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What's the best method to get the index of an array which contains objects?
Now I would like to have the indexOf the object which hello property is 'stevie' which, in this example, would be 1.
I'm pretty newbie with JavaScript and I don't know if there is a simple method or if I should build my own function to do that.
Antonio Laguna
Antonio Laguna 8,287●77 gold badges●3131 silver badges●6868 bronze badges
13.9k●99 gold badges●4343 silver badges●6161 bronze badges
Do you want to merge the two objects hello and qaz? – Armin Dec 29 '11 at 13:01
Nope I don't. I want to have a list of objects in an array. – Antonio Laguna Dec 29 '11 at 13:05
Ah okay! You want to know the position of the whole object in the array, which has a defined property. – Armin Dec 29 '11 at 13:06
I found a very simple function to solve this exact problem with this SO answer: var elementPos = {return; }).indexOf(idYourAreLookingFor); var objectFound = array[elementPos]; [link] ( – Rick Jul 30 '15 at 0:21
ES6 Array.indexOf is better than accepted answer (if ES6 works for you) - see full example below – yar1 Jan 31 '17 at 6:44
I think you can solve it in one line using the map function:
Pablo Francisco Pérez Hidalgo
Pablo Francisco Pérez Hidalgo 25.1k●77 gold badges●3333 silver badges●5555 bronze badges
5,279●44 gold badges●5757 silver badges●8585 bronze badges
This should honestly be the accepted answer. Most browsers nowadays support – AlbertEngelB Jun 27 '13 at 21:06
It's not supported by IE8 but, if that's not a problem, this is the best solution. – Antonio Laguna Nov 22 '13 at 11:56
Um... isn't it worth noting that creates a whole new array containing the mapped items? So, if you've got an array with 1000 elements, you've created another array with 1000 elements first, then search it? It would be worthwhile I think to see the performance of this method vs. a simple for loop. Especially when you're running on a mobile platform with limited resources. – Doug Aug 17 '15 at 5:51
@Doug Although your point about performance is indeed correct, who in their right mind would replace one line of code with seven for an application that is almost by definition IO/Network bound until they'd profiled for bottlenecks? – Jared Smith Nov 4 '15 at 17:12
Technically a minified js file is also one line ;D – greaterKing May 3 '17 at 15:45
Array.prototype.findIndex is supported in all browsers other than IE (non-edge). But the polyfill provided is nice.
The solution with map is okay. But you are iterating over the entire array every search. That is only the worst case for findIndex which stops iterating once a match is found.
Joe 74.8k●1818 gold badges●123123 silver badges●142142 bronze badges
the function has the searchterm comparation wrong as it should be searchTerm :) – Antonio Laguna Dec 29 '11 at 14:50
there were multiple occurences – Joe Feb 27 '14 at 21:06
@SteveBennett it is a performance optimized version; the length of the array has to be determined only once (when the variables for the for-loop are initialized). In your case, the length is checked every iteration anew. See also… and… However, if performance is not high prio it doesn't really matter. – loother Apr 20 '16 at 15:09
Good answer, but I did some performance benchmarking (see ), and found that the function based answer mentioned here seems to be the second most performant answer. The only thing more performant ends up being putting it into a prototype, instead of just a function, as mentioned in my answer. – Uniphonic Jun 27 '17 at 23:33
or, probably with better performance for larger arrays:
Steve Bennett
Steve Bennett 87.1k●2828 gold badges●137137 silver badges●183183 bronze badges
Good approach to use ES6 – kag Sep 20 '16 at 6:36
I was surprised that neither of these methods is as performant as the prototyped for loop, as mentioned in my answer. Even though the findIndex method browser support is a bit poor, it seems like it would be doing the same thing, but still ends up less performant? See the link in my answer for benchmarks. – Uniphonic Jun 27 '17 at 22:32
Good to know, if performance is important for the task at hand. It very rarely is, in my experience, but ymmv. – Steve Bennett Jun 29 '17 at 3:49
@Uniphonic - year 2021 findIndex if supported by all browsers, except OperaMini and IE - – Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez Jun 30 at 13:37
var idx = myArray.reduce( function( cur, val, index ){

if( val.hello === "stevie" && cur === -1 ) {
return index;
return cur;

}, -1 );

Esailija 132k●2323 gold badges●250250 silver badges●308308 bronze badges
I like Pablo's answer, but Array#indexOf and Array#map don't work on all browsers. Underscore will use native code if it's available, but has fallbacks as well. Plus it has the pluck method for doing exactly what Pablo's anonymous map method does.
tandrewnichols 3,356●11 gold badge●2424 silver badges●3232 bronze badges
You could use a polyfill . . . or you could just use underscore or lodash, which are basically polyfills that have a whole bunch of other goodies attached. What's the objection with underscore? Size? – tandrewnichols Oct 1 '14 at 11:45
I really like Underscore, your answer is clever too, but IMHO Pablo's answer is the cleanest. – Johann Echavarria Oct 2 '14 at 5:35
Wow I never thought to use chaining like that. I really like how it makes the search fluent. – Dylan Pierce Apr 20 '16 at 20:12
chain is superfluous here. _.pluck(myArray, 'hello').indexOf('stevie') – Steve Bennett Aug 15 '18 at 6:58
Nathan Zaetta
Nathan Zaetta 383●33 silver badges●77 bronze badges
Roko C. Buljan
169k●3232 gold badges●263263 silver badges●281281 bronze badges
Very convenient! Although I would choose prototype.indexOfObject so as not to interfere with the exisitng Array.indexOf method. Array.prototype.indexOfObject = function(property, value) { for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) { if (this[i][property] === value) return i; } return -1; }; – Adam Oct 30 '13 at 11:42
I would wrap it in a self executing closure with the old being stored beforehand, with the first line of the replacement function being something along the lines of if (typeof property === 'string' || typeof property === 'number' || typeof property === 'boolean') return oldIndexOf(property, value);. This is because these are the few types that are immutable. I would also feature a third argument to enable fallback to the native method if needed. – Isiah Meadows May 27 '14 at 4:52

Use Cases :
[2,4,5].indexOf(4) ;//OUTPUT 1
[{slm:2},{slm:4},{slm:5}].indexOf(4,'slm');//OUTPUT 1
return e.slm;
});//OUTPUT 1
/***MORE Complex**/
return e.slm.salat;
});//OUTPUT 1


if(!fn){return this.indexOfOld(e)}
if(typeof fn ==='string'){var att=fn;fn=function(e){return e[att];}}

Abdennour TOUMI
Abdennour TOUMI 67.7k●2929 gold badges●206206 silver badges●211211 bronze badges
I compared several methods and received a result with the fastest way to solve this problem. It's a for loop. It's 5+ times faster than any other method.
John Klimov
John Klimov 121●11 silver badge●44 bronze badges
Too bad people don't scroll two answers down. This is the only good answer. Thank you. – HenrijsS Mar 15 at 20:23
While, most other answers here are valid. Sometimes, it's best to just make a short simple function near where you will use it.
It depends on what is important to you. It might save lines of code and be very clever to use a one-liner, or to put a generic solution somewhere that covers various edge cases. But sometimes it's better to just say: "here I did it like this" rather than leave future developers to have extra reverse engineering work. Especially if you consider yourself "a newbie" like in your question.
SpiRail 1,303●1616 silver badges●2222 bronze badges
If your object is the same object of the ones you are using within the array, you should be able to get the index of the Object in the same way you do as if it was a string.
Caio Koiti
Caio Koiti 71●11 silver badge●11 bronze badge
This is the answer I was looking for as it was unclear to me if IndexOf matched by value or what. Now I know I can use IndexOf to find my object, and not worry if there are other objects with the same properties. – MDave May 10 '20 at 0:13
I did some performance testing of various answers here, which anyone can run them self:
Based on my initial tests in Chrome, the following method (using a for loop set up inside a prototype) is the fastest:
This code is a slightly modified version of Nathan Zaetta's answer.
In the performance benchmarks I tried it with both the target being in the middle (index 500) and very end (index 999) of a 1000 object array, and even if I put the target in as the very last item in the array (meaning that it it has to loop through every single item in the array before it's found) it still ends up the fastest.
This solution also has the benefit of being one of the most terse for repeatedly executing, since only the last line needs to be repeated:
Uniphonic 830●1010 silver badges●1919 bronze badges
I was just about to post an answer to this question using a fiddle with my own tests, but thanks to your answer, I don't have to anymore. I just want to confirm your tests - I got to the same result, but using a while loop instead of a for one, and I'd wish that this answer was upvoted more and that I saw it earlier, it would have saved me some time... – Yin Cognyto Dec 5 '17 at 15:48
It is proper to use reduce as in Antonio Laguna's answer.
Cody 8,982●44 gold badges●5555 silver badges●4343 bronze badges
John Doe
John Doe 31●11 bronze badge
griffon vulture
griffon vulture 5,668●66 gold badges●3434 silver badges●5656 bronze badges
14.7k●22 gold badges●3232 silver badges●5151 bronze badges
If you are only interested into finding the position see @Pablo's answer.
pos = { return e.hello; }).indexOf('stevie');
However, if you are looking forward to finding the element (i.e. if you were thinking of doing something like this myArray[pos]), there is a more efficient one-line way to do it, using filter.
element = myArray.filter((e) => e.hello === 'stevie')[0];
zurfyx 24.8k●1616 gold badges●104104 silver badges●132132 bronze badges
Armin 13.9k●99 gold badges●4343 silver badges●6161 bronze badges
I have made a generic function to check the below is the code & works for any object
The first alert will return -1 (means match not found) & second alert will return 0 (means match found).
Shiljo Paulson
Shiljo Paulson 280●33 silver badges●1616 bronze badges
Use _.findIndex from underscore.js library
Here's the example _.findIndex([{a:1},{a: 2,c:10},{a: 3}], {a:2,c:10}) //1
niren 2,405●66 gold badges●3131 silver badges●5555 bronze badges
Steve Bennett
87.1k●2828 gold badges●137137 silver badges●183183 bronze badges
If suggesting methods from additional libraries you should mention where they come from. – Craicerjack Jun 24 '15 at 10:01
@Steve Bennett nice use.of the library now its in lodash – zabusa Jul 21 '16 at 9:03
Using the ES6 findIndex method, without lodash or any other libraries, you can write:
This will compare the immediate properties of the object, but not recurse into the properties.
If your implementation doesn't provide findIndex yet (most don't), you can add a light polyfill that supports this search:
ssube 42.7k●77 gold badges●9494 silver badges●135135 bronze badges
You can use a native and convenient function Array.prototype.findIndex() basically:
The findIndex() method returns an index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise -1 is returned.
Just a note it is not supported on Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari, but you can use a Polyfill provided in the link below.
var hello = {
hello: 'world',
foo: 'bar'
var qaz = {
hello: 'stevie',
foo: 'baz'

var myArray = [];
myArray.push(hello, qaz);

var index = myArray.findIndex(function(element, index, array) {
if (element.hello === 'stevie') {
return true;
alert('stevie is at index: ' + index);
GibboK 65.1k●129129 gold badges●389389 silver badges●626626 bronze badges
Furthor of @Monika Garg answer, you can use findIndex() (There is a polyfill for unsupprted browsers).
I saw that people downvoted this answer, and I hope that they did this because of the wrong syntax, because on my opinion, this is the most elegant way.
The findIndex() method returns an index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise -1 is returned.
var hello = {
hello: 'world',
foo: 'bar'
var qaz = {
hello: 'stevie',
foo: 'baz'

var myArray = [];

var index = myArray.findIndex(function(element) {
return element.hello == 'stevie';

Mosh Feu
Mosh Feu 25k●1212 gold badges●7777 silver badges●114114 bronze badges
Try to use the polyfill (link in the answer). – Mosh Feu Oct 29 '16 at 16:37
This is the way to find the object's index in array
Asad Fida
Asad Fida 218●22 silver badges●55 bronze badges
Note: this does not give the actual index, it only tells if your object exists in the current data structure
Xeltor 4,377●33 gold badges●2222 silver badges●2525 bronze badges
This is not valid as this doesn't allow to get any index – Antonio Laguna Aug 3 '15 at 5:12
const someId = 2;
const array = [{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}];
const index = array.reduce((i, item, index) => === someId ? index : i, -1);
alert('someId ' + someId + ' is at index ' + index);
No underscore, no for, just a reduce.
7ynk3r 870●1212 silver badges●1616 bronze badges
var hello = {hello: "world", foo: "bar"};
var qaz = {hello: "stevie", foo: "baz"};
var myArray = [];

function indexOfObject( arr, key, value ) {
var j = -1;
var result = arr.some(function(obj, i) {
return obj[key] == value;

if (!result) {
return -1;
} else {
return j;


user3235365 21●33 bronze badges
756●11 gold badge●1313 silver badges●2424 bronze badges
Most answers response here do not resolve all cases. I found this solution better:
You can create your own prototype to do this:
Janx from Venezuela
Janx from Venezuela 1,037●11 gold badge●88 silver badges●1212 bronze badges
This also would break on recursively defined objects. – Joseph Coco Jun 2 '15 at 16:59
I will prefer to use findIndex() method:
index will give you the index number.
Monika Garg
Monika Garg 9●33 bronze badges
11k●44 gold badges●2626 silver badges●3535 bronze badges
Answer , Spellings and Code indentation and :) are wrong? – Sachin Verma Feb 4 '14 at 6:16
findIndex is not in any javascript standard implementation. There is an upcoming (ecma 6) proposal for such a method, but its signature is not like that. Please, clarify what you mean (maybe the name of the method), give the findIndex method declaration or name the library you are using. – Sebastien F. Mar 22 '14 at 18:19
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