Incest Real 2021

Incest Real 2021


Thousands have taken to social media to share their experiences of sexual violence using the hashtags #MeTooInceste and #MeTooGay.
Paris, France – In a video posted on social media on Saturday, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke directly to victims of incest and other forms of sexual violence against children, saying that their voices were finally being heard.
“You will never be alone again,” Macron said.
During the two-minute address, he promised to adopt tougher laws to fight sexual violence and enforce stricter punishments against perpetrators.
The video came about a week after the hashtag #MeTooInceste started trending on social media, followed by the hashtag #MeTooGay.
The rise of the hashtags come with the fall of two high-profile individuals; Olivier Duhamel, one of France’s most prominent intellectuals, and Maxime Cochard, a member of the Paris City Council.
Duhamel is under investigation for allegedly raping his underage stepson.
Cochard has been accused on social media of raping an 18-year-old, vulnerable man.
The accusations have inspired hundreds of thousands of victims to share personal experiences of rape and incest on social media.
Gillet was 13 when her uncle raped her. He was a 26-year-old navy officer.
He only served a one-year suspended sentence. Today, he has a successful career and, according to Gillet, “is living his best life”.
It is a frustration she cannot shake.
“He was able to have a normal life, I had to fight for it,” Gillet wrote in a thread posted on Twitter recounting her trauma.
“Our society protects these aggressors, sometimes it even legitimises their acts,” Gillet wrote.
Many applauded Macron’s Saturday address as an important step towards acknowledging the victims instead.
“It took seven days, but finally [the government] is grasping the moment and getting on board,” Muriel Salmona, a psychiatrist who specialises in supporting victims of trauma, told France Info radio.
According to a November 2020 Ipsos poll, one in 10 French citizens is a victim of incest.
The case of Duhamel, the affair that launched #MeTooInceste, was exposed earlier this month after his stepdaughter, Camille Kouchner, published a book accusing him of sexually abusing her twin brother, Antoine, more than 30 years ago.
France’s public prosecutor has opened an investigation into the allegations and Duhamel has resigned from his post at Sciences Po University in Paris, and his roles as a commentator on LCI television and the radio station Europe 1.
But the scandal runs deeper than the abuse itself.
In her book, La Familia Grande, Kouchner describes a culture of secrecy that kept family members from discussing the incest.
Kouchner’s father, France’s former foreign minister Bernard Kouchner, said in a statement: “A heavy secret that has been weighing on us for too long has happily been lifted. I applaud the courage of my daughter Camille.”
But the affair has raised questions about who in Duhamel’s circle knew about the accusations before they became public.
According to the Le Monde newspaper, the director of Sciences Po, Frederic Mion, allegedly found out about the allegations against Duhamel as early as 2018 but failed to reprimand him.
Elisabeth Guigou, France’s former justice minister and a friend of Duhamel’s, resigned earlier this month from her post as head of an independent commission looking into claims of incest.
Guigou insists that she had no prior knowledge of the accusations against him.
Whether prominent members of Duhamel’s inner circle knew about the abuse, critics say the affair has cast a light on a deep wound inflicting French society: indifference, even acceptance, when it comes to incest and paedophilia.
“It reveals a culture of silence,” Gillet told Al Jazeera. “It makes one think back to the words of certain politicians or media commentators who have minimised, even romanticised paedophilia.”
Gillet said the scandal also reminded her of the Gabriel Matzneff affair. Matzneff, a French writer who spoke openly about his paedophilia, faced his own reckoning last year when one of his victims published a book detailing being abused by him when she was 14.
The allegations also exposed Matzneff’s circle of elite friends who spent decades protecting him despite knowledge of the abuse.
On Thursday, the hashtag #MeTooGay started trending after a man accused Maxime Cochard, an elected official working for the Paris Mayor’s Office, and his spouse of raping him in 2018 when he was 18.
“They took advantage of my youth, my naivety,” the accuser, who used the pseudonym Prunille, wrote on Twitter.
Cochard, a member of the French Communist Party (PCF), released a statement, calling the allegations “totally false” and said he was filing a defamation complaint.
But the affair has inspired thousands in France’s LGBTQ community to share their experiences of underage abuse, using the hashtag #MeTooGay.
The discussion comes as France’s Senate has moved to unanimously adopt a bill to criminalise sexual acts between adults and children under 13. The bill was passed on January 21.
“This text was not developed in reaction to the political and media explosion caused by Camille Kouchner’s book … but this book gives the legislature the opportunity to take a clear position,” Annick Billon, the bill’s author said.
Some lawmakers are calling for even stricter measures.
Alexandra Louis, an MP with Macron’s La Republique en Marche (LREM) party, told Al Jazeera she was proposing a minimum 15-year prison sentence for any adult found guilty of sexually abusing minors.
She also said more needed to be done to educate children about how to report abuse.
“[Incest] is an incredibly taboo subject in French society,” Louis said. “We need to raise awareness amongst children that they are not alone and there are measures they can take,” she said.
Camille Gillet, who spoke about her abuse on Twitter, said laws would only go so far.
What France really needs, she said, is a reckoning.
“We need to completely change the way we look at these crimes,” she said. “And we especially need to stop punishing the victims by letting aggressors get away with what they did as if their crimes didn’t matter.”
French leader says country needs to better protect children as victims share testimonies of abuse on social media.
In landmark ruling, Seoul court says Japan should pay 12 women an equivalent of $91,000 each for wartime abuses.
The French forward is accused of trying to blackmail former France team-mate, Mathieu Valbuena, in 2015.
Ex-student’s conviction for harassing two women is the first in a case that sparked #MeToo movement in the Arab nation.
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Bill Muehlenberg’s commentary on issues of the day…
‘OK folks, it really is time to end all the bigotry and discrimination. If a man loves his daughter and wants to marry her, who are we to stand in the way of true love? Only a hater or a religious bigot would be opposed to that! End this intolerance now, and let’s go for real marriage equality!’
Anyone who has been following the older debates over homosexual marriage will know that the above is not only actually being called for, but it has been for quite some time now. Those of us who have been warning about extending special rights to homosexuals, including “marriage” rights have long sounded the alarm that a slippery slope does indeed exist, and once you go down that path, there will be no stopping where it leads.
I and others spoke of this for many years now, but we were ignored, criticised, vilified and made fun of. ‘It will never happen.’ ‘You are an alarmist.’ ‘You are a fear-monger.’ ‘Nothing will change when we legalise homosexual marriage.’
I just did a quick search on my own website. Back in September of 2003 I wrote this: “The same arguments used to justify same-sex marriages can be used to justify polygamy, incest, bestiality, group sex, and so on. Once the fundamental idea of marriage as one man and one woman is tossed out, any and all types of sexual activity become permissible.”
I often warned about how we open a Pandora’s Box that will never again be shut if we head down that road. And I have been proven 100% right. Everything I and a few others warned about decades ago has been coming to pass, just as we anticipated. Calls for legalised group marriage, incest and even intergenerational sex (paedophilia) have been made by many for years now.
And of course all sorts of euphemisms and pleasant-sounding terms are being used to cover up what is really going on. One of them refers to “CIAO people” (Consensual Adult Incest Oriented people). And notice that this too is an “orientation”. ‘Hey, I was born this way, I can’t help it!’
One of the more recent calls for incest to be legalised is being made by an Australian man. Consider how one media outlet is covering the story:
Consensual incest advocates are rooting for an anonymous New York parent who wants to marry their own adult child. Australian Richard Morris, who is pushing to change incest laws in about 60 countries, said he supports the legal push in Manhattan Federal Court and that such behaviour between consenting adults “should not be criminalised”. He and other advocates have launched about 130 petitions, mostly on, seeking to change incest laws around the world. Most have received little support. “We haven’t moved any mountains yet,” he told the NY Post.
Mr Morris was inspired to fight for those in consenting incestual relationships, he said, after learning about a Scottish case in which a long-separated father and daughter were reunited, started an affair and were then criminally convicted. Fighting for true “marriage equality” is “the right thing to do, isn’t it?” Mr Morris said. “It seems to be as unjust as the law that used to imprison gay people, and the law that used to stop people of different races marrying,” he added.
‘Hey, love is love. It’s consensual! Why all the discrimination? Marriage equality now!’ Um, where have we heard all that before? Oh yeah, back in the homosexual marriage debate, the one where I and others were laughed at, ridiculed and hated on for daring to suggest that this can of worms would only lead to much more of the same.
As I say, I have long been trying to alert people to these things. In addition to the posts that I mentioned above, plenty of others could be highlighted, including “In Praise of Incest” which I posted in December of 2010:
And in my books I also spoke to these matters at length. In my 2011 volume Strained Relations I had a section on the slippery slope in action. I said this in part:
Moreover, the same arguments used for legalising same-sex marriage could be used to argue for legalising incest, polygamy, and any number of other sexual combinations. If a man wanted to have a long-term sexual relationship with his daughter, or if three women wanted to do the same, how could any society argue against it, if it has already overturned the traditional understanding of marriage?
This has been exactly the case with a Columbia University professor charged with incest with his adult daughter. His attorney put it this way: “It’s OK for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home. How is this so different? We have to figure out why some behavior is tolerated and some is not. What goes on between consenting adults in private should not be legislated. That is not the proper domain of our law. If we assume for a moment that both parties are consenting, then why are we prosecuting this?”
If marriage is no longer one man, one woman for life, then any number of alternatives seems to be possible. If homosexuals can argue that a loving committed relationship should qualify anyone for the institution of marriage, then other equally binding and loving unions should be recognised.
As Sam Schulman put it, “If we grant rights to one group because they have demanded it – which is, practically, how legalized gay marriage will come to pass – we will find it exceedingly awkward to deny similar rights to others ready with their own dossiers of ‘victimization.’ In time, restricting marriage rights to couples, whether straight or gay, can be made to seem no less arbitrary than the practice of restricting marriage rights to one man and one woman. Ultimately, the same must go for incestuous relationships between consenting adults.”
The truth is, all boundaries are smashed when we redefine marriage.
And in Dangerous Relations, released in 2014, I said this, among other things:
The push for incest “rights” is also sadly now upon us in a big way. Once again a number of voices are calling for this, and it is not just low-life types, but respectable leaders and educators. And once again, to even dare to suggest that the push for homosexual marriage rights will logically lead to incest rights results in plenty of abuse and derision.
One person knows this full well. Actor Jeremy Irons has asked whether we must now tolerate even incest, if we allow homosexual marriage to go ahead: “Academy Award winning actor Jeremy Irons said Wednesday that while he doesn’t have much of a strong opinion either way on same-sex marriage, he believes it poses interesting questions, including whether allowing same-sex marriage would open the door for interfamilial relationships. ‘Could a father not marry his son?’ Irons asked HuffPost Live host Josh Zepps.
“Irons argued that ‘it’s not incest between men’ because ‘incest is there to protect us from inbreeding, but men don’t breed,’ and wondered whether same-sex marriage might allow fathers to pass on their estates to their sons without being taxed. ‘It seems to me that now they’re fighting for the name,’ Irons said of advocates for same-sex marriage as opposed to civil unions. ‘I worry that it means somehow we debase, or we change, what marriage is. I just worry about that’.”
He is clearly asking the right questions, but he took plenty of flak for daring to do so. But as I said, already many people are calling for the complete acceptance of incest, all in the name of tolerance and diversity….
And others are not just asking about this connection – they are making the connection. If homosexual marriage is fine, why not incest? Consider film maker Nick Cassavetes who last year released the film Yellow with incest as the main theme. He saw no problem with this at all, and was happy to thank homosexual “progress” for all this. He said,
“We started thinking about [incest]. We had heard a few stories where brothers and sisters were completely, absolutely in love with one another. You know what? This whole movie is about judgment, and lack of it, and doing what you want. Who gives a shit if people judge you? I’m not saying this is an absolute but in a way, if you’re not having kids – who gives a damn? Love who you want. Isn’t that what we say? Gay marriage – love who you want? If it’s your brother or sister it’s super-weird, but if you look at it, you’re not hurting anybody except every single person who freaks out because you’re in love with one another.”
And of course we must be open to the possibility that this is all just genetic. “After all, I was born that way – I can’t help it.” Yep, let’s just add this to the list of “sexual orientations” which must be acknowledged, affirmed and legalised. And we already have groups seeking to give a pseudo-scientific backing to all this. Consider the site, Genetic Sexual Attraction. Yes I am afraid they mean just what it sounds like they mean: “GSA is a natural response to a broken situation. Humans have been designed to bond with their kin starting at the onset of the relationship and for whatever reasons (divorce, abandonment, adoption) it did not happen. This need to bond, which has been dormant for years, finally has the opportunity at the reunion to form a fierce and profound connection.”
Enough said. The push for the removal of all sexual boundaries seems to be proceeding apace. Once a society declares that homosexual acts and homosexual marriage are important social goods which must be given the full force of legal and social approbation, then the door of necessity just gets pushed open that much further.
I know I am not supposed to say, “I told you so,” but, well, I DID tell you so.
We are entering dark times. Once sexuality sets aside biological realities and “Natural Law”, all manner of vice is unleashed. A Chesterton or Muggeridge would hope to “laugh them to scorn”, but we find that all manner of unnatural vice seeks legitimation, and any call to conversion or second-thoughts, all sense of an enlightened, educated conscience is, instead,held in derision and labelled “hate speech”. The Devil must be laughing his way silly to the next outrageous, sinful proposal…. St Michael, the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle…!
And the arguments here won’t last as for consenting adult the age of consent in the West is generally 16-17 years old so soon they might ask why two siblings both that age or one that age and one 18 or above can’t be together. Then they lower the age so younger sibli
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