Incest Mother Boy

Incest Mother Boy


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Wealthy Mother Believed Incest Would Stop Her Son From Being Gay
Born in Cambridge on September 28, 1921, this is the story of Barbara Daly Baekeland. Daly was a prominent American socialite in New York City. In January 1933, Daly’s father, Frank Daly, committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust. After her father’s death, she relocated to New York City with her mother, Nina Daly. They stayed in the Delmonico Hotel in the city. At that time, it was one of the elite hotels around.
Daly was named one of New York’s ten most beautiful girls. This paved her way into the modelling industry, where she worked with Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar often. This allowed Daly to develop connections with wealthy people and, in some instances, date wealthy men.
It is said that Daly’s mother had schizophrenia, and the daughter inherited the illness from her. However, Daly kept her illness a secret as it was socially unacceptable at that time. Because of this, Daly was a private patient to a psychiatrist named Foster Kennedy.
Daly met Cornelia Baekeland, an aspiring actress, on one of her Hollywood trips to Los Angeles and the two quickly became best friends. Cornelia came from a very wealthy family. Her grandfather, Leo Baekeland, was the inventor of Bakelite plastic. It was Cornelia who introduced her brother, Brooks Baekeland, to Daly.
At that time, Brooks was working as a trainee pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Daly and Brooks got into a romantic relationship and got married in California. The couple often held parties for the elite people in the area. However, Daly became popular for her unstable personality. It is also said that she was an alcoholic. Besides this, her marriage was also unstable as she and her husband had many affairs outside of their marriage.
The couple welcomed their first and only son, Anthony, in August 1946. Later on, in 1960, the family relocated to Paris.
During their stay there, Brooks met an English diplomat’s daughter, fifteen years younger than him. He informed his wife of his intention to get a divorce and marry the girl. Brooks ended up cancelling the divorce as Daly had tried to commit suicide.
Daly and Brooks’ son, Anthony, displayed schizophrenia symptoms with paranoid tendencies from a very young age. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which was never treated as his father was against it.
At the age of twenty, in 1967, Anthony moved to Italy. In Italy, he met Jake Cooper, who was a bisexual Australian man. Cooper introduced Anthony to drugs, and later on, the two got into a romantic relationship.
After finding out Anthony was gay, Daly tried to set him up with a French girl named Sylvie. However, this was a failure. Instead, Sylvie had an affair with her husband, Brooks. Daly and Brooks finally divorced in 1968, after a series of failed suicide attempts by Daly as she tried to discourage Brooks from going ahead with the divorce.
After her divorce, Daly would hire prostitutes to seduce her son in order to correct his bisexuality. However, Daly’s efforts were fruitless. Thus, Daly decided to take matters into her own hands and manipulate Anthony to have sex with her instead. She believed that since all the other women had failed, she was the only one who would stop Anthony from being gay. The rape incident occurred in Majorca in 1968.
Following the incident, Anthony attempted to murder Daly by pushing her into traffic. However, the attempt failed, and a friend saved Daly.
On November 17, 1972, Daly died at the age of fifty-one in her son’s hands, Anthony had stabbed his mother with a kitchen knife. Police arrested him, and he pleaded guilty to the murder charges.
Anthony was later institutionalized at the Broadmoor psychiatric hospital. He was released at the age of thirty-three on July 21, 1980.
After his release, he moved in with his eighty-seven-year-old maternal grandmother. However, Anthony ended up stabbing his grandmother six days after he moved in. It is said that his grandmother disapproved of him being gay, and this is what triggered the incident.
Anthony was arrested and charged with attempted murder. He was sent to prison and ended up committing suicide eight months later due to depression.
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