Incest Forum

Incest Forum


Incest Forum

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Start date
Mar 29, 2013

For a starting definition so there's no confusion

Definition of incest
sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other.
Middle English: from Latin incestus, incestum 'unchastity, incest', from in- 'not' + castus 'chaste'

It's from the Oxford Dictionary.

For discussion:

-Is incest morally wrong?
-In the case of no possible offspring?
-With offspring?

-Should incest be legally banned?
-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Looks like the thread is ending wonderfully. Good show, chaps.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

This... is probably the most unusual thread I have seen in a looooong time. I mean, Bam! The title was straight to the point, even.

OT: I'm pretty neutral on the subject. As long as it's consensual and no specific genetic lineage is being created by it (if heterosexual relations is present)... do whatever gets your rocks off.

Oct 5, 2011





United States

Something about the idea of screwing your brother/sister/mother/father just seems kinda wrong. That's all I have to say on the matter.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

One of those fun little quirks of human psychology. No one wants to sleep with their own sibling, but just about everyone likes the idea of a threeway with twins.

I say as long as no children are possible, do what you like.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.

It fucking creeps me the shit out.

But, if two consenting adults want to do boinking, who am I to deny them?
I don't believe it's wrong or should be banned, no. I had a pretty lengthy debate in another thread a short while about this, and it's something I'm set in stone about. As long as they're over their country's legal age, and are consenting, then I am all for it. The issue of incest birth having problems is one I understand, and so I say there is an insanely simple solution: adoption.

As for whether it disgusts me, not really. As long as it isn't forced and both (or more) people involved are all fine with it, then no, it doesn't disgust me. Why would it? Now, if it was a parent abusing his/her 11 year old child, then that disgusts me. But not the former.

And I see no reason for this thread not to be healthy and civil. This is a topic that deserves some discussion.

The issue of incest birth having problems is one I understand, and so I say there is an insanely simple solution: adoption.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

Does the act of incest disgust you?

I have no intention to touch my brother or either of my sisters but if someone else feels like that then I have no right to intrude. It's not wrong in any way and most of the reasons people believe it is wrong is bullshit pseudo-science usually propagated by the Church.

In the case of possible offspring, the chances of genetic defects in first generation incestuous children is almost no different from a normal, non related couple. It's only when multiple generations of inbreeding occur that negative traits tend to surface. There's also a chance of positive traits doing the same. Ever heard of selective inbreeding? We've been doing it to dogs for centuries.

Does it disgust me? Yes and no. I find the thought of sexual relations with my own siblings disgusting but I have no strong reaction to other people being in that kind of relationship. If it's what they want then that's their prerogative.

"You're not cleared for that."

The issue of incest birth having problems is one I understand, and so I say there is an insanely simple solution: adoption.

-In the case of no possible offspring?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?

I'm a little confused at how this would help? The problems with incestuous conception is that many birth defects occur within the baby. Higher death rates, Higher chances of illnesses, deformity and many other genetic problems.

Jan 19, 2011





United States

I think it's fucking creepy as all hell and just gives me the heebie jeebies.

However, as much as I think it's gross I'm not gonna stop consenting adults doing.... things.... in the bedroom.

People are weird and kinky creatures, and the less I know about their late night extra-special activities the happier I am.

But due to the problems with incestuous conception it is also a problem, especially being that no sexual contraceptives are 100% effective. If two related people want a baby together, something needs to be done to prevent that from happening

Please don't let this turn into the new trend for threads Please don't let this turn into the new trend for threads Please don't let this turn into the new trend for threads.

I don't condemn those who do it consensually however I'm not exactly gonna cheer em on either

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Open Discussions About Sexual Abuse and Incest.

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You are entering a forum that contains discussions of abuse, some of which are explicit in nature. The topics discussed may be triggering to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum. If you are posting about actions of yours which you feel are/were abusive please post about this in The Remorse Forum . If you have been falsely accused of abusing someone please post in the For Those Falsely Accused of Abusing thread . Please also note that discussions about Incest in this forum are only in relation to abuse. Discussions about Incest in a non-abusive context are not allowed at PsychForums. Thank you for your cooperation. The Mod Team

TRIGGER WARNING as I detail some graphic things. Hello, I’m not sure where to begin so I’ll start with the basics. I’m a 23 year old female, I have a twin sister, and was raised by divorced parents starting at the age of seven. I feel guilty being on here because I don’t know if I was sexually abused. Over the past year or two I have gone through some traumas (rape, abortion, miscarriage, divorce) and have been thinking more about the why behind who I am and what I do. I’ll just dive right in: When me and my twin sister were two years old, our family moved to a different house. It happened to be in a remote location outside of town, a cul de sac in a canyon if you will. We had neighbors on our right and one on our left for a total three houses including our own. From what I remember the neighbors to our right were an old rich couple who used the house as a vacation home. I remember going over for a few meals and to play with their toys. I remember they had a small room made to be cozy and kid friendly to watch movies (I assume this is because they had grandkids but am not certain). Beyond that it’s a blur as these memories are like I said, around four or five. The neighbor to our left was named Smith and he was a very close family friend. He would come over almost everyday and from what I was told (and somewhat remember) he would babysit us on occasion. This man would have been in his thirties or forties by that time. From a young age, or my earliest memories (about four years old, five at the most) I remember my parents had a hippie mentality and would let us run around the house naked (occasionally wearing underwear) and then I remember a correlation between Smiths presence and suddenly us being required to not be semi nude. Around this same time I remember my sister and I suddenly became fascinated with sex. We found porno mags under my parents bed (at this point age six at the oldest) and I remember we would role play husband and wife. We would take turns humping each other until orgasm in my parents bed. My parents divorced around seven, we move to a different neighborhood (no longer seeing Smith). However I remember this incestual behavior continued until just before we turned eight and I stopped my sister one day and told her it was wrong and we never did it again. Even after it stopped, I personally always continued to have an unusually high sex drive and inappropriate sexual behaviors and know my sister has as well. Eventually we moved to a different state but about four or five years later when we went back to visit, smith asked my mom if we could get together for lunch and I remember when we said goodbye he hugged us but held his pelvis awkwardly far away. When we drove off I asked My mom why and she said it was so he could avoid getting an erection. The most recent revelation I have had that is a weird red flag to me is this: when me and my sister were very young we suddenly became very sensitive to being laughed at and would sob when people laughed at us. I’m starting to have a vague memory of Smith laughing and feeling shame. So the reason I am putting this story here is because I want opinions of other victims and of people who have worked with victims of sexual abuse or incest. I can’t fathom that me and my sister weren’t taught what we were doing at the age of four by an adult. Was it the old neighbors on the left who seemed weirdly kid friendly? Or the creepy loner (never married/no gf/no kids) who to this day makes my skin crawl? Am I fabricating all of this because I’m a narcissist? I have no actual memories of sexual abuse by smith. What should I do? I recently moved where I believe I am only an hour away from him and sometimes I think about confronting him. Thoughts?

Sorry you are going through this, and for your recent traumatic experiences. It sounds like you have questions about your childhood and are trying to piece together enough to implicate your neighbors as having contributed. While some of your experiences seem strange and out of place, I don't know that you would have enough to confront Smith. He sounds a bit off and it's fine that you don't trust him or want to see him. But it's a big jump to get from there to child sexual abuse, Also you mentioned your parents had a hippie-outlook that didn't mind nudity, and they kept pornography where you could easily access it over a long period of time. So they may have had equally relaxed views on sex. That may be a factor as well. There seems like enough there to explain some of the things that happened to you. As you said, why would an adult not instruct you better or keep those things from influencing you? That's a good question to ask. For your mother to give that reason for the stand-off hug to a young daughter, seems like another indicator of boundary issues. Some people (both hugger and huggee) change their embrace when a child begins to develop, it could be just an awareness that socially, things are different then. Kids in my family who would run and hug tightly on-sight, obviously stopped doing that as they matured, including the stand-off hug thing. You just accept it as you want the other person to be comfortable, and it's their call to make regrading their personal comfort when they hug someone. I think it's good for you to reflect on those experiences and think about how they may have influenced you. But it might be more help
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