Incest Sissy

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Today’s Posting will Focus on when Women Take Control of their husbands and Families. As more Women become the Breadwinners, the dynamics in marriages are Changing. More and more Mothers are also realizing the Great Benefits of having “Sissy Sons”, especially some Hard Core Feminists, that are Training the young males for their futures as male wives for Strong Women!
The Following is a series of correspondences with a Woman that i have had the pleasure to know, her name is Marsha. (This was from 8 years ago) Some have asked about when I publish series like this, and I want you all to know that the permission to share was given, or I would not post them. Marsha and her Organization are Wonderful examples of Female Empowerment, where we have some disagreement is that I really think that Women and Girls should adopt more “masculine” traits, especially in the area of Physical strength, but I think we can all Agree, Female Empowerment is happening in different ways!
Feminizing males must begin in the cradle, as I have done with my Daniela. Boys must never be allowed to pick up nasty masculine behavior. They must be trained from birth to be the sweet, docile creatures that women were expected to be in the male dominated society. However we must avoid having our daughters becoming masculine. Girls must learn to be strong, independent women, but they need not look like men. As for the workforce. There was a time when strong muscles were needed, but now with machines doing the heavy work, any woman can perform any job. Men who work should be regulated to what was once called traditional women’s jobs. In my office my secretary is a male.
The attached picture is of a child who grew up to be a world leader. Isn’t he adorable in his satin dress, and feathered hat. In case you have not guessed who it is by now. It is President Franklyn Delano Roosevelt when he was 3 years old. Original picture is on display in the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, NY.
In many countries now women serve in the military. In some of those countries women are even trained to be used in combat. then there is the use of drones, remote control planes and tanks etc.. How much strength is needed to operate them? Some males might be allowed into the military, but all non commissioned, and commissioned officers would be women. Of course the police would be all female.
The book is “Regiment of Women” by Berger. In it the author describes a totally reversed society, where men dress and function as women, and women dress and function as men.
Hi Marsha!   Was going through some old messages, and I thought you might Enjoy this! Hope you are doing Well! Patti
The pics of Jenny (Jeremy) show an adorable girl. It only goes to prove my point that the demale process should begin in the cradle. I had no problem getting my Daniela into dresses since that was all she wore from birth. It was not until she had to go to school that she had to wear pants. She complained so much about not being able to wear her pretty dresses to school, but at least her pants are girls jeans with pretty butterflies, or flowers on them.
You asked about my secretary. He is not a demale but he is a submissive transvestite. I do allow him to come to work in a skirt.
     I believe you are so Correct in the Raising of Males to be Pretty and Feminine and to get them into Dresses and Skirts Immediately…I Applaud you for that. I Only Hope that yo are able to Influence other Women to Pursue this Practice!     May I ask…Are you part of a Demale Group?   would love to be able to do more to help the Demale Cause. I Hope that my Blog helps to bring Women and Girls the knowledge that not Only is the Feminization of men and Boys Alright…it is Preferred!     Thank you for sharing that your Secretary is a Male Submissive Transvestite. I would consider myself in that camp as well. I think it is Delightful that he wears a Skirt to work. Does he wear a Skirt often to work? When he does, does he wear Heels and Nylons and make a Feminine Presentation?     I am going to attach some photos that I hope you will Enjoy!  It is Wonderful that i have met you…another Wonderful Woman that is Making a Great Change for a Better Society. I hope your Male Wife and Feminize Son Appreciate the Great honor you have bestowed on them by Feminizing them…and i Hope your Daughters Delight in the Great revelation you have revealed to them! 
To begin with I am not in a DEMALE group. In fact I had never heard of DEMALE until I accidentally discovered the site. However I am a member of a similar group which is even more secretive then The Demale Society since we do not have a web site. Bobbi’s mother is one of the founders. She brought me into the group.
How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was rather traditional. Bobbi, and Daniela did all the cooking and serving. After dinner the girls and I went to watch television while the sissies cleaned up. I did have a couple of guests over for dinner. Bobbi’s mother, and my girlfriend Joan. Joan is an interesting woman with some interesting ideas. You should get to know her. She is a Female Supremest, among other things.
The link is missing from this E=Mail. I have shown your blog site to both my mother in law, Gloria, and to Joan. They may contact you.
My daughter in law, Marsha, showed me your blog site, and suggested I contact you. She said you might be interested in L.A.S.S., (Ladies And Sissified Sons). Our little group was started in 1969. It was originally a support group for women who had been raped, and had a child resulting from the rape. seven of us had baby boys, we decided that we would insure that our sons would never become the kind of men who raped us. Dr. Linda Michaels, the psychologist who ran the support group, was a feminist. She told us that the only sure way to do this was to raise them to be sissies. She provided us with female hormones and blocker. Being an M.D., she also performed the castrations.
I just read the Courtney/Curtis piece in your blog. What a sweet girl/boy she is. Personally I think that most boys wish they were girls. It is only the Judeo/Christian male dominated religious training, and social standards, along with peer pressure that prevents them.
By the way has Joan contacted you yet?
My friend Marsha showed me your site, and suggested I contact you. She told me that she already told you I am a Female Supremist, and not a Feminist. As I am sure you already know Feminists want women to be equal to men in all endeavors. What I want is for women to be superior to men in everything. If I had my way women would rule the world in a worldwide Matriarchy. Men would have no rights, and only those privileges women wished to allow them. However I also believe that those males who were feminized as boys, live as girls, and are unable to function as men though still inferior to women, are superior to men. I consider them to be a third gender. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.
THANK YOU so much for the Lovely Note! Yes, Marsha and i have been corresponding, and it has been Quite Intriguing! I am so Happy to have come across her, you and Gloria…I APPLAUD all three of you and I would Love to be able to assist in the Movement of Female Control and Male Submission. That is the reason for my Blog, to Hopefully Encourage Women to Feminize the Males in their lives in order to make them Better. When the World has a Large percentage of Feminized Males, I truly Believe the World will be a Better place to live. Women Nee to TKE the Power away from the Males, and put Men and Boys in their Proper, Feminine Place. Many will argue that this is Brainwashing, and Abusive, but these are the same people that think Nothing of doing that same thing to Women and Girls??????      I LOVE your Outlook of Total Female Control in respect to Macho Men, and i think we would both agree that Feminine Men are the preferred status of where Males should be. I actually Wrote Two Books for reluctant press on what i would love to see the world become…Both of the Previews for those books are Linked on my Blog…the first one is called “The Experiment”, and the other is called “Modern Girl Publishers”. Both deal with the Concept of gender Role Reversal, and the Complete Submission of the males into becoming Feminine “Trophies” for the Women. This is the kind of World I would like to see. No More Male Competitive Sports…No more strength Building by Males. Males should be Brought up as Feminine, Docile creatures, directed into looking Pretty, and learning Domestic activities, to become Good, Obedient male Wives for the Independent and strong Females. Would Love to know some of your thoughts on that Concept!     Would also be interested on your thoughts of the Women’s Rights Movement as it is today. My general thoughts on it is that it does not really look out for Women’s Rights, but is a “Tool” by the Liberal Establishment to actually Control Women even more. I actually think that a Conservative Outlook, with the Roles reversed…Females being in Power, both Physically and intellectually…..this being accomplished by raising Boys as the Traditional Girls, and girls as traditi0nal Boys, then Controlling the Curriculum for Boys and Girls into Girls doing math, Science and technology, while Boys were Encouraged into doing art, Home Ec and Personal care areas would go along way in getting to these Goals.     I know i am going on here…Hope to hear more from you. I Applaud You and the other women in your Group. If you would be willing to share, I would be very interested on knowing how many males you and your Group have Feminized over the years. Adult males and Young males. I believe the Movement is Growing at a Brisk [pace, and that would be because of wonderful Woman as yourself! Thank You so much for you Nice Note! 
Yes I do believe that the present Women’s Rights Movement is a tool of the Liberal Democratic Party. I do not believe in abortion, and in my idea of a future Matriarchy abortions would not be necessary. If all procreation was by artificial insemination there would be no unwanted, or unplanned pregnancies. Only when a woman wanted a baby would she have herself impregnated. I would eliminate racial discrimination by using sperm from various races in the process. Eventually everyone would be a mix of all the races, and one can not discriminate against ones own race. There would be no religious persecution since everyone would worship the same Mother Goddess. There would be no wars since there would be one world wide central government. Everyone would speak a common language.
I want you to picture the world before the Women’s Rights movement, before Women’s Lib, before Women’s suffrage. Now I want you to reverse the gender roles. Males have no political rights, no property rights, and are subject to their mothers, and sisters. There would be no marriage between women, and men. however two women may marry each other. Males would be feminized, some completely, the rest superficially. Prior to puberty the most feminine boys would be castrated, and put on female hormones so that when they went through puberty they would develop a very small penis, and breasts. The rest of the males would have a partial penectomy leaving enough for urination, but not enough for penetration. This will prevent female/male intercourse. Another benefit of this is without the ability to penetrate a woman with his penis, there can be no rapes. After puberty they will be milked of sperm using machines like the ones used to milk cows on dairy farms. Once he has supplies sufficient sperm, his testicles no longer needed will be removed, and he will be put on female hormones. This does not mean that women will be deprived of sexual pleasure. Just ask any lesbian a penis is not necessary for her climax. As long as a male has a tongue he can provide a woman with her pleasure. Since there is no chance of pregnancy, there will be no laws, or rules regarding incest. Males can be used by any related female for her pleasure, and related women can be lesbian lovers, even marry each other.
As for education. females will have the same levels of education available today. Males will have only a primary education. For the first three grades they will learn to read, write, and do basic math. For the rest of their education they will learn to function in the job their mother, or in her absence their nearest female relative wishes for them.
   Yes, Curtis is surely a Sweetheart!  Wouldn’t it be fantastic to see a Whole Society with Pretty, Non-Threatening males such as Curtis? Because of the Outlook for Society that I have…I think it it Precious that the School that Jenn is sending him to has Two Short haired “Tough” Tomboys as well. At seven years old, it is all Premature…but picture 10 years from now one of those Tomboys with the Pretty Feminine Curtis as her “boifriend”…He being Sweet, Demure and overtly Feminine, and her being Athletic and in Command!  What a Beautiful Future that would be!     Joan has contacted me, and I need to take time to write an appropriate response. I Love her Outlook on Female Supremacy…especially in respect to Macho Males…and yet her Opinion that Sissy males are superior to the Macho Male…… take from that that she would Support Forced Feminization of Males in order to make them Better…which is something that I TOTALLY Agree with1  What is your thoughts on Force Feminization?     I Hope that you continually have Bobbi and Danielle outfit in Feminine Skirts and Dresses. I really believe that is the BEST Way for an Independent Woman to maintain Control over the males in her life. Out of curiosity, you said that Bobbi and Danielle made and served Dinner on thanksgiving…would you mind sharing what kind of Outfits you had them wear for your Company?     Even though you said you Male Secretary was not Demaled, but rather is a Submissive Crossdresser, when he came for the job was he attired in Feminine clothing, or was that something you were able to direct him towards? I know I ask a lot of questions, but I do use the information that I gather to help Frame the Blog into the reality that is actually Occurring. I continually Hope Women will realize the Great Opportunity they have in gaining Control of their lives, but in a Productive Society, there has to be a Female and male Component, i just want to see the Female being the Dominant and Controlling part of that Equation, because I feel that will Create a Better Society overall.     Hope to hear from you again! Thank You so Much for your Correspondence. 
I have never given forced feminization a thought. Having started Danielle from the cradle, there was no need to force her. Until the time she had to start school her entire wardrobe consisted of dresses. The closest she comes to dressing like a boy is for school, and then it is girls jeans with pretty flowers and butterflies on them. As for Bobbi, she does not have a single item of male clothing in her wardrobe. for the cooking, and preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner both Bobbi, and Danielle wore skirts, and blouses. Just before our guests arrived they changed, Bobbi into a cocktail dress, and Danielle into a party dress. Clothing that is appropriate for the occasion. There are no maids uniforms, or special sissy clothes in my home. Except for the role reversal we are a normal family. As far as our neighbors know we are a lesbian couple with three daughters.
When my secretary applied for the job he was dressed male. One day I caught him on his coffee break reading a transvestite magazine. I asked him if he was one, he said yes. Then I told him that if my clients do not object, I would have no problem if he came to work enfemme. Besides he has a nice body, and wears sexy miniskirts. he can turn me on.
 You are such a Delight!!! The way that you have gone about conducting your Life has to be an Inspiration to other Independent Women and Girls. Your Daughters must be Very Proud of You!!  Even though I have not been able to conduct my life in the same way as you are able to conduct yours, you have become a Great Inspiration to me. The way that you have Taken Control over the two males in your Family, is a “Model” for how Female Empowerment and a Loving Family Life Can Occur. Women are great Leaders, and they can ominate the Male without being Violent and Abusive, a Trait that has Eluded many a male in the past in relationships with Women and Girls.     Just out of curiosity, and I do not mean to Intrude….are you a Lawyer? I have read numerous articles on Role Reversal and in numerous cases, the Woman was a Lawyer…it seems that Female Lawyers are Well Equipped into instituting Role Reversal. Another curiosity is, when your males are dressed in their skirts and dresses, do you Require them to wear either Nylons or Tights? The reason I ask that Question, is that in my experiences, the Delicateness of Nylons seem to Force the Males to be more Docile, especially if they are under Threat of Consequences if they run or ruin their nylons.      I applaud you that Bobbi owns No Male Clothing…what a Great Accomplishment.  Not to try to take any of that Credit away from you, but is this something that Gloria had instituted with Bobbi? The Greatest Fact in all this experience is that there are at least Two Generations of you women that are Feminizing the men and boys, and I would Hope that this will be continued with your Daughters……are they showing Signs of wanting to Feminize any Boys that they know?    Your Male Secretary sounds so Sweet!!! After you made him aware that he was allowed to dress in skirts or dresses while working, has he mainly worn skirts or dresses, or does he still wear Male clothing, or has he Opted for Female Slacks?  I would assume that he wears makeup and Jewelry, as well as carries a purse?  What have your clients thought about your Secretary, or do they have no Opinion?    As I write my Blog, would you allow me to share Discreetly a few aspects of your Situation?  Mainly that you have a Feminized spouse and son, and a Feminine Male Secretary….NO Names would be mentioned, just an account tha
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