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Home » News » INCEST: Father deflowered me on kitchen floor, tried to sleep with my younger sister too — Girl cries out
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A 19-year-old lady, Fatima Usman said that her 52-year-old father Usman Momoh took her virginity at age 12 on the floor in their kitchen in Owo area of Ondo state.
Fatima had in a viral video accused her biological father of having sexual intercourse with her since she was 12 years old.
She said that her father had been sleeping with her none stop while her mother always looks the other way whenever she reports to her.
According to her ” he would always threaten to kill me while holding a knife if I ever try to expose him.
Meanwhile, the wife of the governor, Mrs Betty Anyanwu Akeredolu has waded into the matter and sent a delegation to the family of the victim.
The delegation was led by the Senior Special Assistant to the governor on Gender Research and Documentation, Mrs Temitope Daniyan who was accompanied by officials of the Federation of Women Lawyers, FIDA.
Mrs Akeredolu’s intervention reportedly led to the re-arrest of the suspect who is garner in a tertiary institution in the state.
Police in the state had released the suspect after family members said they would settle the matter and that some rituals would have to be performed.
Speaking with newsmen, the victim said ” He normally wakes me up in the middle of the night in our room and take me to the kitchen to have sex with her. He usually holds a knife during the process.
Fatima said that whenever she made an attempt to tell her mother, she wouldn’t listen and the abuse kept coming regularly until last December when she decided to run out of home.
She pointed out that anytime her father woke her in the middle of the night and she refused, she would sleep outside their apartment till daybreak while her mother wouldn’t show concern to ask for the cause of her action.
Fatima who is just finished her Senior Secondary school explained that her father had made it a tradition to sleep with her before paying her school fees or fending for her needs.
She further alleged him of attempting to do the same with her junior sister who is 17years old.
The younger sister, Jemima confirmed this to the delegation sent to the family by the governors wife.
Jemila said her father once woke her up in the middle of the night under the guise of observing ablution but made a move to sleep with her but she refused and reported to her mother who scolded him not to try such again.
**Suspect attempted murder- Victim’s aunt
The victim’s aunt, Mrs Diamond, said the suspect, who is a gardener at the Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, attempted suicide immediately after he confessed to the crime before his arrest
“He bought all the items for the ritual and they were taken to the village with a warning that the girl must never live under the same roof with him”.
** Am not aware of all these – Mother of victim
The 39years old mother of the girl claimed ignorance of the allegation when she met with the delegation.
* l slept with my daughter only once- Suspect
The father of Fatima, Usman Momoh has admitted sleeping with her but only once
Momoh while being transferred to the Ondo State Police Command headquarters said he had sex with his daughter only once.
He asked the society to forgive him as he has realised his mistake.
Momoh stated that he didn’t know what came over him when he committed the act.
* Suspect prosecution rest with Police
The Chairperson of Ondo Women Lawyers (FIDA) Barr. Bola Ogundadegbe told journalists that the prosecution of Momoh now rests with the police after conducting an investigation
Ogundadegbe said the victim would be counselled psychologically to enable her to come out of her current state of depression.
“We are going to give her psychological support. She needs our support morally because she is not stable.”
** The case won’t be swept under the carpet- Police
Police spokesperson, Tee Leo lkoro said that the suspect has been rearrested noting that ” this wasn’t the type of case that could be swept under the carpet.
“We will do everything possible within our means and legally to ensure that the man is prosecuted and the outcome will be known to everybody because I have listened to the girl and I think it’s pathetic. I was told that the man has been brought to the station because he was first granted bail”.
Ikoro said “proper arrangements were ongoing to transfer the man to the state Criminal Investigative Department today.

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Open Discussions About Sexual Abuse and Incest.

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A bit of a trigger warning. Please do not read this if you are extremely sensitive about molestation and such... Hi everyone! This is my first post. Recently I've been opening up about my situation and trying to see if I could find help. So here it goes I guess. Anyways, when I was 5 years old, I was molested by my stepdad, Mike (Not his real name, but we'll just call him that). This was when I first came to him and my mum (I used to live with my actual dad, *mod edit*). Anywho, that's what happened to me. He continued molesting me up until I hit age 12/13. I'm 16 now, turning 17 soon. He stopped ever since I became a teenager and we moved to a different state. This is going to get a bit too personal but I need to just lay everything down on the table... Mike did a lot of things to me and I'd do the same. We both used to give each other oral. He'd have anal sex with me sometimes and much more. He didn't take my virginity or anything, but he did try once. (No one ever caught us). For most of my life I grew up thinking this was okay. Of course I was little when he first started touching me, so I had no clue what this was. All I knew is that the things he was doing to me felt good and I felt the same way to him. I didnt think this was how it happened with every father-daughter relationship. I just thought that's how HIS AND I father-daughter relationship worked and it was our secret. It wasn't until I hit 8-9 years old when I found out that it wasn't okay. I asked him about it and said "I don't like this anymore. It doesn't feel right. It's wrong!" He decided to be manipulative and said "But you liked it. I'll be sad too." I started sobbing (which he didn't expect) and said "I want a normal relationship with you." Since I was a little older, I finally knew what was going on. He felt bad. He started understanding how much it was taking an affect on me and stopped touching me (as much. He still couldn't help himself sometimes...) A couple years later on Halloween 2011, he decided to take us to Disney Land. On our drive back from Disney Land, I was in the front and he decided to touch my lower area and grope my breasts when I was sleeping. I woke up and couldn't move. I just pretended to stay asleep. I thought it was over already, but apparently he decided that was officially the last time. Skip down a couple more years later, we decide to move to a different state. I was 12 turning 13 now and we both decide to forget all that happened. He apologized before we moved on and never talked about it again. Also, during all of this he wasn't hurting me. He never forced me down or anything. He just somehow got me to do whatever he said. Anyways, now that we're in a different town, state, environment and such, things seemed better. When I got into my freshman year though, things were just okay. I'd still get nightmares of being touched. Not only that, but my mum's health was plummeting along with my grades. Things were really tough for my mum and she gets stressed out so easily. And the only one who really steps up to help her is Mike...The thing is, I know he loves my mum. He really does. My mum loves him too. My nightmares and thoughts won't go away though. Even though he's emotionally scarred me, he's also done a lot to have a roof over our head and food on the table. He's made my mum very happy (most of the time). He does anything she needs to make sure she's healthy and okay. He works not only to have a home, but to pay for all her medical things. In short, he loves my mum to death and does a lot for me too. He tries a lot to make up for what he did. My thoughts and emotions have been playing me for years. I'm so confused and hurt. Despite the fact he's molested me for years, I still love and care about him as my actual dad. Other than him doing things to me, he's been a good dad. I see the way he acts around me when he says sorry for what he's done. I see how much he's changed since we've moved. I've seen how he goes out of his way to do so much for my siblings (who are much older than me), niece, nephew, and mum. At the same time though all I see is a perverted, sick, twisted man that I still smile at every day. I guess this is where I stop to ask for help. I have no clue what to do. I want to report him and tell my family what he did to me, but I love him. I know as soon as I tell the truth about what he did to me years ago, my brother will physically hurt him if not kill. My brother respects our stepdad too. My sister barely got used to him and started liking him. I've always been close to him though because I came to him as a young kid. I love him, but I don't love what he used to do. Recently, I've told him how I felt and how it still scars and hurts me to see him and think about the old stuff that happened. I told him I don't want him to leave. I told him I love him and he's still my dad. I said all these good things about him, but I also told him he hurt me, left me emotionally scarred, and traumatized me. I don't think any amount of sorrys could help me. I also opened up to a few of my friends about this. Half of them know the name of who did it and situation, but half of them only know the situation. I feel as if I made a mistake though. I tend to keep everything inside so when I let everything out and told them the truth, my emotions were just everywhere. They're all supp
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