Incest Twin Sisters

Incest Twin Sisters


Incest Twin Sisters
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Twin sisters, Anna and Lucy DeCinque, like three-way sex

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Twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque, 28, of Perth, Western Australia, do everything together including eating, cosmetic surgery and sleeping together according to Daily Mail . Adding a new spin to ménage à trois, they’ve taken sleeping together to a whole other level. The pair have the same boyfriend. They’ve been dating Ben Byrne, an electrical engineer, for a year.
The sisters, who live at home with their mom, have spent $200,000 on plastic surgery so they can look identical. They share the same job, but actually work different shifts, serving meals to the elderly. That’s how they’re able to finance their mirror-image breast implants, lip enhancements and tattooed eyebrows.
“We’re dating one boy at the moment … There are three people in our relationship. We’re sharing,” Lucy explains to the media.
“It’s not really weird to us,” Lucy continues. “We have one boyfriend and all of us share the same bed … We have the same taste in everything, so obviously we’re going to like the same boy, too.”
“We’re all together when we have sex, and if we like the same guy, so be it.”
Obsessed with their looks, Lucy boasts they never wear the same outfit twice, “Everything has to be new.”
“When we go out, we get so many guys saying they want to marry the both of us or date the both of us,” Anna vaunts.
this is so thirsty …. i mean where are these women morals … its not hard to beliewve they are enough of a side circus act since they both resemble the cat lady who had all the surgerys and look like a cat … i mean jeezz what man wouldnt want two sisters… thats nothing new its just very few are bold enough to attempt this ,iwhout balls gettin cut off …. they will come to their sinces sooner or later ,they are pleasing others the way they do with the surgerys they pay all that money to be uglier than they started out so sad… where are their parents …. excuse me probably in jail or divorced or just sick … i feel sorry for them if they think they gone get pregnant by this young creep and he run off with one instead of the other lmaaaaao .cause some men dont want to do this except for the three ring circus .and then they announce it aint a party no more what are they gonna do quit him cause he wants one ….. your delusional than men have fool your bothe to think …… NOT CUTE … ANNA AND LUCY
“i mean jeezz what man wouldnt want two sisters”
You are either a woman and you know nothing about men OR you are a man that again knows nothing about men… hahahaha
Welcome to the real world! Enjoy your stay!
They’ll come to their ‘sinces?’ WTF? …As in SENSES ? He ‘run’ off? as in RAN? YOUR delusional, no, but I think you are. Try YOU’RE instead. You know, the contracted/abbreviated form of YOU ARE…’YOUR’ is a possessive adjective and does not belong in this context. Balls gettin cut off? Try gettinG cut off instead. I think it’s back to the fifth grade English class for you my dear! Oh, and the plural of surgery is SURGERIES. NOT SURGERYS.
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Twin sisters, Anna and Lucy DeCinque, like three-way sex

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More stories to check out before you go
Twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque, 28, of Perth, Western Australia, do everything together including eating, cosmetic surgery and sleeping together according to Daily Mail . Adding a new spin to ménage à trois, they’ve taken sleeping together to a whole other level. The pair have the same boyfriend. They’ve been dating Ben Byrne, an electrical engineer, for a year.
The sisters, who live at home with their mom, have spent $200,000 on plastic surgery so they can look identical. They share the same job, but actually work different shifts, serving meals to the elderly. That’s how they’re able to finance their mirror-image breast implants, lip enhancements and tattooed eyebrows.
“We’re dating one boy at the moment … There are three people in our relationship. We’re sharing,” Lucy explains to the media.
“It’s not really weird to us,” Lucy continues. “We have one boyfriend and all of us share the same bed … We have the same taste in everything, so obviously we’re going to like the same boy, too.”
“We’re all together when we have sex, and if we like the same guy, so be it.”
Obsessed with their looks, Lucy boasts they never wear the same outfit twice, “Everything has to be new.”
“When we go out, we get so many guys saying they want to marry the both of us or date the both of us,” Anna vaunts.
this is so thirsty …. i mean where are these women morals … its not hard to beliewve they are enough of a side circus act since they both resemble the cat lady who had all the surgerys and look like a cat … i mean jeezz what man wouldnt want two sisters… thats nothing new its just very few are bold enough to attempt this ,iwhout balls gettin cut off …. they will come to their sinces sooner or later ,they are pleasing others the way they do with the surgerys they pay all that money to be uglier than they started out so sad… where are their parents …. excuse me probably in jail or divorced or just sick … i feel sorry for them if they think they gone get pregnant by this young creep and he run off with one instead of the other lmaaaaao .cause some men dont want to do this except for the three ring circus .and then they announce it aint a party no more what are they gonna do quit him cause he wants one ….. your delusional than men have fool your bothe to think …… NOT CUTE … ANNA AND LUCY
“i mean jeezz what man wouldnt want two sisters”
You are either a woman and you know nothing about men OR you are a man that again knows nothing about men… hahahaha
Welcome to the real world! Enjoy your stay!
They’ll come to their ‘sinces?’ WTF? …As in SENSES ? He ‘run’ off? as in RAN? YOUR delusional, no, but I think you are. Try YOU’RE instead. You know, the contracted/abbreviated form of YOU ARE…’YOUR’ is a possessive adjective and does not belong in this context. Balls gettin cut off? Try gettinG cut off instead. I think it’s back to the fifth grade English class for you my dear! Oh, and the plural of surgery is SURGERIES. NOT SURGERYS.
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