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Daughter Comes Out As Transgender, Then Three Years Later Father Decides To Come Out As Well
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Corey Maison knew she wanted to be a girl when she was 11 years old but was scared of disapproval from her parents. Little did she know that her mother, Erica, was coming to terms with a new gender identity of her own. Four years later, they’ve become a father-daughter duo that faces every step of their unique transgender journey with strength and pride.
Erica, now Eric, gained the courage to confront his lifelong desire to transition from female to male after watching Corey become the young trans woman she had always felt like inside. Just as Corey feared familial rejection at first, Eric feared what his husband and children would think. After a year of difficult conversations, hormone therapy, and a double mastectomy, Eric feels better than ever and has been embraced with open arms by his loving family.
Back in January, Katie Couric featured Corey male to female and Eric’s story as part of her Gender Revolution, a National Geographic special series. “They are moving in opposite directions but toward their true gender expressions,” she wrote of their dynamic.
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"Corey Maison knew she wanted to be a girl" is not the right way to express this. She KNEW she was a girl. Simply in the wrong body. We don't choose to become the opposite gender, same as people don't choose to be gay. That's simply the way we are.
Stijn V, if you are trans, you are trans. Yes, you do choose if you are going to transition, but really it's you either act on your feelings and become who you really are or you can make people like you happy while you yourself are miserable.
Yeah I'd also much rather be "normal" and not go through surgeries, hormone therapies, more awkward situations in my life than I can even write down here. People tend to think we just wake up one day and decide to become something else but you have no idea how much pain, mentally and physically, all of this includes. There's a reason why suicide rates amongst transgender people are so high. It's not all fun and games, you know?
No, i'm trans, i would hundred times rather be "normal", but i just can't, i'm depressed if i'm not acting as what i am deep inside
Wow, both of you guys are stronger than I could ever be. Know that there are people (me being one of them) who want you to be happy and will roast the assholes along side you. I look up to all ya'll.
What does being a girl versus a boy feel like?
When you start wondering at kindergarten why all the other boys get blue plates but you get a pink one, when everyone calls you by a name you feel so horrible about because it's a girl's name, when you have to wear a school uniform you hate because you know that boys don't wear skirts, when people start calling you "Miss", when you are supposed to act like a girl because that's what everyone thinks you are, while you secretly try to find out what is wrong with you and why your entire life feels like a lie. Not to mention the problems with any intimate relationship, because the thought that someone likes a body that feels so completely wrong to you, makes it really hard to let someone close to you.
And then comes the point where you have to decide if you want to put up with that for the rest of your life and lie to yourself and everyone you love or if you risk losing a lot of people to become yourself. And that's not a funny path to take.
With respect, doesn't the 'blue plate vs pink plate' and stuff relate to the gender roles rather than the physical dysphoria of being female vs male? Bc by that definition, I would have had gender D as a kid too. It took me almost 2 decades to not hate being a girl. A lot of it was internalized mysoginy bc of how women are treated/expected to behave. Also, now they're saying gender dysphoria is not a requirement to being trans-what do you think?
Also, you don't need to answer if you don't wish. And just to be perfectly clear, none of this is a commentary on you specifically. If you're happy in your current gender, then all the power to you. You deserve happiness like anyone else.
And I am so glad that nowadays the awareness of gender dysphoria is so much higher than when I grew up, because I spent nearly fifteen years thinking I'm simply crazy and although every time I looked in the mirror it nearly made me cry, because everything looked and felt so absurdly out of place, I just have to live that life because that's how I was born. And I'm so happy for people like Eric who had to fake decades of being someone they weren't deep in side, to finally come out and be who they always were in secret.
Yes, Random panda. If gender is so innate like you claim, then there must be a huge difference, not just some vague feeling. What is it?
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Nope! It’s a “choice”. And no matter what surgeries one has done or how one changes his/her appearance, DNA cannot be changed and will tell whether that individual is a male or a female.
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I want to be a Unicorn . Does it make sense to say " I am a unicorn?"
Really not the same..... But, hey, if you want to say you're a unicorn, I won't stop you....
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umm no. It is not a girl. A boy wanted to be a girl is how it is. The logic of your statement is so ignorant. Not trying to be rude but you cant say a boy "knew she was a girl" .
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Seems a flawed logic. You don't choose you're gay but you choose who you have relations/sex with. You choose however yourself to change your body. As the only difference between girls and boys is the body. The rest is just the same although some people want to put them girls and boys in boxes
You don't really get the point. It's a matter of IDENTITY not CHOICE she didn't WANT to become a girl, she already WAS one because that's what she IDENTIFIES as. What she wanted and chose to do is to adjust her appearance, name, etc.
And to put it more simple for you, according to your example: transgender people don't choose to become the opposite gender, they choose to change their appearance, legal status, etc. Gay people don't choose to be gay, they choose to be intimate with the same sex. Clear now?
Are you transgender? If not, how can you decide how we feel?
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but the only difference is the appearance and the legal status.
For the rest it's all the same. each their own. If they're not hurting anyone why should we care how they live out their lives?
I could not care less what other people are doong to their body, way to much of this sort topics lately. We need cats.
"Corey Maison knew she wanted to be a girl" is not the right way to express this. She KNEW she was a girl. Simply in the wrong body. We don't choose to become the opposite gender, same as people don't choose to be gay. That's simply the way we are.
Stijn V, if you are trans, you are trans. Yes, you do choose if you are going to transition, but really it's you either act on your feelings and become who you really are or you can make people like you happy while you yourself are miserable.
Yeah I'd also much rather be "normal" and not go through surgeries, hormone therapies, more awkward situations in my life than I can even write down here. People tend to think we just wake up one day and decide to become something else but you have no idea how much pain, mentally and physically, all of this includes. There's a reason why suicide rates amongst transgender people are so high. It's not all fun and games, you know?
No, i'm trans, i would hundred times rather be "normal", but i just can't, i'm depressed if i'm not acting as what i am deep inside
Wow, both of you guys are stronger than I could ever be. Know that there are people (me being one of them) who want you to be happy and will roast the assholes along side you. I look up to all ya'll.
What does being a girl versus a boy feel like?
When you start wondering at kindergarten why all the other boys get blue plates but you get a pink one, when everyone calls you by a name you feel so horrible about because it's a girl's name, when you have to wear a school uniform you hate because you know that boys don't wear skirts, when people start calling you "Miss", when you are supposed to act like a girl because that's what everyone thinks you are, while you secretly try to find out what is wrong with you and why your entire life feels like a lie. Not to mention the problems with any intimate relationship, because the thought that someone likes a body that feels so completely wrong to you, makes it really hard to let someone close to you.
And then comes the point where you have to decide if you want to put up with that for the rest of your life and lie to yourself and everyone you love or if you risk losing a lot of people to become yourself. And that's not a funny path to take.
With respect, doesn't the 'blue plate vs pink plate' and stuff relate to the gender roles rather than the physical dysphoria of being female vs male? Bc by that definition, I would have had gender D as a kid too. It took me almost 2 decades to not hate being a girl. A lot of it was internalized mysoginy bc of how women are treated/expected to behave. Also, now they're saying gender dysphoria is not a requirement to being trans-what do you think?
Also, you don't need to answer if you don't wish. And just to be perfectly clear, none of this is a commentary on you specifically. If you're happy in your current gender, then all the power to you. You deserve happiness like anyone else.
And I am so glad that nowadays the awareness of gender dysphoria is so much higher than when I grew up, because I spent nearly fifteen years thinking I'm simply crazy and although every time I looked in the mirror it nearly made me cry, because everything looked and felt so absurdly out of place, I just have to live that life because that's how I was born. And I'm so happy for people like Eric who had to fake decades of being someone they weren't deep in side, to finally come out and be who they always were in secret.
Yes, Random panda. If gender is so innate like you claim, then there must be a huge difference, not just some vague feeling. What is it?
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Nope! It’s a “choice”. And no matter what surgeries one has done or how one changes his/her appearance, DNA cannot be changed and will tell whether that individual is a male or a female.
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I want to be a Unicorn . Does it make sense to say " I am a unicorn?"
Really not the same..... But, hey, if you want to say you're a unicorn, I won't stop you....
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umm no. It is not a girl. A boy wanted to be a girl is how it is. The logic of your statement is so ignorant. Not trying to be rude but you cant say a boy "knew she was a girl" .
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Seems a flawed logic. You don't choose you're gay but you choose who you have relations/sex with. You choose however yourself to change your body. As the only difference between girls and boys is the body. The rest is just the same although some people want to put them girls and boys in boxes
You don't really get the point. It's a matter of IDENTITY not CHOICE she didn't WANT to become a girl, she already WAS one because that's what she IDENTIFIES as. What she wanted and chose to do is to adjust her appearance, name, etc.
And to put it more simple for you, according to your example: transgender people don't choose to become the opposite gender, they choose to change their appearance, legal status, etc. Gay people don't choose to be gay, they choose to be intimate with the same sex. Clear now?
Are you transgender? If not, how can you decide how we feel?
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but the only difference is the appearance and the legal status.
For the rest it's all the same. each their own. If they're not hurting anyone why should we care how they live out their lives?
I could not care less what other people are doong to their body, way to much of this sort topics lately. We need cats.
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Transgender Man Shares Incredible Before & After Progress Photos
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If you walked past Jaimie Wilson on the street, you’d probably take him for an all-American heartthrob; muscular build, deep blue eyes, and casual scruff. You would probably never guess that he’s one of approximately 1.4 million transgender adults living in the US today.
In 2015, Jaimie made the brave decision to start transitioning from female to male (or simply FTM for shorter), shocking and alienating most of his friends and family. “At first I was scared to come out with my gender transformation because I didn’t give any ‘signs,’ as people say,” he writes on Instagram, where he now enjoys over 300 thousand followers. After 2 years of testosterone treatment, surgery, and hard work at the gym, 21-year-old Jaimie has sculpted himself into the man he’s always been at heart.
Though his transgender female to male progress is astonishing, the people from his previous life who chastised him for being ‘too feminine’ to become a trans man have now been replaced by his fellow members of the transgender community, many of whom, ironically, criticize him for being ‘too masculine.’ “People say that I’m trying too hard to be like a cisgender male,” he told Cosmopolitan in a March 2017 interview.
The bottom line of it all? “You are NOT who people think you are, you are who you know you are,” in Jaimie’s own words. The aspiring country musician is making waves on social media, and is scheduled to perform at Sziget Festival in Budapest this August, alongside The Chainsmokers, P!nk, and Wiz Khalifa. See his unbelievable transgender before and after transformation for yourself below! More info: Instagram
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Winning a lotery twice - gorgeous as a woman, sexy as hell as a dude. Go Jaimie! :)
yes indeed, there are not many people who can be that gorgeous both ways!
@65 6c 69 74 65 68 61 63 6b 65 72
Seriously? you ass. I'm not a woman, I very much support all trans people. F**k u
I TOTALLY AGREE I ALSO AGREE WITH JAMIE, I THINK HE LOOKS AMAZING!! I cannot UNDERSTAND HOW A FAMILY TURNS THEIR BACK ON A LOVED ONE??? It completely boggles my mind. I'm a 59 yr old disabled grandmother. And the idea of not having my daughter , grandson, or granddaughter in my life, or turning my back on them is just impossible for me to comprehend Way to go JAMIE, I hope your life is EVERYTHING YOU DREAM IT TO BE
My thoughts exactly, gorgeous both before and after.
Agreed .. I'm mind fucked (in a good way).
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I was thinking the exact same thing!
Ya he was gorgeous as a woman and absolutely smokin as a man!!!!
winning the lottery 3 have to afford it as well....
That's exactly what I was thinking!
I"m not into trans gender people, but I could go for Jaimie! lol Damn he sexy!
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Did I mention I have no dick for you?
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The irony is that women will always secretly support their own, even after transition into a fake man. I've seen no such article on a man transitioning into a female with as much, if not more praise than a female into a male. This, folks, is what we call tribe mentality. The fact that the majority of the supporters of this article alone is over 90% female speaks volumes.
I'm a man and absolutely support him. So there goes your stupid little theory.
Also I have a good friend who
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