Indoor Pest Control - How to go About It?

Indoor Pest Control - How to go About It?

Every single one of us has encountered an unwanted insect or animal in our home. They cause damage and discomfort and are a nuisance. Pest control products can be used to rid yourself of these unwanted guests, but if you really want to be sure they're gone for good, it can be a good idea to hire a termite and pest control professional.

Common Indoor Pests

To be successful at home pest control you will first need to properly identify the pest with which you are trying to deal. Not all treatments are successful but if you know what you are dealing with you will usually be able to find something that will work. Examples of common indoor pests include:


Bedbugs are small insects that are usually found in bedding, mattresses and also in rugs and carpets. These creatures can bite and must be treated by a Brisbane Pest Control professional to guarantee safe indoor pest control. Prevention involves regular washing of bedding in hot, soapy water.


Hard and soft ticks can be introduced into the home on pets or humans. The creatures live in trees and shrubs and are heat-sensing, dropping onto likely hosts from which they such blood as food. Ticks must be removed carefully or the insect's head will remain in the wound and become infected. Suffocation methods work best, for instance an application of a petroleum jelly or hair spray. Another removal method is to hold a lighted cigarette near the insect. Prevention involves spraying the exterior areas of the home and keeping pets well groomed.

Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets

Wasps, hornets and also yellow jackets should be treated with the utmost care. Many people are allergic to the stings of these insects. If you are allergic you will want to contact a professional pest control service to remove the next, otherwise the key to safe removal is keeping your distance. Buy a pesticide product that features a jet spray. These canned sprays, available even in grocery stores, will let you stand at a safe distance while you coat the nest with thick insecticide foam.

Millipedes and Centipedes

Millipedes and centipedes usually live under dead leaves and in mulch but can enter your home in the spring or after a heavy rainfall. These creatures can bite and leave a horrible smell in the home when they die. If you encounter a few of them in your home you can be sure that there will be a larger group around somewhere. Normally putting a powder insecticide around the foundation of the home will control both millipedes and centipedes.

How do Pests Cause Damage?

Even if you have the right pest control equipment pests can still cause damage if you don't manage to get rid of them completely. Pests can cause damage to you and to your home in the following ways:

Pests can attack you and bite you and your pets. Some pests can even spread diseases or cause allergic reactions.

Pests can spread bacteria and possibly make you ill or trigger allergies. Sometimes allergy pills or other types or treatment can help but the most effective treatment is to get rid of pests.

Some pests can chew away at the foundations of your home or eat their way into wooden parts of the structure.

Steps to Go About Pest Control

Pest control safety can only be achieved if you make sure that you know how to approach this process. If you are unsure about what it is that you need to do to get rid of your pest get information from a professional pest control service. Basic steps for pest control include:

Identify the insect with which you are dealing. The best way is to search online. Sometimes you see signs of pests but not the "critters" themselves.

Ask for advice in shops where pest control supplies are sold and ask for advice on how to combat the specific pest with which you are dealing.

Buy the right pest control equipment if you can deal with the pest yourself.

How do you choose a Pesticide Product?

If you are dealing with an indoor pest make sure to only buy pesticides labeled for home use. If you don't take this precaution in selecting pest control products you could harm your own health and that of your pets.

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