Infj Male And Enfp Female

Infj Male And Enfp Female


Why is an ENFP female the best match for an INFJ male?
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Answered 3 years ago · Author has 168 answers and 334.5K answer views
First of all, I'm gonna say that it works either way- ENFPs in general will be pretty compatible with INFJs, with any gender combination. Also, this is all pretty theoretical and of course, there are many outliers. This is simply a theoretical match-up that in my experience, has worked almost every time, but others may see it differently.
ENFPs and INFJs are supposedly compatible due to their specific similarities and differences of their cognitive function stack- namely, they have the same process stack, but they are oriented differently. Basically, ENFPs have Ne-Fi-Te-Si, whereas INFJs have N
First of all, I'm gonna say that it works either way- ENFPs in general will be pretty compatible with INFJs, with any gender combination. Also, this is all pretty theoretical and of course, there are many outliers. This is simply a theoretical match-up that in my experience, has worked almost every time, but others may see it differently.
ENFPs and INFJs are supposedly compatible due to their specific similarities and differences of their cognitive function stack- namely, they have the same process stack, but they are oriented differently. Basically, ENFPs have Ne-Fi-Te-Si, whereas INFJs have Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. What this generally results in is INFJs and ENFPs having very different thought patterns, but ending up in the same conclusion. This works in many ways: intellectually, emotionally, and mentally they cover each other's blind spots.
For example, when my INFJ friend and I work together in English, I work on the examples or themes/motifs and she works on the “thesis” (what I call the basic premise) of our project. This uses my Ne where her Ni can be iffy, and it uses her Ni where my Ne might not be able to focus on a single view.
Emotionally and relationship-wise, it works because in many ways, they are almost negatives of each other, even though they are both NFs. ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts, while INFJs are the most extroverted introverts. We are both charismatic, but ENFPs focus on their strict morals and passion for an idea to rile a crowd, while INFJs use their vision for the future and their instinctive knowledge of how people work to rile people up. Both are insightful people-wise, but where ENFPs tend to use that in somewhat less lofty goals when they're younger (for example, my rampant manipulation of others) whereas INFJs have a much lesser effect of such in their childhood.
All in all, they're similar enough in behavior and abilities that they enjoy spending time together and work well together, and they're different enough that it's fun to talk and explore each other’s differences and we work effectively and efficiently.
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From the point of view of a female ENFP, how does the romantic relationship between a male INFJ and a female ENFP usually flow?
Do INFJs and ENFPs do well in romantic relationships? How common are arguments? What are some positives and negatives?
Updated 2 years ago · Author has 504 answers and 2.4M answer views
Well, ENFPs are actually one of the best types for INFJs but ENTPs are also a great match. ENFP females and INFJ males are very similar in their core personality since they are both intuitive feelers. These personality types thrive on experiencing deep human connection, being compassionate, and trying to make a difference in the world. They are humanitarian and idealistic in their broad overview of what they think the world should be like. They are both unconventional daydreamers and visionaries who have far-sighted vision.
ENFPs and INFJs are like magnets because they fit the-opposites-attract
Well, ENFPs are actually one of the best types for INFJs but ENTPs are also a great match. ENFP females and INFJ males are very similar in their core personality since they are both intuitive feelers. These personality types thrive on experiencing deep human connection, being compassionate, and trying to make a difference in the world. They are humanitarian and idealistic in their broad overview of what they think the world should be like. They are both unconventional daydreamers and visionaries who have far-sighted vision.
ENFPs and INFJs are like magnets because they fit the-opposites-attract description, while also have several similarities. They share zero cognitive functions, but they are both dominant and inferior perceivers and auxillary and tertiary Judgers. The ENFP extroverts what they INFJ introverts and the latter does the direct opposite. They are both dominant intuitives, auxillary feelers, tertiary thinkers, and inferior sensors. They are both abstract and big picture analysts with pure wit, heart, compassion, and Intelligence.
These types are also highly compatiable because of their perceiving versus judging difference. The ENFP is admittedly more spontaneous, open-minded, and laid-back, so they can help the INFJ to be more flexible. On the other hand, the INFJ is structured, goal-oriented, and determined, so they can help the ENFP to be more organized.
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Answered 1 year ago · Author has 464 answers and 2.7M answer views
I’ll agree that ENFP - INFJ is a great match, statistically. But everyone is different, and it depends on the individuals’ preferences, maturity levels, and commitment to understanding and appreciating each other’s differences.
On Boo, we also recommend ENTPs and ENFJs for INFJs. I can go into the experiences of what each would be like.
As an INFJ, you're a strong idealist at heart. You're principled, a beautiful communicator, and altruistic. But at your worst, you can be overly sensitive, perfectionistic, and too idealistic. You’ll want someone who sees the world as you do and loves you for you
I’ll agree that ENFP - INFJ is a great match, statistically. But everyone is different, and it depends on the individuals’ preferences, maturity levels, and commitment to understanding and appreciating each other’s differences.
On Boo, we also recommend ENTPs and ENFJs for INFJs. I can go into the experiences of what each would be like.
As an INFJ, you're a strong idealist at heart. You're principled, a beautiful communicator, and altruistic. But at your worst, you can be overly sensitive, perfectionistic, and too idealistic. You’ll want someone who sees the world as you do and loves you for your best, but also understands and forgives you at your worst, and would have it no other way.
Well, I don’t know why because I find the question rather ridiculous (no offense).
If you mean ‘the best match’ as ‘the most compatible’, then I will tell you that no MBTI type from any gender is the best for another MBTI type from any gender. It’s merely theory anyway if an ENFP female suits an INFJ male or if an ISTP female suits an ESTJ male the best, etc.
In my point of view, MBTI matching is stupid in the first place. MBTI is only a personality assessment that is not always 100% accurate due to a lot of other factors - it’s never made to decide whether a match is compatible or not. Whether
Well, I don’t know why because I find the question rather ridiculous (no offense).
If you mean ‘the best match’ as ‘the most compatible’, then I will tell you that no MBTI type from any gender is the best for another MBTI type from any gender. It’s merely theory anyway if an ENFP female suits an INFJ male or if an ISTP female suits an ESTJ male the best, etc.
In my point of view, MBTI matching is stupid in the first place. MBTI is only a personality assessment that is not always 100% accurate due to a lot of other factors - it’s never made to decide whether a match is compatible or not. Whether a couple of any MBTI type can be compatible, that depends on mutual understanding and whether the couple wants to make the relationship work.
I notice some people in MBTI in community often have their preferences over some MBTI type but in the end, it doesn’t matter.
So, my answer to this question is that
I don’t know why and will never know why.
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Answered 3 years ago · Author has 2.3K answers and 6.5M answer views
I'm not sure it necessarily is - maybe on paper - but in reality you need a pretty mature ENFP to stop them driving an INFJ nuts in my experience.
ENFPs are not known for their carefully considered decision making, respect of social boundaries or shying from crowds (or any form of attention) - this can really annoy mature, socially cautious, very private INFJs - a difficult thing in a long-term relationship unless the ENFP is willing to take harsh feedback and change - again difficult area.
Don't get me wrong - love ENFPs to bits, and INFJs - I just don't see them as an ideal match from the ones I know.
Do INFJs and ENFPs do well in romantic relationships? How common are arguments? What are some positives and negatives?
As friends you cannot beat having an infj in your life however I'm not sure romantically it would last.
The Cons: The infj can be pretty judgy & its hard for ENFPs to be with someone when they feel like they're a project or that the parts of themselves that they value & make up who they are aren't appreciated. When an enfp is in a romantic relationship they want to be able to share their souls with that person, they want to be their quirky, weird, soft, authentic selves with someone and to be accepted…I'm not quite sure INFJ's can truly accept ENFPs on that level. I've only truly found one type
As friends you cannot beat having an infj in your life however I'm not sure romantically it would last.
The Cons: The infj can be pretty judgy & its hard for ENFPs to be with someone when they feel like they're a project or that the parts of themselves that they value & make up who they are aren't appreciated. When an enfp is in a romantic relationship they want to be able to share their souls with that person, they want to be their quirky, weird, soft, authentic selves with someone and to be accepted…I'm not quite sure INFJ's can truly accept ENFPs on that level. I've only truly found one type that can & those are INTJs. INTJs seem amused by our authentic selves & with our shared fi it seems like when they truly like us, as we are & they don't care anybody else's opinion of it. When an INTJ loves you it never feels conditional. You can be the ugliest person in the world but if an intj chooses you as their person they really don't give a sh*t what anyone else thinks. Not that infjs are superficial, its just that intjs seem to value the inner beauty more where, or at least in my experience with my infj friends, infjs seem to place more importance on the outer beauty of their significant others before choosing to be in a relationship. ENFPS are the same way as intjs when it comes to loving someone. With infjs, there's that fe function that can clash pretty bad with our fi. That Fe is concerned with how they come across to everyone else, maintaining harmony at all costs… to fi users that comes off as inauthentic. Sometimes things can't be harmonious, & when they aren't are they going to be there then? When you laugh too loud or go on zany rants or say something random in public are they going to be able to take you as you are & love those pieces of you or are they going to point out your quirks as flaws? Also Infjs tend to (perhaps bc with their intuition as developed as it is they rarely ever are wrong) have a problem with acknowledging when they're wrong in the moment & shutting down the other party when they try to explain their points of view. This can be incredibly frustrating for ENFPs bc it leaves them feeling misunderstood, unvalued, dismissed & discarded. Like if we don't fit into their mold of what they consider right we're not worth their time or energy. We are disposable when not convenient & for ENFPs once we truly give ourselves to someone in a relationship they are Damn near impossible to be considered disposable regardless of how inconvient they may be at a given time. Its that Damn fi, we can't simply shut people out as easily.
The positives: If an infj does love you they are open to talking about their feelings. They are very interesting. Infjs make great friends. Conversation is great, they have beautiful minds, easy to have fun with & usually quite kind & make for nice companions. All this is good, especially on a platonic level but in relationships you have to truly take people as they are & if you find yourself with an infj willing to do that, you are very lucky bc they are phenomenal people & there is a natural connection between our types that tend to bring us together.
Answered 8 months ago · Author has 1.9K answers and 1.1M answer views
How do you know if an ENFP is in love with you? What are the stages of friendship that lead up to love?
When an ENFP is in love with you they will seek your attention and be totally at peace in your presence. ENFPs seek a calming presence in their lives. When they can just chill with you without having to overthink or entertain you will most certainly find your way into their heart. They won’t need that validation because they will feel that safe place is with you. You will know when they always look to you first for support. When they are happy to simply be with you or near you. It doesn’t matter where you are. Quite honestly they don’t even need to be in your physical presence but it could jus
When an ENFP is in love with you they will seek your attention and be totally at peace in your presence. ENFPs seek a calming presence in their lives. When they can just chill with you without having to overthink or entertain you will most certainly find your way into their heart. They won’t need that validation because they will feel that safe place is with you. You will know when they always look to you first for support. When they are happy to simply be with you or near you. It doesn’t matter where you are. Quite honestly they don’t even need to be in your physical presence but it could just be playful texting or phone calls. ENFPs will let you know they are in love with you maybe not directly with words initially but you will feel deeply loved like you have never felt before. Friendship is paramount for an ENFP because that is the foundation in their eyes. When the physical aspect is not involved it is the closeness of souls that happens first. Communication is key and without the friendship the relationship will eventually come to an end. It doesn’t need to be long laborious conversations but more just getting to know one another on deeper levels. We thrive in those waters and want you to ask the same of us. Once the trust and safe place is established they will feel free to move to the next step in the relationship. I can’t stress enough how much being able to have amazing conversations is really what we seek the most. For you to accept us as we are and exchange ideas. Of course a little sarcastic and playful humor is encouraged. We love to play with words and it is how we ultimately fall in love with you. We don’t simply fall for a handsome or pretty face that is full charisma . That may peak our interest initially but will never be the one we want ultimately in our lives. Give us the one that challenges us with information with a witty sense of humor every time. That is the one we will fall in love with because there will always be something new to learn.
From the point of view of a female ENFP, how does the romantic relationship between a male INFJ and a female ENFP usually flow?
Female ENFP here, very happily married to my INFJ guy. We met in Bible college and hit it off instantly, on all relationship areas. 3 years and 2 kids later and we're still crazy in love, haha. He is the Captain von Trapp to my Maria, the Professor Bhaer to my Jo March, and the Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth Bennet.
If life is a picture, my INFJ husband is the black outlines and the blank white page, while I am the colors. He provides the foundation and boundaries, keeping me sane, practical, and grounded. Or, more honestly, reminding me to attempt to be that way when I get too caught up in my own i
Female ENFP here, very happily married to my INFJ guy. We met in Bible college and hit it off instantly, on all relationship areas. 3 years and 2 kids later and we're still crazy in love, haha. He is the Captain von Trapp to my Maria, the Professor Bhaer to my Jo March, and the Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth Bennet.
If life is a picture, my INFJ husband is the black outlines and the blank white page, while I am the colors. He provides the foundation and boundaries, keeping me sane, practical, and grounded. Or, more honestly, reminding me to attempt to be that way when I get too caught up in my own imagination. I have a tendency towards child-like behavior, often acting without thinking and basing 98% of my decisions on feelings rather than facts. This does lend a mentor-pupil dynamic to the relationship that some might misinterpret as Daddy-daughter, but I highly value and respect him as my teacher. He is ALWAYS right, ALWAYS knows what I'm thinking before I even do, and ALWAYS forgiving of the blunders when I think I know better, because he knows it's done in love. He's like the guidelines and guardrails on my road of life: I can go as far as I want for as long as I want in any direction I want, but he keeps me from hurting myself and others. As an ENFP, it's terribly easy for me to get caught up in daydreams, visions, and imaginations, but when my own mind becomes a maze my husband is always there to reach in and pull me out.
It isn't all sunshine and rainbows, much as I'd like it to be. We both are “all-in" people, so it hurts more when the gambles don't pan out. Also, one cannot be a sensitive soul who wears their heart on their sleeve and be happy with an INFJ. My husband just has that vicious, darkly true sense of humor. Took alot of getting used to. Also, a female ENFP with a male INFJ has the man of
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