Indian Guy Fucks White Girl

Indian Guy Fucks White Girl


Indian Guy Fucks White Girl
Many Polish girls fall for Indian guys. They said Indian guys are cuter, smarter, work harder, and know how to treat women better than other guys. Is this true?
Mostly indian guys are short,with no muscles,rather ugly and effeminate and not attractive to women at all.They also severely lack in intelligence as IQ tests show with an average IQ of 80.The culture also does not help. A lot depends on the position of minorities in society.Here in Greece although there are dozens of thousands of Indians,pakis etc I have seen only twice one with a white girl and in both cases the girls were fat and unattractive.In Germany I also did not notice any white girl with browns.
Jesus Southern. That's India sorted out then...
Western girls like mediteranean and balkan guys appearance but they dislike the culture(mediteranean sleazy,balkan super crazy),so it is easier to physically score than to enter relationship.
know how to treat women better than other guys. Is this true?
Indian men will work their arse off to keep you locked up at home and be his housewife , while polish men will ***** you out to pay for his booze. Pick your choice.
Oh my God, Southern, do you have some problem with Indians? :P It depends on the person, not the whole nation is the same. My husband is Indian, he's tall and handsome. He's not a stupid person, I've never checked his IQ, but I don't need to :P And I don't consider myself fat and unattractive. We both work. He doesn't want to keep me at home and be a housewife. He helps a lot at home. From the other hand, I know lots of polish couples, where guy is beating his wife only because he's unhappy in relationship, he doesn't care about his partner's feelings, he thinks only about money.
We have discussed all these issues before.Since western girls avoid Indians they know sth better.Otherwise if you are weak you are weak and head for degeneration.Here balkan pride works and keeps the evil away.
Indian men will work their arse off to keep you locked up at home and be his housewife , while polish men will ***** you out to pay for his booze. Pick your choice.
I don't believe this.. I'm Bangladesh/UAE and my wife is from Poland. We are in relationship for 4 years and happily married for more then one year. My wife is very beautiful. by the way i'm Muslim ( i practice my religion) and she is Catholics. Our family very happy with it. We will be having our first child soon Why do majority polish guys are racist? -- 3/4 polish people said to my wife why she is with me when there so many polish guyz? -- Our polish neighbor doesn't allow her small daughter to go to pool for swimming or dancing class because there too many Black and asian. ( but she goes to school with them ) -- A friend of mine recently opened a small restaurant in Krakow but in 10 days somebody sprayed the wall, broke window; what is it? i booked my holiday to Poland in december but now i'm scared
-- A friend of mine recently opened a small restaurant in Krakow but in 10 days somebody sprayed the wall, broke window; what is it?
vast majority of rerstaurant are run by foreigners. but yeah it seems to be true that there is lots of racist in poland. But mind that you can encouter rasism everywhere.
but yeah it seems to be true that there is lots of racist in poland.
3/4 polish people said to my wife why she is with me when there so many polish guyz?
Care to elaborate ? Should be Poland!
Interracial marriages doesn't mean someone is racist !
It a very good question, Another one for you - anybody wondered why you're with her?
I am surprised that polish women mix with this scam.We talk about degeneration and inferiority proven.
Do you know that in Poland many thinks that Greeks are Turks in fact??
But the lack of acceptance is rasist.
why not? because he is a human and may fall in love?
Polish guys are right.Such incidents with women dating blacks,browns are also not accepted in Greek society.These pakis storm when they see white meat.The response of women depends on their economic position which is dependent on host country policy.
You don't realize that they see polish women as easy targets?Anglos must have the laugh of their times seeing such decadence.They regard you as pakis and you mix with pakis to prove their claims.This happens when you succumb to economic realities.
Nie byłoby ci miło gdyby ktoś robił tobie (lub twojej ukochanej) takie uwagi.
We have discussed all these issues before.Since western girls avoid Indians they know sth better.Otherwise if you are weak you are weak and head for degeneration.Here balkan pride works and keeps the evil away
Since you are gay you can always choose an Indian boyfriend.We talk about Polki here.
Many Polish girls fall for Indian guys. They said Indian guys are cuter, smarter, work harder, and know how to treat women better than other guys. Is this true?
Poles are alkholics and beat their wives
I think that by living already abroad far from your very polish-poland, you might have already picked up the idea that there are cute and ugly people in every country. I give you an example, i have seen in your country, disgustingly hideous almost misformed ugly people, a loooot!!! but also pretty people... Having been around the world a lot, i have found this out, i recommend you do the same with your extra cash, travel around, see other folks, so you can broaden your knowledge of the world, and be more realistic than just plain judgemental.
might have already picked up the idea that there are cute and ugly people in every country
i have seen in your country, disgustingly hideous almost misformed ugly people, a loooot
i recommend you do the same with your extra cash, travel around, see other folks, so you can broaden your knowledge of the world
be more realistic than just plain judgemental
It is individual.But polish girls let you play ball.This is important because our girls or Russian girls may freeze you I mean they just don't accept anything but if another guy says exactly the same they may accept it because they are preconditioned.It is the low and the high.If you play high game,Greek girls freeze you to keep the frame.Anyway an advanced player just puts down the ball and kicks it from every angle possible.
From reading most of your discussion, none of which is from an Indian guy, I am not surprised that Indian guys are smarter. Except those malnutrion and no muscle guys, most Indians look cool. So, Polish girls, keep falling for your Indian guys. One thing you (Polish girls) may want to consider, is there any obstacles/problems that may keep you away from your Indian loved ones, that you may not be aware of? Loaiuk, can you share more experiences from your successful case?
I am not surprised that Indian guys are smarter
I lived in Europe for 12 years and i have not seen Indians or pakis without a white girl heh
I think it's important never to make any assumptions about mixed-race couples you might see walking around Poland because you never really know how those people met or what the story behind their relationship really is. And ultimately at the end of the day, it's really non of your business anyways. I think there are more interesting topics that can be discussed.
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Do you think Indian girls prefer white guys?
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An Indian girl told me something and it made me start wondering. So from your own experiences do you think indian girls prefer white guys?
Colorism is real in India especially when it comes to relationships and marriage. And it is in both men and women.
colorism is different from race. Indians are traditional and endogamous, we don't date outside caste let alone race
Indians love white skin. You don't even have to be very attractive. An average looking white guy can still score way more pussy than an attractive dark skinned person. Because for desis dark = ugly.
Indians love fair skin not white skin, if that were the case we would not get angry when our children marry outside our caste let alone race.
I see average looking white guys struggling everywhere so not sure what rubbish you are spouting. attractive is attractive regardless of race
EDIT : NVM, saw your history, dude genuine advice, at 19 don't waste your time being a troll and be a little productive. You won't get these years back.
Yes of course. I have also seen vegetarian women drool over white men; then beef and vegetarianism don't even figure in their considerations. Even Indian families love it when their daughters bring home a white man. Look at Priyanka Chopra, she is Modi's favorite, while the Jonas brothers are most likely eating beef (mother of BJP hindus). "Pun intended."
In all your observations I am shocked at the intellectual dishonesty. Indians by and large are very cliquish and remain the most endogamous group out there, more endogamous than Jews and Whites even and anyone bringing home a person of another race is met with strong vehemence and disapproval.
By and large this is why Indian girls do not date white guys and why Indian guys dump white girls for an Indian girl
I think for Indian girls white guys automatically mean better sex and a casual and less suffocating relationship.
Could also be true for a black guy. Why a white guy, in particular?
white guys automatically mean better sex and a casual and less suffocating relationship.
But, is it actually the truth? Or is it just propaganda?
Yes, some do. But not for their looks. It's because of the cultural outlook they have about woman. They think westerners allow their women to be "freer" and are less restrictive and controlling than indian men - and that's true to some extent. Some women feel they can be more relaxed and themselves, and less on guard with western men, as indian men (according to them) are more judgemental on everything from their dress to their drinking habits to socialising with others.
I've a couple of Indian female friends, two of them have told me that they used to date Indian guys but the relationship was very suffocating and the guys would try to control every aspect of their lives. So they don't date Indian guys anymore.
There are many questions like this . First you think do people(both men and woman) prefer rich people , then it is looks ( hair , being fat , skin color , age and so on ) , then it is religion/region/caste for some people , then it is job we can go on with preferences. In reality all it matters is intention.
Just like Asian women prefer white guys. Historically almost every culture has elevated white skin and white races to a higher standing and strive to be like them or marry into them.
Similarly there is almost no culture which prefers black people of people with darker skin color than themselves.
You can call it racism or reverse racism.
The complex is unreal, stop worshipping whitoids.
Of course they do. I’ve met a lot of indian girls (both UK and US)and they all prefer mainly white guys first. Indian guys aren’t even options to most of these women. In the UK there’s more white x indian couples than indian x indian these days lol. I’ve actually met very very few indian girls who actually prefer indian guys in the UK. The US is a bit different because most people are first generation. As an Indian guy I’ve had to look for non-Sikh or Punjabi girls to date because of this. Actually been working out super well for me though...although I’ll probably have to cut ties with some strict Sikh family members.
Yes , just like we prefer white girls ...
It could also be an evolutionary phenomenon? Intermixing of vastly different genes could lead to better babies and hence people outside the general population of a society (read exotic/white/black) will always be more appealing.
Otherwise I would say you are making a sweeping generalisation. How does it matter who prefers whom?
Hum kale hain to kya hua dilwaale hain.. this things are cool among-st teenagers, women usually prefer sensible guys and color doesn't matter. only girliyapa's run behind money, color, blah blah.

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Disturbing new video shows the moment an Australian police department employee corners a 13-year-old girl in an elevator and gropes her as she frantically attempts to get away.
Glenn Roche, 54, who was found guilty of indecent assault this week, is seen in the footage chasing the youngster into the elevator after a day out with her family, the New Zealand Herald reported on Thursday.
Roche seems to be playfully chasing the girl but then the sicko grabs her, fondles her and tries to kiss her while she tries to wrestle free, the footage posted by TVNZ-TV shows.
The girl later told authorities that she still suffers nightmares from the harrowing July 2019 assault, according to the Herald.
But Roche told the judge he was just playing around and claimed there was “no sexual gratification on my behalf.”
“My hands have slid up her body as she slid to the ground,” the sicko told police. “My mind has gone off on a tangent like this is a challenge to me. I can get her and give her a kiss on the cheek like her two sisters and mum.”
“She contributed to that occurring by releasing her body weight and sliding through my hands,” he said, blaming his tiny victim.
Police said Roche had been out with the girl’s mom and siblings. It is unclear what his relationship to the girl and her family was.
The judge wasn’t buying his excuse, however, and found Roche guilty.
He was also suspended from the police department, where he worked as a civilian employee, according to the reports.

Indian Men, This Is Why Foreign Women Aren't Swiping Right on You on Tinder
Are Indians racist? Undoubtedly so. Not only that, but we seem to be humongous hypocrites. On one hand, we blatantly discriminate against people from the Northeast, as well as people from African countries. On the other, we seem to have very mixed feelings about white people. Sometimes, they're the subjects of our extreme xenophobia, and we hate them for having colonised us (even if they're not from Britain), but at other times, we almost worship them. We find everything about them attractive – their features, their accents, and their entire manner – for no reason other than the fact that, wait for it, they're not Indian.
Early last year, there was a GQ article featuring a personal account of a white man on Tinder in India. It spoke about how Indian women, overwhelmingly, prefer white men on Tinder, and tend to have some serious issues with Indian men on the dating app for various reasons, some of which are not unjustified.
Let's face it, some Indian men can seem plain creepy. From starting off with conversations about sex right off the bat, to 'subtly' asking women how many sexual partners they've had, which is nothing more than a great example of the hypocrisy of these men, who are horny as hell, but still prefer to have sex with virgins. One cannot always accuse women of racism if they prefer to steer clear of Indian men on Tinder.
So, when an Indian man decided to post a potent question on Quora, he got an apt response from an American woman. This is the question that has been bugging so many Indian men:
And this is the befitting reply from an American woman who "passionately loves travelling in India."
"If any of you care to look at my social media pages you'll notice it's primarily Indian guys. All ages. All states. All religions. All educations. All jobs. I have very solid experience in how you behave when an American woman replies via social media (for the record, I know a lot of Indian guys in person, so rest assured I also know all the variables of your IRL personalities)
Let me give a sincere thank you to all the Indian men who have protected me, defended me and literally kicked the ass of guys harassing me. (I don't condone this, but sometimes it's all they understand)
Unlike western guys, Indian guys immediately ask very personal questions. I won't use actual screen shots to protect the (not so) innocent. But here are some classic questions and comments from Indian guys;
What are you wearing? Is your husband home? Do you get along well with your husband? Are you laying in bed? When did you lose your virginity?
These are innocent enough questions. But, to most women if the guy is Indian, she stops there. Why? Because if she answers those questions, the next series goes like this;
Do you enjoy the sex? Can I see a photo of your face with your hair loose? I have one doubt... is masturbation bad for health? Can I see one photo of you in jeans?
Rarely will an American woman not block you at this point. It's very offensive to us to be asked these questions.
If we are still allowing messages, next comes;
Can I see your breast? Side view and front view. Cleavage is fine for first photo. (Keep in mind, no need to have responded to previous sexual type questions. You can change the subject with each reply and they still do this!)
I've never seen a clean (what quoras policy here? Do we say slang or medical term?) ? American girls are clean and I want to see.
It gets worse from there. Why do I put up with this offensive behavior? Because you are better than this. All of you. So am I. So is every American woman who you think is worthless enough to engage in casual sex with you. You'll never realize your error if no one is willing to patiently teach you. I have blocked some, but 99.9% eventually get it. Overtime I see their English improve, their mind open and their intelligence about culture expand. It's worth the effort. I see men who start to see me, a woman (white!) as a friend and a confidant. Not some bimbo to do wrong things with. That's worth it!
I have been told, "why can't you do the sex? You're white. White women can have abortions." Do I even need to explain how wrong this is? I once asked a guy who was continually asking me to "say (bad word for female generals) to me" why Indian women aren't asked the same questions. I was told "because they are like pillar. Goddess. Most respect to them." As if somehow I'm lesser. Wow. It takes every ounce of love I ca
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