Incest Lick

Incest Lick

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I am a 55 year old mother of three kids. My youngest is 29 so all are grown. There is nothing about our family that would stand out I think. We are the normal older couple next door. So what is the big secret? My husband is really my brother. We have been together all our lives and started out when I was 8 and him 10. We had s** for the first time when I was 10 and have been together ever since. I got pregnant when I was 16 and we moved away from our town and started living as a couple and have been that way ever since. Our kids are all perfectly healthy and normal and there is no way that if you were not one of our close friends and knew our story that you would think anything was different. I love my brother and would not do anything different. So next time you think incest is rare or gross or any of that stuff you might be surprised how common it is.
Sex CONFESSION Mar 4, 2013 By Anonymous
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One Time I was having Lunch at Burger King and then in comes a group of Midgets carrying their King who was wearing nothing but a Robe and the Burger King Crown, holding a Scepter and his Throne was a Toilet.

The King was also barefoot and he had what looked like his underwear around his ankles and oh my god the moment this a****** came in I couldn't tell what smelled worse his feet or the s*** he was taking in the restaurant as I can see everyone in the restaurant either laughing or groaning in disgust seeing a grown man sitting on the toilet in a restaurant wearing only a Crown, Robe, and his Underwear.

Then King Feet got off his Porcelain Throne without wiping his own ass and pulled up his underwear; dear God help us if anyone saw his P****. He then stuck his barefoot in the toilet and everyone in the restaurant was showing disgust as Burger King employees began yelling at King Feet and his Court Jesters to get the H*** out of Burger King as they were violating Health Violations.

Then King Feet took his foot out of the Toilet and began to Smell His s*** covered F****** Feet in the middle of the damn restaurant as other diners were really getting sickened.

Then the Midgets carried King Feet over to my Table and then King Feet snatched my Whopper, put his foot in my whopper and started sucking his toes on my whopper.

I was so mad I hit King Feet with my Drink and took his scepter and whacked him and caused him too fall off his toilet throne smashing it to the ground leaving turds and broken toilet shards on the floor of Burger King as Burger King staff came to drag this half naked King out of Burger King.

My day was officially Ruined but Ding D*** the Burger King is Dead.
A group of 161 children from incestuous matings has been examined and compared with 95 of their half-sibs. The parental age distribution showed considerable differences between the groups, and the period of observation was longer in children of incestuous origin The educational level of the parents was below average; 20 of the 141 mothers were mentally retarded. Information about the fathers was less complete in both groups, but 8 of 138 fathers in the consanguineous group were known to be mentally subnormal. Prenatal, neonatal and infant mortality was higher among children from incestuous unions, and mental retardation as well as congenital malformations, single and multiple, were far more frequent among these children than among their half-sibs who were offspring of unrelated parents.Copyright 1971 S. Karger AG, Basel
I had s** with my sister when I was 13 and she was 24 and her first daughter is my child but no one knows that because well that would destroy everything you know cuz we're coming from a good Christian upbringing even though there's so much incest in the Bible it's not even funny I mean I don't have a problem with it I don't believe that Alicia knows but I tell her if I was up to me but it's not up to me it's not my granted it is half my child but my sister's crazy all that religious crap doesn't really mean anything and she's completely healthy she was born with a little bit of problem in their beginning but so was I so I mean she just carries that Gene of mine again and then I had s** with her and I was when she was 15 also I took her virginity because she didn't want to be with any younger boy she wanted an older that was me might as well have s** with my own daughter but my own niece either way yeah don't believe the hype rock on incest rules
Lady b**** you sick f*** You went into her room lady b****! You raped your sister and you know it. You saw the tears running down her face and kept on going. You heard her sobbing and that did not stop you from raping her. You ripped her heart out! So know you keep trying to convince yourself that everything all right by writing these sick stories. But it isn't! You are on the edge of suicide and your sister is now insane! You are a sick pedophilic who raped your underaged sister and you know that! F*** off rapist I hope you get caught and your b**** cut off and shoved right down your throat!
Hey, I am a pretty knowledgeable guy. I do not know of any actual problem with incest. One side says it is wrong, but why? Defects? Abnormaltees? Guess what. Humans have those even WITHOUT incest! Can anyone tell me what happened because a man from biblical days had more than one wife? Jealousy? Dont people still get jealous over one wife or husband? And that has NOTHING to do with incest! Jesus Coward
Since you won't read below!
Fact! normal pregnancy has about a 4% birth defect rate!

Fact! Non direct incest has a birth defect rate about 7% Non direct incest is with first cousin and further down the family tree.

Fact! In direct incest, the birth defect rate skyrockets to 42% almost half of births! Direct incest is brother & sister, Parent & sibling and grandparent & sibling incest!
You can look them up but you won't!
I don't think your numbers are accurate there probably cuz me and my sister are direct bloodline and our child is 100% normal completely healthy and she just had two boys of her own so I don't know where you're getting your f****** statistics from but I think you might want to choke your chicken instead get better results
FUCKyou and that BULLSHIT lie! Sources for birth defect rates below!

This their findings
Fewer than half of the children who were the product of incestuous unions were completely healthy. Forty-two percent of them were born with severe birth defects or suffered early death and another 11 percent mildly impaired mentally.

I would say look them up but you are to fake to do so!
A group of 161 children from incestuous matings has been examined and compared with 95 of their half-sibs. The parental age distribution showed considerable differences between the groups, and the period of observation was longer in children of incestuous origin The educational level of the parents was below average; 20 of the 141 mothers were mentally retarded. Information about the fathers was less complete in both groups, but 8 of 138 fathers in the consanguineous group were known to be mentally subnormal. Prenatal, neonatal and infant mortality was higher among children from incestuous unions, and mental retardation as well as congenital malformations, single and multiple, were far more frequent among these children than among their half-sibs who were offspring of unrelated parents.Copyright 1971 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Since you don't know of any problems then read the following! These are real facts on incest not opinions!
Because incest is wrong in society period.
Adults having s** has resulted in unplanned pregnancies! And that would extend to incest couples! With over a 42% birth defect rate in direct incest like brother, sister and sibling and parental or grand parents that is unacceptable!
Human beings have an anti-incest mechanisms by instinct programed into us. It is known as the Yuck factor and it is an instinct period.
Because of that most of society will not tolerate incest happening around us. Like seeing brother and sister holding hands or acting as a couple around us.
The odds of both incest partners defeating the yuck factor simultaneously are greater then winning the lotto. So there is always a perpetrator and a victim! The victim may give in after a time and accept it, but would have never had incest if it wasn't for the perpetrator!
Even when the victim gives in, they as well as the perpetrator may and has experienced regret from incest! The severity of that regret can and has led to suicide and murder! People that have experienced incest can and have experienced mental issues from mild too severe that requires extensive treatment and suffer PTSD for the rest of their lives. That goes for the perpetrator as well as the victim.
A part of that regret is being shunned by family and friends when caught!
Research has shown that incest is a very hazardous situation to get into! As the cost of incest with loss of human life as unexceptionable! It has also shown that over 97% of incest the victim is an underage child because children are easier to control and have incest s** with.
There is many more reasons but I would need a large book to put it all into.
Those are real facts based on research and arrests for incest!
Jesus was born from incest. Unless you believe his father was an invisible pedophile that had magical s** with a 13 year old virgin. And if the story of Adam and Eve is true we are all products of incest.
First where did you get that Jesus was born form incest?
If you believe all that the Bible states you have the same IQ as the men that wrote the bible which was estimated at a 7 grade mentally!
But the Bible is a good book with stories in it. Some true and some obviously false. But it tells you to lead a good life don't kill, steal or commit adultery! Be kind to your neighbor and it is a basic guide to living a good life.
Finally someone with a little bit of knowledge wow he's probably from incest oh s*** and then you got Noah you know and his four sons and four wives no it couldn't have s** cuz he was like what 90 by then so yeah there's actually three major parts of the Bible that cause incest Adam and Eve started it carried it on you got a lot you got Saul you know Sodom and Gomorrah come on I'm up I was a devote Christian I've read that Bible back and forth 3 4 5 times you know so this guy is actually knows what he's talking about everybody's just back the f*** off and just worry about yourself okay cuz now it's not like you're going to even remember know who these people are that are committing incest it's just chill and if you don't like it don't do it all right sorry man you don't want to blow your post up but thank you
By the time of the New Testament, however, incest was strictly forbidden. John the Baptist condemned the marriage of Herod Antipas to his brother Philip's wife (Mark 6:17), an act that was clearly a sin (Leviticus 18:16, 20:21). The apostle Paul had to grudgingly deal with a case of incest occurring in the church at Corinth. The church had a member who was having s** with his stepmother while his father was still alive (1Corinthians 5)! God's law enumerated differing penalties for those found committing incest. They included exclusion from the covenant people (Leviticus 18:29, 20:17 - 18), childlessness (Leviticus 20:20 - 21) or even death (Leviticus 20:11 - 12, 14). The reason why he forbids this behavior (other than he says so) is that those who practice it defile and destroy themselves through it (Leviticus 18:24 - 25, 27). In conclusion, the Bible not only does not approve of incest, it also forbids we have s** with anyone (even if they are not closely related to us) outside the union of marriage. In fact, according to Jesus, even l****** after someone (before any physical act can take place) is considered a sin (Matthew 5:28).
Get this fact over 97% of incest involves a child!
1st. Father and daughter severely underaged!

2nd. Father and son severely underaged!

3rd. Adult male family member Grandfather, uncle, step parent involving a severely underage female child followed by a male child.

4th. Male sibling usually 5 plus years on the underage female child followed by a male child.
Sibling experimentation is very rare except if one of the siblings is exposed to s** like being molested.

5th female adult incest with underage male child followed by female child

6th Female sibling usually 7 years or more on underage male child followed by female child!
Once again Sibling experimentation is very rare except if one of the siblings is exposed to s** like being molested.

Last and very very rare is mother or with underage male child followed by female child.

Child victims of incest, 25.6% of them had attempted suicide, 52.0% had suicidal ideation, and 23.6% have killed themself's! Major depressive disorder was the most common psychiatric diagnosis.

The remaining incest is adult incest involving adults is the lowest part of incest happening! Adult incest has its consequences to! Regret being number one especially if drugs or alcohol are involver at the time. Incest between adults have led to suicide or homicide mainly from fear of being caught! Mental conditions that range from suicide to homicide are part of incest.

Then there is pregnancy from incest! That too has caused murder because of false love syndrome. With a normal birth defect rate of around 4%, In non direct incest it jumps to 7% rate. In direct incest the birth defect rate skyrockets to 42%! Direct incest is incest between parents or grandparents-sibling s**. Non direct incest is 1st cousins and lower down the family tree.
It is estimated that incest occurs in 3-5% at any given time. That is 3 to 5 families in 100 families!
But over 97% of those incest cases are between an adult and a underaged child!

If incest occurred at the full 5% then with 97% of incest occurring with a child! That leaves 0.15% of adult and adult incest happening at any giving time!

Incest is going down due to it being much harder to commit incest without getting caught! DNA and genealogy being a big part of it!!

If you say you are a knowledgeable guy that do not know of any actual problems with incest! You do now even if you don't believe all of it. Those are real facts on incest gathered by research and arrests for incest.
I have been with a cheating spouse before and trust me I know how it feels, those suspicions are not mere paranoia. If you suspect that he is cheating, he might actually be..I hired a PI who helped me install monitoring bugs on his phone that diverted all his messages( facebook, whatsapp, text messages, and even phone calls) to my phone; is the man for the job with a very high level of professionalism and highly reliable. I really enjoyed working with him and the few friends I told have been nothing but thankful to me for the referral. Drop him a text or call+1 6 1 7 4 0 2 2 2 6 0. Lastly, he provides proof or service he had provided to other clients before requesting payment.
So what the f*** does that have to do with incest I think you're on the wrong story there probably might want to put down the meth pipe and yeah pick up your sister
Of course, this PI does not know anything about the electronic invasion of privacy
I like to fantasise about incest now and then, just not with my actual family who are sexually repulsive to me.

There's something appealing about the idea of having access to a loving, familial sexual partner without having to go through the dating process. It avoids fear of rejection.
I want to say one thing:-
Incest seems to be good and due to incest,we get sexual experience.
but,think once
with our mom,who has cared for us for almost more than 10-20 years,with utmost love,and whose love is equal to the godess love,is it good to have sexual relationship?
incest seems fun and hot.i too agree with that
but,it destroys the position and respect of other ans sisters in our lives and society.
Eventhough we get urge to do s** with mom or sister,we should control!!!
dont get offended
You are full of BULLSHITassHOLE!
Get this fact over 97% of incest involves a child!
1st. Father and daughter severely underaged!

2nd. Father and son severely underaged!

3rd. Adult male family member Grandfather, uncle, step parent involving a severely underage female child followed by a male child.

4th. Male sibling usually 5 plus years on the underage female child followed by a male child.
Sibling experimentation is very rare except if one of the siblings is exposed to s ex like being molested.

5th female adult incest with underage male child followed by female child

6th Female sibling usually 7 years or more on underage male child followed by female child!
Once again Sibling experimentation is very rare except if one of the siblings is exposed to s ex like being molested.

Last and very very rare is mother or with underage male child followed by female child.

Child victims of incest, 25.6% of them had attempted suicide, 52.0% had suicidal ideation, and 23.6% have killed themself's! Major depressive disorder was the most common psychiatric diagnosis.

The remaining incest is adult incest involving adults is the lowest part of incest happening! Adult incest has its consequences to! Regret being number one especially if drugs or alcohol are involver at the time. Incest between adults have led to suicide or homicide mainly from fear of being caught! Mental conditions that range from suicide to homicide are part of incest.

Then there is pregnancy from incest! That too has caused murder because of false love syndrome. With a normal birth defect rate of around 4%, In non direct incest it jumps to 7% rate. In direct incest the birth defect rate skyrockets to 42%! Direct incest is incest between parents or grandparents-sibling s ex. Non direct incest is 1st cousins and lower down the family tree.
Tell me, where was all of this incest nonsense when apes ran the earth? Do you think they knew what incest was? Do you think they even cared?
Animals and primates have anti-incest mechanisms built in them by instinct. When a baby ape grows up it was and still is chased from the pack and has to find a new pact! That greatly reduces incest from happing!
Thats a load of BULLSHIT no incest is acceptable! There is so much more to incest then just se x idiot!
As a practitioner of it, tell us more!
It's pretty common actually. I have five sisters and have been intimate with three of them as well as three of my cousins. This was mostly when we were young, but one of my sisters and I still have fun once o
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