Incest Game

Incest Game


Incest Game
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Surprise Incest

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— "Weird Al" Yankovic , "A Complicated Song"
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At least they didn't know at the time...

The Game The Whole Family Can Play!
Haha! Guess what you were doing?

Sometimes in stories, two people meet and just seem destined for romance. Love blossoms in a particular way, or perhaps the two have a loveless Arranged Marriage lying in wait for them instead. But then, someone makes a startling discovery — genetics has struck! The couple-to-be are related — and not in the "same species" sense — and the romance or arranged marriage is called off. The result may be either great rejoicing or great despair. If it's not called off despite the consanguinity issue, intentional Brother-Sister Incest results. Or if the two still want to be together and the author doesn't want to go the incest route, a counter-reveal may show up to prove that the genetics aren't a problem after all .

These days, many people are squicked out by this, so the characters often find out before they tie the knot/do the nasty. This wasn't always the case; Oedipus was very happily (but unknowingly) married to his own mother for many years and had several kids with her before things fell apart (to the extent that The Reveal resulted in Oedipus's mother killing herself and Oedipus himself stabbing his own eyes out), so this is Older Than Feudalism . Still, this trope is surprisingly common in Anime and Manga , as well as other Japanese entertainment, due to much more relaxed views on the subject in Japan.

The surprise relationship is usually either brother/sister, half-siblings, parent/child (much rarer these days than it was in ancient Greece), or, very rarely, uncle/niece or aunt/nephew. Cousins are only borderline squicky since marriage between cousins is actually legal in some regions, and is quite acceptable in many romance novels. In fact, in the Arabian Nights , a man will call a woman he loves or is married to "daughter of my uncle", because in that time marriage between cousins was considered the best option! Because of this, it almost never appears as a plot point since it's a little too close for some folks to be comfortable, but not close enough that the plot demands the relationship break up.

 Emi :"And so, I ended my summer break without being able to do a thing."

 Jill : Would it help if you went back to thinking I'm your sister?
Joe : What?! Like I'm some sort of white-trash perv?!
Cut to the outside of the house, the foundations shaking and a nailed-up hubcap clattering off to orgasmic cries:
Jill : I'm your sister! I'M YOUR SISTER!
Joe then assures the radio people he's telling the story to "No, that last part didn't really happen, I just thought it'd be funny."

 Mitch : Hey, hey! Hey, you remember in 5th grade when I was under the monkey bars and I sneaked a peek at your sister's underwear? Remember that? Hey, no no! I was sneaking a peek at my own sister's underwear!
Sam : That's right! Yeah, and then remember in the 12th grade, you had sex with her?
Mitch : [short awkward silence] Okay, enough reminiscing.

 The Hair : I think we're third cousins.
Liz : Yeah, I'll see you at the reunion.

 Sylvia: Oh, Fran, I see you've met your cousin.
(Fran and said cousin immediately jump apart, looking thoroughly Squicked )

 With your straight black hair and emerald green eyes
Hippies pointing "that's Pete's sister in disguise"
Maybe you had uttered those words as a jest
I don't mind the allegations of incest
At the time I thought I could love no other
Till I heard you say that I was your brother
In your e-mail said how much we look like twins
How it turned you on just knowing it's a sin

 Man : If she were my daughter I'd...
Girl : What would you do, Daddy?

 ROSE: You're wondering why I didn't tell you?
DAVE: no
ROSE: You're specifically wondering why I wasn't forthcoming with an answer to your question at the time, "hey who was that choice babe in the pajamas?"
DAVE: god fucking dammit

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( Monday, August 22, 2022

New discovery from Stanford University medical professors make it easier to treat male dysfunction.)

S exologists report that it only takes a moment to enlarge the penis up to 6.4 inches, and medical professors from Stanford University has demonstrated it thanks to several medical tests, which proved that 120 minutes was enough for the corpora cavernosa (cavernous bodies) of the penis to begin to grow. This way, the penis grows in size and width, and the erections last longer, which means
you could satisfy your partner up to 5 times in a row

Professor of the Stanford University created a quick and 100% natural formula to increase the size of the penis, and the entire scientific world, from sexologists to doctors and academics, confirmed that
this important discovery
will end a problem that is shameful for thousands of men. Additionally, this discovery is supported by independent tests and clinical and lab trials, among others.

In the USA, more than 9,000 men have tried the
Professor's formula
. Surveys and consumer interviews confirm that it has two main properties:

- It is 3 times more effective and faster than penis pumps and weights, or any other type of treatment.

- It naturally enlarges the penis forever , improves blood circulation and increases the number of corpora cavernosa.

You can increase the size of your penis 1/2 or 1 inches in the first week, guaranteed by medical testing!

Medical Professors explained why
his formula
to enlarge the penis works so fast:

"The secret of the formula effectiveness lies in its composition. It is a unique blend of substances that enlarge the cavernous bodies of the penis, thus increasing its size. At the same time, it also increases testosterone levels to 9.7 ng (nanograms per blood mililiter).

The key components of this formula are mint extract, arctium extract and guarana - these are natural ingredients that improve libido and blood circulation, but, most important of all, they also
increase the size of the penis

These substances help to bring more blood to the penis and nourish its muscle tissue, which, in turn, have several results:

First of all , they immediately stimulate penis growth, as well as increase libido and testosterone levels. Likewise , it is important to note that, from a medical point of view, no one is able to reach the full potential of the corpora cavernosa if you do not consume these substances. It is the only method known to increase your penis to its maximum possible natural size. If the penis starts to receive more blood, the tissue will in turn begin to swell and to enlarge its
size up to 2.5 inches

Finally , these ingredients supplement metabolites deficit and clean the veins of toxins, which means the veins can transport the blood faster and better. That is why the penis increases its size and erections improve. The average time of
sexual intercourse is 32 minutes

The synergy of these three stages allows penis growth and prolongs the duration of erections. Thanks to all of the mentioned above, you will not only have a 73.4% longer penis, but you will also enjoy more intense sex and are going to be able to
give your partner up to 5 orgasms
, since your penis will be bigger and will endure more."

There are no coincidences in science, and neither are promises accepted. All that counts is the results of the medical trials. For this reason, Medical Professors elaborated a special clinical analysis to verify that two hours are enough to enlarge the penis the first 0.3 - 0.5 inches.

Researchers tested
the treatment
in a group of 122 men between the ages of 18 and 45 years old. Participants performed this method daily and described it as immediate and non-invasive. The idea of the trial was to scientifically test whether the penis enlargement formula created by Medical Professors actually worked and ensured that the penis grew and the erections would last longer. These were the results:

The results were recorded during Medical Professors's 4-week treatment, and published in the Man Power medical journal, under Health & Disease:

- The questionnaires showed that participants increased the size of their penises by 6.4 inches on average in 30 days.

- The participants' blood tests showed that cavernous bodies increased their volume by at least 71.4% and that testosterone levels increased by 9 nanograms (the average man has a testosterone level of 2.2 to 3 nanograms).

- The tests showed an increase of the erection time of up to 47 minutes .

- The average penis size of participants after the experiment was 7.6 inches .

Editor's Note: The original text has been retained. Patient data has been removed to protect their privacy.

FIRST WEEK: I joined the experiment to solve my little problem of 4.8 inches. Two hours after starting the treatment, I began to feel its results. My penis was tingling (but it did not hurt), and little by little it was growing. Two days later, it already measured 5.6 inches. I had to do absolutely nothing because it was completely automatic. 6 days later, I had gained one more inch. The result: 6.1 inches! I began to feel more confident and I slept with my roommate, who is always willing to do the dirty. In the end, she told me that no man had ever given her so many orgasms in half an hour.

THIRD WEEK: I feel better than never. I have more energy in bed and I am not ashamed to take off my pants. It is certainly due to getting rid of the stress of having to deal with a small penis. I can screw for 20 or 30 minutes, my penis doesn't get soft and it has grown 1.2 inches more. My penis has grown, so far, up to 7.3 inches in 3 weeks, meaning 0.8 inches every week. Having a bigger penis and having sex for longer is amazing. Finally, I feel pleasure in doing it and I can satisfy the girl I'm with.

FOURTH WEEK: After four weeks, the moment of truth arrived. My penis reached 7.6 inches. I never thought it would be so big! Plus, I can keep my erection up even after I come. I went to a party and hooked up with a chick to see if everything was in order. She went crazy when she saw how hung I am! And later I had a great time listening to her coming. We went at it for 41 minutes, I gave her 5 orgasms and we tried almost every position. Now, finally, I know I can hook up with anyone I like and not have to worry about the size of my penis.

According to the data obtained, it can be asserted that the results of the treatment created by the Professor surprised, not only the scientific community, but the entire world. This is precisely why
the formula
has become so popular when it comes to fighting male impotence, micro penises and short-time erections. Now, more and more people want to try for themselves this effective method.

Medical Professors received so many petitions of men wanting to try his penis-enlargement and lasting-erection treatment that his small lab could not cope with the production. That is why the Professor decided to start collaborating with a company that could produce a penis enlargement supplement according to his formula, which he simply called

Because it is a scientific method, Medical Professors concerned with results, not promises. That is why you can order a free trial version of
anywhere in USA.
so you can be personally assured of the product's quality and achieve test-verified results.

Request FREE Trial is the best way to try before you buy. This is Medical Professors's personal guarantee, backed up by the manufacturer of the product - so you have nothing to risk!

By placing your order on the manufacturer's official web page you'll be shipped a 30 day trial supply of
anywhere in USA.
Remember, just reading about the best method to increase the size of your penis will not enlarge it. So, if you want to have a 8-inc
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