way, so I slid it in and was on my way.
After a bit, it started getting a little uncomfortable, and then more so. I didn't want to pull over, so found the most comfortable position and drove on. I started pushing my luck with the gas level, and (for the only time) ran out about half a mile my exit. Luckily, I was also directly across from a rest stop servicing the opposite direction.
When I stood up to get out of the car, the plug got really uncomfortable. I had to frogger my way across four lanes of 75 mph traffic and climb a metal guard rail, bent over with intense stomach pain. The first thing I did was run to the skeevy-ass gas station restroom to take the plug out, and then I was hit with either tossing it out, or trying to figure out how to sneak it back to my car under my clothes (went with option two).
Wasn't an overall horrible experience, but probably the worst. I finally got rid of that plug a few months ago.
Not a plug, but it was when I was first starting to test boundaries with anal and was using my bullet vibrator in the tub. It was the day of my flight to go home and as luck would have it, the vibrator got out of my hands and worked its way in. I tried grabbing it to get it out and it just worked up a bit higher, still vibrating of course. After a few minutes all these scenarios of having to go to the hospital, missing my flight, not making it through the metal detector, etc was going through my head. Finally I got the bright idea to try and push it out or at least keep it from going any higher with fingers in vag. Thankfully that worked and fun time was over.
Plugs are built good, I've never been greedy enough to let my ass swallow an entire toy

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