Incest I Brat

Incest I Brat


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Ljudi koji su u incestuoznim vezama otkrivaju razloge i što njihova okolina misli o tome
Britanski Independent objavio je priče ljudi koji su u mladosti imali seksualni odnos s bratom ili sestrom. Njihove su se priče prethodno pojavile na internetskoj stranici Reddit. Sve su priče anonimne, no u pravilu su šokirajuće, jako detaljne i nerijetko potresne. 
"Incest je jedan od najvećih seksualnih tabua, a prouzakonit je širom svijeta", piše Independent te navodi kako se na seksualni odnos između dvoje ljudi koji su u bliskom rodbinskom odnosu gleda se s negodovanjem. Stoga su priče ljudi koji su bili u takvom odnosu vrlo intrigantne. 
Jedna žena otkrila je kako je spavala s vlastitim bratom nakon što su ih puno selili po udomiteljskim kućama. Završili su kod jako religioznog i zaštitnički nastrojenog para koji ih je školovao kod kuće i rijetko im je dao da iz nje izlaze. 
"Oboje smo mjesecima bili bez ikakvog kontakta s osobama drugog spola. Družili smo se jedino jedan s drugim, otkrila je žena prisjećaju se trenutaka kada je ona imala 15, a brat 14 godina."
Sve je počelo, otkrila je, jedne večeri kada su se ona i brat dogovorili naći u kupaonici. 
"Iako je pristanak bio obostran, u to sam vrijeme imala osjećaj da sam ga natjerala na odnos. On je bio neodlučan, bojao se da ćemo to požaliti u budućnosti, no ja sam inzistirala. I on je prihvatio", napisala je te dodala kako je kasnije u životu to bio trenutak zbog kojega je najviše žalila. 
Bojala se da će zbog onoga što se dogodilo između njih njezin brat duboko u sebi osjećati krivnju. 
"Bio mi je jedina obitelj i jako sam se uplašila da bih ga mogla izgubiti zbog svoje sebičnosti. Trebalo mi je više od deset godina da napokon odem do njega i tražim oprost. Na moje iznenađenje, uopće nije bio ljut. To je za mene bilo veliko olakšanje", napisala je. 
Jedna žena rekla je da ima dvoje djece sa svojim bratom i da svi žive sretno, no više je onih koji su otkrili da imaju traume zbog takvog odnosa. 
Jedan je muškarac napisao kako je imao odnose sa svojom sestrom kada je njemu bilo 17, a njoj 14. Priznao je da se odmah nakon odnosa osjećao prestrašeno, zbunjeno i posramljeno. 
Poslije je rekao: "Otrčao sam u svoju sobu i sakrio se ispod plahti. Bilo me je užasno sram. Cijelu noć sam se pitao jesam li silovao svoju sestru ili je ona to stvarno htjela. Sljedeći dan se ponašala normalno, ali joj nisam mogao pogledati u oči. Iako sam kasnije osjećao da je i ona to stvarno htjela, osjećaj srama proganjao me godinama. Krivnja je jednostavno bila prevelika", rekao je te dodao kako se to dogodilo prije više od deset godina. 
"Nismo nikada pričali o tome. To je za mene zatvorena priča. Morao sam živjeti s ogromnom krivnjom i sramom zbog konfuzije koja se dogodila tu večer", napisao je. 
Mnogi su se prisjetili kako im je to iskustvo dugoročno naštetilo. 
Jedna je žena priznala da joj je seksualna veza s bratom uništila život. 
"Počelo je kao odnos dvoje znatiželjne djece, a na posljetku se pretvorilo u to da on više nije priznavao ne kao odgovor kad god bih mu došla u posjet", rekla je. 
Seksualni odnosi između rođaka nisu ilegalni i nisu klasificirani kao incest, ali neki od posjetitelja stranice iznijeli su iskustva i takvih odnosa. 
Jedan je čovjek napisao kako je bio uporan u svojoj ljubavi i čežnji prema rođakinji.
"Ne mogu reći da mi se nije sviđalo ili da osjećam krivnju ili nešto tako. Odlično je, ona je lijepa i misli da sam i ja privlačan", pohvalio se. 
Drugi je napisao da je imao odnos s rođakinjom kada su oboje imali 17 godina. 
"Bila je to stvar dogovora i nikada nismo zbog toga osjećali krivnju. Dogodilo se samo jednom, ali mislim da je to zbog toga što smo oboje nakon našeg seksualnog iskustva ušli u duge veze", napisao je te istaknuo kako se njihov odnos unatoč tome što su spavali zajedno nikada nije promijenio. 
"To se dogodilo prije više od 20 godina. I dan danas redovito kontaktiramo i nema ništa čudno u našem odnosu", rekao je. 
Na stranici se našla i priča sa sretnim završetkom. Jedna žena otkrila je kako ona i njezin brat svakodnevno vode ljubav. 
"Zajedno smo šest godina i imamo dvoje djece. Počelo je zato što sam bila uzbuđena i samo sam htjela spavati s nekim, a pretvorilo se u vezu. Moj se život zbog toga jako promijenio. Svi planovi koje sam imala poslije srednje škole propali su, ali isplatilo se", napisala je. 
Zbog toga se nimalo ne osijecam ruzno. I ne smatram da sam napravila incest.
Ja sam poznavala jednog decka od rodenja(jos uvik smo jako dobri). Stariji jrl od mene dvi godine. Tek sa 15godina sam saznala od bake da mi je to treci rodak. I on je tada to saznao. Nakon par godina smo ... prikaži još! na jednoj festi malo se zapili i zavrsili zajedno. U krevetu naravno. S jedne strane sam se osijecala jako cudno, ali opet nekako bilo mi je lipo. Naravno nije stalo samo na tome jer se obostrano privlacimo, fizicki. I dan danas smo jako dobri kao prijatelji, ali nekad se isto desi da zavrsimo
Volio bih kad bi netko sasluša moju sudbinu. Nije Vrana bez razloga crna ! Jeli netko vidio bijelu Vranu....? Sve ovo je dobrovoljne naravi i mozemo suditi sebi u korist. Ali tko smo mi da sudimo ? Kada odlucis kao ... prikaži još! ja u dobi od 40 godina iznijeti iz sebe proslost, u kojoj sam vise godina bio seksualno zlostavljan od rodjenog brata u kuci punoj djece. Pitam se sto je to? Ne osudjujem bracu i sestre jer to je zov prirode... Ali osudjujem sebe jer nisam prije reagirao na meni ucinjenom.

Movies involving relationships (voluntary or forced) between siblings (sisters, brothers, twins) or children and parents (biological or step-parents).

SPOILER ALERT!!! My descriptions below may contain spoilers revealing important plot twists. However, I had to put them in to specify the nature of the relationships depicted in a particular film.
The major plot twist of the movie consists of the protagonist (the wallflower) having had a history of childhood sexual abuse (molestation) by his aunt, who moved in with his family after coming out of a string of abusive relationships.
Strictly speaking, doesn't involve incest. However, two of the protagonists are considered brother and sister, because their parents are married, but they are not blood related. There is a lot of sexual tension between them.
Does not involve incest per se, since the two protagonists are not blood-related. But the fact that they fell in love with each other causes quite a stir in the family, because his father and her mother are married to each other. Although the marriage was quite recent and their children from previous marriages did not grow up together.
R | 112 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance
Tells the story of two lovers, Ana and Otto, who meet as children and are brought together by a series of coincidences, one of them being that her mother and his father fall in love and get married. This fact does not stop them from introducing the sexual component into their relationship.
R | 94 min | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
A girl's step-brother, who she grew up with after her mother married his father when they were kids, is convinced that he is in love with her and it is inevitable that they will end up having sex one day (although she is disgusted by the mere idea of that ever happening). However, when such a day dawns after all, things don't turn out quite the way the step-brother planned.
None of the four siblings featured in this film seem to be actually blood-related, but they have been growing up together for some time, and obviously see each other as members of the same family. There is a scene, where brother and sister almost cross the line.

Besides, the step-father seemed to have intentions to sexually abuse his older [step-]daughter.
TV-14 | 43 min | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Depicts a sexual relationship between brother and sister, who are not blood-related, but whose parents have been married since the children were about 10 - 12 years old.
TV-MA | 53 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
In Season 6 the protagonist's sister starts to realize that she is in love with him. They are not blood-related, since Dexter was adopted into the family, but they grew up as siblings.
After his father's death, Sam finds out that he has a half-sister, whose son is to inherit a considerable amount of money. While Sam tries to get to know his sister and nephew better, she misinterprets his attention in a romantic way and seems to be infatuated by the charming and witty young man, who gets along with her son exceptionally well, and who just slightly looks like herself.

Before any lines can be crossed, however, she finds out that they are siblings and feels shocked and humiliated that the truth has been kept from her for this long.
TV-PG | 93 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Not Rated | 182 min | Action, Adventure, Drama
King Arthur fathers a son from his half-sister (same mother, different fathers).
King Arthur fathers a son from his half-sister (same mother, different fathers). He does not know her identity at the time, but seems quite infatuated with his half-sister when they meet as adults.
TV-MA | 56 min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy
One of the subplots centers around a budding affair between a woman and a man, who are the heirs to two powerful families. It is later revealed that they are half-brother and sister. The man is shocked at first, but then realizes that the woman was aware of the possibility and even after learning the truth, she is adamant to continue their relationship and to seal their collaboration with a marriage.
R | 117 min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery
The protagonist met her half-brother as an adult. They had sex at least once. The paternity of her son is put in question, when her husband finds out about their relationship. It is not clear if she actually was having an affair with the half-brother or if the husband just picked up on sexual tension between them.
Half-brother and sister meet after growing up apart. He is married with a kid, she has a boyfriend, who is away. They end up starting an affair with each other, seemingly in an attempt to connect.
The female protagonist is raped by her half-brother (same father, different mothers), who is convinced that they are in love with each other.
R | 155 min | Action, Adventure, Drama
The Roman emperor is in love with his sister. He tries to force her into a sexual relationship with him by keeping her son hostage.
R | 144 min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
The protagonist is encouraged into having a sexual intercourse with his half-sister by their father, the Devil. He is definitely attracted to her during the whole movie, while he doesn't know they are related until the very end.
It is unclear (and probably is subject to interpretation) if there has been a sexual relationship between the protagonist and his sister, but the fact that they show no signs of awkwardness when seeing each other naked leads to speculations about their family history.
Not Rated | 111 min | Drama, Horror, Mystery
A mentally troubled woman tracks down a man, whom she believes to be her husband. She tries to seduce him, almost successfully. It is later revealed that the man is actually her biological brother (neither of them knew about this fact for sure).
A teenage girl seems to have a crush on her father’s friend, who has been friendly with her. She kisses him at some point, but he interrupts the kiss, as he has become aware that she is his half-sister.
A teenager has a crush on his older sister, who is in an abusive relationship. They almost end up having sex, but he is able to stop himself, realizing that she needs help and support, not another person taking advantage of her vulnerability.
PG-13 | 115 min | Biography, Drama, History
Anne Boleyn tries to talk her brother into fathering a child on her, after a miscarriage of King Henry VIII's baby, so that she can avoid the king's wrath. Nothing happens, although the brother is depicted as being very fond of her.
Tells the story of a brother and sister, whose parents are not available and they are left with no one but each other. The brother is trying his best to take care of both of them. The sister is going through a complicated process of discovering her own sexuality and experimenting with it. Within this setting we see certain tension, of a clearly sexual nature, between the siblings. They definitely cross the line at some point, but manage to stop before things go too far.
Daantje's brother suddenly appears in her life again, after many years spent apart. Something happened between them, that made their parents send Martijn away to a boarding school in London. But Martijn and Daantje seem to have different accounts of the events of that morning of Daantje's birthday, when the parents caught them naked in bed. Although the ending of the movie is up to speculation, I personally don't think there has ever been or is going to be an actual sexual intercourse between brother and sister in this film.
The whole film consists of a dialogue between a brother and sister, who haven't seen each other for 5 years. Through exploring their lives, destructive habits, relationships, mistakes, etc. they seem to come to accept their true feelings for each other. There is a strong sexual tension between them throughout the film, which comes very short of the actual intercourse.
Not Rated | 30 min | Animation, Short, Drama
Brother and sister have been in love with each other since childhood. This love keeps the boy in human form, preventing the angel sleeping inside him from waking up.
TV-MA | 101 min | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
One of the characters in the movie seems to have finally found someone she loves and who is able to love her back. He is far from being the picture-perfect knight in the shining armour, of course, with his whole family having an extremely low opinion of his wits and ability. The situation is also somewhat complicated by the fact that they are first cousins. However, these complications fail to matter anymore once her mother reveals that not only are they first cousins, but they also happen to be half-siblings.
Apparently, this features an incestuous love between the female protagonist and her brother.

Cannot comment on the extent of this relationship, since the movie has not been released yet.
Tells the story of half-brother and sister, who meet each other in adulthood. The sister, who seems oppressed by the life she leads and people that surround her, finds solace in her estranged brother, who suddenly entered her life. The brother, in his turn, grows to appreciate her company, instead of seeking solitude. They gradually develop feelings for each other and cross the line of what is socially acceptable between siblings.

The film also depicts a rape committed by the sister's step-father, who is not actually portrayed as a parental figure to her in the story.
The film is about brother and sister, who had a romantic relationship in the past, but haven't seen each other for more than ten years. When they meet again, their feelings for each other are revived.
TV-MA | 50 min | Crime, Drama, History
From the very beginning of the series it is implied that Cardinal Cesare Borgia's fondness of his sister Lucrezia might go beyond brotherly affection. This subplot, which remains in the background for the first two seasons, finally reaches its culmination in the third one, when the siblings finally cross the line.
One of the ER patients in this episode is a young girl, who has attempted suicide. Later it is revealed that she is pregnant from her brother, with whom she got into a sexual relationship in an attempt to comfort each other after their mother's death a year ago.
The main protagonist is torn between her love for her brother and for her female classmate. She is in sexual relationships with both of them.
The fifth episode of this mini-series, told from the viewpoint of the character Kasper, reveals the story of brother and sister, who have been sexually involved with each other in the past. There seems to be a lot of awkwardness between them after the brother returns from 5-year long military service in Iraq. They are both trying to find their way in life, but are too troubled psychologically to make the right decisions. It is not before long that they admit to themselves that they cannot ignore their feelings for each other.
Brother and sister, who were separated in childhood and grew up apart, fall in love with each other and engage in a sexual relationship. Only later they find out that they are related.
A woman has a history of a sexual relationship with her brother, going back to the time before her marriage. The viewer is led to believe that all of her children are likely to have been fathered by her brother and not her husband.
Depicts sexual relationship between brother and sister.
Depicts a sexual relationship between a woman and her younger brother, who is deaf and seems to have developmental issues.
The female protagonist tracks down her biological mother and seduces her half-brother, who seems to have developmental issues and is not aware that they are related. She does this in an attempt to take revenge on her mother.
Brother and sister engage in sexual activities [only for one day] in order to "get it out of their systems" (to quote one of the IMDB users).
A woman has a sexual relationship with at least one of her brothers.
R | 159 min | Biography, Drama, History
Queen Margot is depicted as having a long-lasting sexual relationship with her two brothers.
A girl sleeps with one of her brothers. It is also implied that she might have had a sexual relationship with the other brother.
TV-14 | 120 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
R | 100 min | Drama, Mystery, Romance
There is a mention of a sexual relationship between a brother and sister in the past.
R | 119 min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
The male protagonist
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Incest I Brat

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