Indian Penis

Indian Penis


Перевести · The spiny tree from India it has been used for medicinal uses for long penis and also strong penis. The spiny flower tree from india. The spiny tree from India it …
Перевести · 22.10.2017 · Average penis size for a 16 year old in India. For a 16 years old boy penis size should be any thing between 2.5 inches to 3.5 inches in length in india. Average penis size for a 18 year old in India. For a 18 years old indian boy penis size should be any thing between 2.7 inches to 3.6 inches in length in india.
Перевести · 22.11.2012 · According to Lynn’s study, Negroids, whose average penis length is 6.3 inches, trace their lineage to those groups that continued to …
Перевести · The penis size in India varies slightly from other regions of Asian Continent. These are the most possible correct estimates for Indian penis size. Length …
Перевести · 16.11.2012 · While surveys to measure penis length and/or girth have been carried out extensively across the world, there hasn’t been any survey for Indian men. There is no consensus on …
Перевести · 01.04.2017 · We might rank really low when it comes to happiness, but the same cannot be said when it comes to penis sizes. A survey by leading condom brand Kama Sutra has revealed that Indian men have an average penis size of 8.1 inches, and they are closely followed by Italian men who have an average penis …
Prehistory and early civilizations
Perceptions of penis size are culture-specific. Some prehistoric sculptures and petroglyphs depict male figures with exaggerated erect penises. Ancient Egyptian cultural and artistic conventions generally prevented large penises from being shown in art, as they were considered obscene, but the scruffy, balding male figures in the Turin Erotic Papyrus are shown with exaggeratedly large genitals. The Egyptian god Gebis sometimes show…
Prehistory and early civilizations
Perceptions of penis size are culture-specific. Some prehistoric sculptures and petroglyphs depict male figures with exaggerated erect penises. Ancient Egyptian cultural and artistic conventions generally prevented large penises from being shown in art, as they were considered obscene, but the scruffy, balding male figures in the Turin Erotic Papyrus are shown with exaggeratedly large genitals. The Egyptian god Geb is sometimes shown with a massive erect penis and the god Min is almost always shown with an erection.

The ancient Greeks believed that small penises were ideal. Scholars believe that most ancient Greeks probably had roughly the same size penises as most other Europeans, but Greek artistic portrayals of handsome youths show them with inordinately small, uncircumcised penises with disproportionately large foreskins, indicating that these were seen as ideal. Large penises in Greek art are reserved exclusively for comically grotesque figures, such as satyrs, a class of hideous, horse-like woodland spirits, who are shown in Greek art with absurdly massive penises. Actors portraying male characters in ancient Greek comedy wore enormous, fake, red penises, which dangled underneath their costumes; these were intended as ridiculous and were meant to be laughed at.

In Aristophanes's comedy The Clouds, "Mr. Good Reason" gives the character Pheidippides a description of the ideal youth: "A glistening chest and glowing skin / Broad shoulders, a small tongue /A mighty bottom and a tiny prong." In Greek mythology, Priapus, the god of fertility, had an impossibly large penis that was always permanently erect. Priapus was widely seen as hideous and unattractive. A scholion on Apollonius of Rhodes's Argonautica states that, when Priapus's mother Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, gave birth to him, she was so horrified by the size of his penis, his massive potbelly, and his huge tongue that she abandoned him to die in the wilderness. A herdsman found him and raised him as his son, later discovering that Priapus could use his massive penis to aid in the growth of plants.

Nonetheless, there are indications that the Greeks had an open mind about large penises. A statue of the god Hermes with an exaggerated penis stood outside the main gate of Athens and in Alexandria in 275 BC, a procession in honor of Dionysus hauled a 180-foot phallus through the city and people venerated it by singing hymns and reciting poems. The Romans, in contrast to the Greeks, seem to have admired large penises and large numbers of large phalli have been recovered from the ruins of Pompeii. Depictions of Priapus were very popular in Roman erotic art and literature. Over eighty obscene poems dedicated to him have survived.

Penis size is alluded to in the Bible:

When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:18–20, English Standard Version.

Ancient Chinese legend holds that a man named Lao Ai had the largest penis in history and that he had an affair with Queen Dowager Zhao (c. 280–228 BC), the mother of Qin Shi Huang, by pretending to be a eunuch. Ancient Koreans admired large penises and King Jijeung (437–514 AD) of the Silla Dynasty is said to have had a forty-five-centimeter penis that was so large his subordinates had to search for a woman that fit him. Traditional Japanese erotic paintings usually show genitals as exaggeratedly large. The oldest known painting of this type, found in the Hōryū-ji Temple in Ikaruga, dates to the eighth century AD and depicts a fairly large penis.

The ancient Indian sexual treatise Kama Sutra, originally written in Sanskrit, probably between the second and fourth centuries AD, divides men into three classes based on penis size: "hare" size (5–7 cm when erect), "bull" size (10–15 cm), and "horse" size (18–20 cm). The treatise also divides women's vaginas into three sizes ("deer", "mare", and "elephant") and advises that a man match the size of the vagina of the woman he is having sex with to the size of his own penis. It also gives medically dubious advice on how to enlarge one's penis using wasp stings.

Middle Ages and Renaissance
In medieval Arabic literature, a longer penis was preferred, as described in an Arabian Nights tale called "Ali with the Large Member". As a witty satire of this fantasy, the 9th-century Afro-Arab author Al-Jahiz wrote: "If the length of the penis were a sign of honor, then the mule would belong to the Quraysh" (the tribe to which Muhammad belonged and from which he descended).

The medieval Norsemen considered the size of a man's penis as the measure of his manliness, and a thirteenth-century Norse magic talisman from Bergen, a wooden stave inscribed with writing in runic script, promises its wearer: "You will fuck Rannveig the Red. It will be bigger than a man's prick and smaller than a horse's prick." A late fourteenth century account of the life of Saint Óláfr from the Flateyjarbók describes a pagan ritual which centered around a preserved horse's penis used as a cult artifact which members of the cult would pass around in a circle, making up verses in praise of it, encouraging it and the other members of the group to behave in sexually suggestive ways.

During the Renaissance, some men in Europe began to wear codpieces, which accentuated their genitals. There is no direct evidence that it was necessarily worn to enhance the apparent size of the wearer's penis, but larger codpieces were seen as more fashionable.
Перевести · The naked Indian guru who does calisthenics with his cock wrapped around some sort of bar. "An Idiot Abroad' - Series 2010 Karl's arrival in Delhi episode 2 with the Babas in India, a Baba would tie his penis …
Перевести · 27.11.2004 · The development of the phallus halts, leaving the opening of the urethra under instead of at the top of the penis. The opening can be anywhere from the underside of the glans penis…
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The findings of a bold research study
The findings of a bold research study
A well-known British scientist, Richard Lynn, recently published a study that lists and compares the average erect penis lengths of men in 113 countries. His findings, which appeared in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, range from the large sizes of the Congolese (which at an average 7.1 inches rank No 1) to the lengths of South and North Koreans, which average a little more than half that figure (at 3.8 inches, the smallest). Indians were part of the study too, but, with an average of just 4 inches, rank just above Koreans and Cambodians (3.9 inches), sharing the 110th spot with Thais (also 4 inches).
The source of Lynn’s data on Indian penis lengths is a little-known study called ‘Study on proper length and breadth specification for condoms based on anthropometric measurement’, which began with grand ambitions more than a decade ago and then slid into obscurity.
In the year 2000, Dr RS Sharma, head of the Reproductive Health and Nutrition division at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), heard of a study that the Union Ministry of Health wanted undertaken. Prompted by frequent reports of condom slippage in India, the Ministry was keen to know if this phenomenon could be traced to a discrepancy between Indian penis and condom sizes. It was a question that had rankled Dr Sharma earlier too. Condoms in India were made to global size specifications, and no proper study had ever been done on Indian sizes. Offered a chance by the then ICMR Director General NK Ganguly, Dr Sharma agreed to lead this research project.
Over the next few years, he and his team would have to go about the country asking men to unzip their trousers and offer their penises at their stiffest for measurement. When he started the study in 2001, Dr Sharma knew it would not be easy to accomplish the task in a hurry. But he did not expect it to take five years. “The average Indian penis is like no other,” says Dr Sharma, “Here, people from various ethnicities and physiques have to be accounted for.” The doctor decided to draft a task force of urologists and gynaecologists across the country. Many refused to be part of a study with such an “audacious subject”, but eventually he got a team ready to report sizes from seven centres—Patna, Guwahati, Cuttack, Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai and Hubli. Each would send at least 200 samples, and from this data, Dr Sharma would attempt to answer the truth about the size of the Indian penis.
Armed with the foresight that getting the consent of participants to have their erections measured would be difficult, Dr Sharma sought the help of Dr Sujoy Kumar Guha, a well-known biomedical engineer at IIT Kharagpur, who among other things has helped develop an injectable male contraceptive (although it is yet to get government approval). “It was an interesting subject [whether Indian penises were too small for condoms], one that many people believed could be true. It was crucial that participants not be inhibited in having themselves measured,” Guha says in a telephone interview. To ease the process, he developed a digital camera for a man to take a picture of his erect penis under conditions of minimal light. With a special algorithm developed to process the data captured by the camera, it was thus possible to arrive at the size of the penis in question. The camera trials were a success, but the method was too expensive. According to Guha, the camera’s development cost over Rs 2 lakh, and the ICMR did not have a budget large enough to make one for every centre. Instead, a kit that relied on measurement tape was put to use.
In Mumbai, the study was conducted by Dr RR Shinde, head of KEM (King Edward Memorial) Hospital’s Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, along with four other individuals. They began work in 2004, and while they had a promising start, it still took as long as two years to complete. Finding participants was the key challenge. KEM’s 30-year-old health centre at Malad proved to be a good location to get volunteers. “Youths living close to the centre, either because they knew the centre for so many years or for some other reason, readily agreed,” he recalls.
Each participant was paid a nominal sum (a figure the researchers do not disclose) as travel compensation. “They seemed very excited by the idea,” says Dr Shinde, of the centre’s early days, “They would just go into a room, work up an erection and call for measurements to be taken.” To facilitate the task for participants, Dr Shinde had at the centre a stack of magazines that could offer them visual stimulation. He also encouraged participants who were married to get their partners along.
“It was going so smoothly, and then we hit a [bad] patch.” Of the few thousand approached, very few agreed to participate. Many who had agreed at first failed to show up. “We had been discretionary at first,” Dr Shinde says. “At the centre, [when] we had a bit of luck going, we approached only those with whom we had built a rapport over time. But later, when we couldn’t find enough participants, all discretion was thrown to the wind.” Dr Shinde and his team started scrounging around in the hospital, asking relatives of patients and other visitors to sign up for the study. “We would take the male relatives of patients aside and just blurt out what the study was about and its objectives,” he says.
In Chandigarh, the data target was met much faster. Dr SK Singh, a urologist at the city’s Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, managed to secure the measurements of around 220 participants within just six months. But he claims to have hardly slept a wink in that period without having dreams of the study. “Every patient or individual I met in that period was a possible participant,” says the affable 55-year-old doctor. He would broach the subject in the gentlest fashion, he says, and only after building a rapport. He would throw in the bait of a free check-up, and if even this did not work, he would appeal to them as good citizens. “Do this for your country,” he would say.
The kit developed for the study had two paper strips. One would be wound around the penis to mark and measure its width, and the other, its length. Of each penis, three erections were to be measured, and the average noted as the final measurement. However, many volunteers were either unwilling to have someone hold and measure their erections, or if they did agree, they would turn flaccid at the slightest touch or glance. To counter these problems, Dr Sharma decided to train them in using the kit to measure their own organs. However, of the three measurements, at least one would be conducted by the investigator. These markings would be taken twice at the investigator’s clinic, and once in the privacy of their homes, where, it was believed, they would be most comfortable and able to attain their finest erections.
“It was an extremely challenging study,” Dr Singh says, “You had to coax someone to become a participant. And when they agreed, they would just not be able to get it up. It was like not being able to perform. They would seem so defeated. And I would always tell them, ‘It’s okay, it happens with everyone. Give it a shot later.’”
While some centres sought to aid participants with glossy magazines, even asking them to get their partners along, others like Dr Singh worked on the assumption that just a few kind words of encouragement were enough. To overcome momentary erectile failure, Dr Shinde would advise participants to lie low for a while, as he puts it. “I would tell them to give it some rest and refrain from any sexual activity for some time. I would say, ‘When you get a good strong urge, just stimulate yourself a little at home, and rush here. But remember, just a little stimulation.’”
The research study took a lot of effort. Yet, once it was completed and submitted to the Ministry in 2006, nothing came of it. No guidelines were issued for condom makers, nor were the findings published in any journal. This is still the case. Dr Sharma is hesitant to talk about it, but according to Dr Shinde, the Government is not moving on the report for mysterious reasons.
Dr Sharma and the other researchers refuse to share their findings with me, but Dr Shinde does. According to the Mumbai doctor, of the 200 samples measured in the city, most penis sizes ranged between 4.5 and 4.9 inches in length and around 4.3 inches in circumference. Strictly speaking, the sample was not ‘random’—with an equal probability of every adult male’s inclusion—but the figures are clearly indicative if not perfectly representative.
Most condoms available in India measure a minimum of 6.7 inches in length, unrolled. Schedule ‘R’ of India’s Drug & Cosmetic Act, 1940, stipulates this requirement. However, according to N Balasubramanian, general manager, TTK-LIG Ltd, a company that until recently made and marketed Durex and Kohinoor condoms in India and has just launched a brand called Skore, a penis that is shorter than a condom is no matter of concern. “I am not aware of such a study,” he says, “But even if a penis were to be shorter than the condom, this is unlikely to lead to a condom slipping off.” After all, a condom need not be unrolled any larger length than needed.
The Indian penis has also been the focal point of another study. This one, although much smaller in scale, was published in the journal International Journal of Impotence Research and was based on a field study done in 2007. Here, 301 individuals from Kochi participated in a study conducted by Dr K Promodu, who runs a sexual dysfunction clinic, along with three other researchers.
Dr Promodu’s objectives were not the same as the ICMR’s. The doctor, faced with innumerable queries on penis sizes on a local TV show for which he ran a Q&A session on sexual health, wanted to know if size statistics had any connection with the
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