India Kirksey Periscope Video

India Kirksey Periscope Video


India Kirksey Periscope Video

Ohio Woman Charged For Raping 4-Year-Old Boy & Posting It On Periscope

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India Kirksey of West Price Hill is charged with rape, a first-degree felony. Posted By Ghost
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Family asks for mercy for woman who raped 4-year-old on Periscope

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A Cincinnati, Ohio woman is in jail after police stated she raped a 4-year-old boy and posted the video using the social media app Periscope. Police say India Kirksey, 20, recorded herself performing oral sex on the child in January and the video was seen by someone in Texas. That person contacted police and an investigation was launched.
Police and investigators from child and welfare services in Ohio tracked down Kirksey. While being questioned, she confessed to the sex act and posting the video. She was charged with first-degree felony rape. At a hearing this week, her bond was set at $350K; however, Kirksey did not enter a plea. Because of the age of the victim, many parts of the investigation have not been released to the media, including the relationship between Kirksey and the victim.
Family members of Kirksey are asking for mercy and compassion for the young woman. According to one relative who did not want to be identified, Kirksey is a person who has suffered from special needs since early childhood. The relative stated to media that she is on medication and receives therapy and the family does its best to act as caregivers. The family member went on to say that like many, your first thought is that anyone who hurts a child in any way must be a monster. However, in the case of India, this was “way out of character” and they are all wondering as a family: why did she do that?
It is unknown if India is one of the victims of the silent epidemic of autism and what is known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Black community is hit hardest by the condition, in part because many parents are unaware of the warning signs. For people with developmental disabilities, major life activities such as language, mobility, learning, self-help, and independent living are much harder. Usually, these disabilities begin in the early years of a child’s development up to age 22 and then last throughout a person’s lifetime.
“It is unknown if India is one of the victims of the silent epidemic of autism and what is known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Black community is hit hardest by the condition, in part because many parents are unaware of the warning signs.”
Oh progressives, you never fail to entertain me. I can’t figure out which is funnier: That you called her a victim or that you played the race card. The only thing race has to do with this case is the black father conspicuously missing from this story.
why are you here? How does this concern you or your people?? where is your father and why int he slapping you around for being a R.P. of S? Go to one of your Faux news sites and leave us alone with that garbage. After all this time you haven’t found anything new to insult us with? The whole daddy thing has been disproved just like all the other hypocrite garbage you guys sprew. Its a new day snowball…find some new tactics and lies… these are old and tired like you…
Thank you Mike Gee for responding to his asinine comment.
Should I be less concerned about the child because he isn’t “one of my people”?
Ain’t nothing has been disproved. Being born out of wedlock correlates to crime and poverty. You have 70% of children in black communities born out of wedlock and in those communities you have corresponding amounts of crime and poverty. You don’t get to play the race card when black men are abandoning their own children.
This woman is not a victim. Her race is no excuse. I fail to see why the author even thought it was relevant. What is relevant is asking why this child’s father wasn’t there to stop this abuse.
yet your people lead the statistics in welfare and government aid. Time for some new propaganda opie, that old one has been disproven time and time again. Its a new day..and you need new ammunition!! LOL!!! Idiot!
lol…keep believing those Fox news figures snowball. Standing on incorrect facts makes you look even more stupid than before..and i didnt think that was possible. Get your people off of welfare and meth, then maybe you will have the right to look at and advise others….smdh
Who put you in charge? it is a public comment board.
true, but lunatics go to a board of people they dont like and sprout foolishness…is your life that worthless and empty? wow…what a waste!
Just saying. It is not a requirement for you to like what is posted.
what i like and dont like is of no not on a site railing against a race of folks I dont care for…you are snowcap. Go hit the pipe or something..
Nah I’m white so I don’t smoke crack.
Nah was a beer guy but grew out of it.
yea meth is your drug of fault
Not me. Clean as a whistle. Not even a beer drinker.
Care to guess something wrong again?
I am not the snowflake I voted for the winner.
I have to agree…..what is he saying….ppl need to take responsibilty for their children…stop making excuses…regardless of race.
Where was it mentioned in either of our comments that we are excusing her behavior? By no means was I making an excuse for what she did!!! We are referring to his assumption of her not having a father.
The author suggests she is a ‘victim’ of autism. He then suggests her ‘victim’ status may be due to race. I fail to see why the author even thought race was relevant. What is relevant is asking why this child’s father wasn’t there to stop this abuse.
“It is unknown if India is one of the victims of the silent epidemic of
autism and what is known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Black community is hit hardest by the condition, in part because many parents are unaware of the warning signs.”
Im not the author, take that point up with them. Im calling you a disingenuous troll because your intent is not to show care and concern for an African American child, its simply to talk ish to make yourself feel better about the sorry state of your race. You have a meth problem in your communities as well as an issue with priests raping your young kids. Pay attention to your own back yard and work to solve the issues in your community before throwing stones. Your churches have been raping your men for generations. This is an isolated incident. Do Better snowball…do better!
Yeah, because white people have it so bad lol. How would you feel if I told you those pedophile priests were silent “victims” of autism. I bet you’d take me just about as seriously as I take this author.
Tell me again how tough it is being white in America while I laugh hysterically. Poor oppressed white people, victims of pedophiles and drugs. I even heard Obama introduced meth into white communities just to keep the white man down. Oh, the horrors!
Then Obama should consider his actions a success.
no point in explaining to them.. maybe they all have autism. something that ails them privately as black as he said and they want to be alone with it.. however no one else ever wants to see it read it hear about it… …they need a “safe space” to be black alone and think that all their problems are their own only and no one else should ever care and it seems they are getting what they ask for…
Right because more whites have had better access to healthcare than whites and traditionally, when it comes to health issues, particularly mental health issues, blacks have a “thing” about going to the dr for mental health issues and dealing with the stigma placed on each other when someone in the family or neighborhood is labeled with a mental issue. Also for various other reasons ghats none of your white business.There are lots if things you dont know because you dont associate with black people outside of watching them on television or that one nonexistant black friend you whites claim to have. Worry about where white parents are when their kids are off raping becky. You know nothing about what the author is able to state or suggest and why. Keep watching tv and continue to know nothing about us like youve already proven.
Why is the father’s whereabouts NEVER important when one of these white lone gunmen shoot’s up a damn school, airport, or church?! Hmm? Sounds like a problem to me. Why don’t white people feel the same?
because white and black cant be in the same sentence… also because EVERYONE says where is the father when its a white! … no one says where is the father when its black.. especially not black people! with a 70% born out of wedlock rate it doesn’t even enter your minds! so why should it just because a white tells you about it? in fact it still doesn’t! only when you want to use it to “talk back”to a white person… you could be pregnant right now! can argue and then go and DO the very thing you use in a sentence! im going to have to look up marriage practices in Africa and see what the truth is…did we teach it to you? is it unnatural to you? 70% is high…all I know of African marriage are multiple wives … around age 12… what you do now… just without the marriage…(and also the females now have multiple men) not sure in Africa multiple men are allowed for the female…
its called hypocrisy..and all of them suffer from it lol
Yep theres always one in the bunch that loves massas comments lol
What exactly is your dumb azz “agreeing” with? This white supremacist’s tired azz attempt to continually insult and disparage our race with cherry picked statistics that make him feel better about his whiteness? God, for your sake I hope your screen name is ironic….
whites don’t need blacks to feel better about being white.. we just already feel great.. we aren’t like you needing to do that@ ! as far as we know only blacks ever try that…sometimes we respond to try to help you see… but it never works…. ive never met a white person that needed to feel better by using a sick black person as an example… you just made that up TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER LOL
yep..feeling great enough to steal and mimick every thing we do. If u truly felt that way snowball…you would not be here commenting on how great yall are! Go get a tan, some butt implants, lips fill ins, call yourself Kardashian and then hate what you will never be…sucker!
I myself feel just fine about my Whiteness, you illiterate brood sow.
The fact that you “feel fine” about your race leading in child sexual assault stats and growing heroin/meth epidemic is THE PROBLEM! Now I get why these issues continually plague your communities – you think it’s just dandy! Why don’t you take your caring ass to Appalachia or the nation’s heroin capital Whitelandia, and give it to those ppl who look JUST LIKE YOU instead!
Oh Carla, my silly little gibbons monkey, can’t you understand none of this really concerns me because at the end of the day I’ll still be WHITE. LOL.
Oh, yes I know…pity. Be sure to keep your WHITE ass out of the sun and away from little children!
and butt stupid…but hey if you are ok with it…i am!
Sooo Nathaniel… While we’re on a rape post, talking about the race card and black wedlock. Actual stats (not assumptions like you love to entertain) show that whites (who have all the fathers, according to you) rape, steal, commit VIOLENT arsons, embezzel and commit fraud at rates 2-5 times more than blacks. And lets not forget you all hold the crown for DUI’S and drug use related crimes… So whats the excuse for your people? And dont give me bs about the difference in the amount of people, blacks vs whites, you said a fatherless home is the root of crime, so explain to me your peoples problem if you all have dads at home? Why do you all rape so much, huh?
” Actual stats (not assumptions like you love to entertain) show that whites (who have all the fathers, according to you) rape, steal, commit VIOLENT arsons, embezzel and commit fraud at rates 2-5 times more than blacks”
What is your source for this? The only thing you got right is DUIs… everything else is wrong according to the FBI. Blacks are 12.5% of the population and account for 50% of murders, 32.5% of rapes, 55% of robberies, 25% of arsons, 32% of frauds, and 33% of embezzlements.
That’s what happens when you have 70% of children born out of wedlock in any community. It isn’t about race or mental illness… the root cause is lack of fathers and the statistics bear that out pretty consistently. If you want less crime and poverty in the black community you need to start by doing something about the black men who are routinely abandoning their own children. Making excuses about ‘silent victims of mental illness’ is some stupid ish.
nah thats what happens when you have whites with a white supremacists mindset setting the figures. You and your people are liars, thieves and outright scum. So it stands to reason that your “statistics” trend in your favor….you see dumb dumb, they put those out there because people with low intelligence will not question it. Its well known that stats from your end are often “underreported” or allowed to go without punishment. Thats how your people roll…if its white, its right!
To be fair they didn’t mention a mother in the article either. So we don’t know what type of family life she had.
They also didn’t mention if the victim was a family member or not.
I can see where you’re going with your comment. You simply picked the wrong article to post it to. It happens. Practice and you’ll get there, eventually.
On a side note: there’s not much of an argument that can be made that someone that tries to take advantage of a child sexually has some mental issues. Those issues are there no matter if they grew up in an intact family or not.
Examples? Sure: Jeffrey Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky, Josh Dugger. Oh heck, just do a search for “molested brother” or “molested sister”. You’ll find that in a lot of the examples both parents were together.
But again. Nice attempt. I’ll give your attempt a C-
This woman was abusing her own son. To be fair that isn’t mentioned in this story. You can find that information elsewhere. I would agree that someone who tries to take sexual advantage of a child necessarily has mental issues.
I think you misjudge my intent. I was irritated that the author of this article referred to this woman as a ‘victim’ and then tried to use race as an excuse. Honestly, dividing people into racial groups based on their skin color is border-line retarded behavior… I’m just highlighting the absurdity of that line of thinking.
Nowhere does it say that was her child, Nathaniel.
They omit that in order not to identify the minor victim. But it was reported elsewhere that it was her son. For example:
Read more than one source. Plenty of other stories on this black crime.
and there are plenty on the meth epidemic…why not go to those sites and help your folks instead of doing nothing here? you are worthless opie
Druggies of any color deserve no help. Let their poison of choice kill them off. Better for society in the long run.
then stfu yapping about it then….it does not affect you does it?
you should seek alternative hobbies…for a man to admit that isnt very manly caitlyn
Nor very mature of a woman to bother to answer me.
just as i thought…the narrative changes when discussing your side. STFU hypocrite.
Nope. You cannot shut me up. You have no power over me.
hes such a idiot..he makes up stuff in his head and believes it..hes a lunatic, stop responding to him..he needs medicine
It was her own son you idiot. There are NUMEROUS news articles on this girl. Idiot
Good luck trying to hold most men in the black community accountable for anything regarding their children. And I’m black by the way.
People (aka trolls) and their assumptions.
This is bullshit. Her “disability” has nothing to do with this horrendous act. She needs to be in prison
An autistic person would not do that to a child AND put it online. Only a person who knew exactly what they were doing would do that. Prosecute her to the fullest so she won’t f up another child.
wheres your medical degree? Ill wait,,,
Listen here, nicca…this is a place to express whatever anybody wants to if you want to take the lil punk @$$ bish role by saying “stfu” on a public site then you go right ahead and show the world how you are as soft as tissue.
Not really sure what that meant. But whatever man. Lol. You tossing around the n word and calling names from your keyboard…but im soft? Lolololol.
Not name calling..I called you what you ARE…
pretty sure you are too big of a P*$$y to say it in my or any man’s face if this is what gets your jollies off, so be it. Manhood is dead…just lil wussies making tuff talk on the internet lol
im also someone who can beat your azz…so who cares what u say dummy.
you are weak…hows tricks in the trailers these days?
im pretty sure id slap the taste out of your mouth want to make that happen?
i can show you better than I can type it puff ball.
i can show u just how soft i am sugay drawls
exactly….opinionated and not informed.
I believe that partly she knew exactly what she was doing, just because she ultimately signed up for an account on this periscope site? Which I had never even heard of and hell..I’m sane.
She recorded it right?
She posted it, right?
Then at some point she couldn’t have been so disabled, to have done such an extremely vulgar act!!
She would have done better sucking a dog on pacifier. .because that baby, pretty much doesn’t have anything to actually perform fellatio on.
If in fact she is, declared sick…I really hope she gets help…and I sure as hell hope that thus doesn’t fully ruin the child entire life. .sometimes this how freaks are created.
Special needs or not….she shouldn’t have been left with a child. Especially knowing …she was so called special needs. Do that make sense?
What??? Those on the autism spectrum are prone to child rape and perversion? This is nothing less than an outrageous and ridiculous defense for a disgusting pervert! Lock her up!
So to throw in “special needs”, as if she was unaware of what she was doing. I’m no out buying that. If she has challenges, she should not have been alone w/a child under any circumstances. She also knew enough to film & post a video of her abuse of this poor baby boy online. Maybe her family should look into who abused her as a child. Clearly she’s repeating learned behavior. The vicious cycle of abuse.
Bu…but…wait, I thought only middle aged, jobless, White men living in their mom’s basement could be pedophiles??! *poof* (sound of little liberal heads imploding)
That’s what your WHITE controlled statistics say! And if they’re wrong about this then they’re wrong about all those Black crime stats…
Admittedly, you may be on to something there.
I personally don’t give a damn what she suffers from or her race. The vile act she committed on a child is the only thing that is relevant. Leniency be damned and her with it. says this Black female
Have the whiney black people showed up yet?
naw we were busy with your moms..she loves us.
Typical lazy ,unintelligent
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