Incest Comics Weird Stories

Incest Comics Weird Stories

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Timmy, Zach and I were still in bed. It was a cold Christmas morning. All three of us were cuddled up with each other under the blankets. Timmy was in the middle and me and Zach held him from both sides. Timmy was always warmer than the rest of us so it felt even better … Continue reading Daddy’s Princesses Chapter 3 β†’
We walked up the stairs and Timmy followed. I opened the door to daddy's room. Dads room was dimly lit. I leaned in. Daddy was looking at himself in the mirror with his back towards me. He was wearing a robe. Are you ready for him daddy? He gestured us to come in with his … Continue reading Daddy’s Princesses Chapter 2 β†’
Christmas is a time when families get together. That one time of year where people come together for a very merry holiday. It is the same for me and my siblings, even though we stay together all year round anyway. There are four of us. Two younger ones, me and our father. We all get … Continue reading Daddy’s Princesses Chapter 1 β†’
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Today (August 28) is "Read Comics in Public Day," named so back in 2010 to honor the birthday of legendary illustrator and superhero creator Jack Kirby. The mission: to get people pumped about comic books by taking them out into the real world and reading them in public spaces where everybody can see.
But while many misguided people still consider comics a medium for thirteen year old boys, there are lots of comics for readers of all ages and tastes. Which means that many of them are more... "mature," let's say, than others. Sex, death, nudity, violence, blood, drugs, and lots and lots of curse words -- you get the idea.
While we totally recommend that you read all of these amazing comics below, we strongly suggest that you should maaaaaaybe think twice about taking them out in public. Unless you want to deal with a lot of weird, concerned glances from strangers. Your call.
While Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky's story of people who can stop time with their orgasms is hilarious and heartfelt, the title alone is bound to cause some stars. Let alone what's inside the pages -- like, for example, an Iron Throne made out... um... "instruments of female pleasure," let's maybe call them. Let that mental image soak in your noggin for a while.
Marvel's "MAX" imprint was all about doing the mature stuff that the rest of its comics won't, but nowhere was that taken to a higher extreme than with "The Punisher." With a creative team of Garth Ennis, Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon, this series got comically, ridiculously violent. Good luck explaining it to curious kids at the library.
Make no mistake, Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples' "Saga" is trippy and exciting and wonderful and funny and everything you want in a story, let alone a comic. The book is about two star-crossed lovers from warring alien worlds that defect and flee in order to raise their child together. And yup, there's a lot of sex, violence, nudity, and super weird creatures -- including their babysitter, who's a pink preteen ghost missing the lower half of her body with organs coming out all over the place. Don't worry, she's an excellent caregiver.
Sex, drugs, violence, and demon magic -- all of these things feature pretty prominently in "Rat Queens," a series about four mercenaries in a gritty medieval fantasy world. Written by Kurtis J. Wiebe and currently drawn by Tess Fowler, the series is pretty incredible for its diverse portrayals (both physically and psychologically) of its female characters. But you miiiiight not want to bring it out on the subway. You know, because of the sex and drugs and violence. The demon magic is probably fine, though.
"The Walking Dead" is such a cultural phenomenon at this point that you miiiiight get away with cracking a volume open at your local coffee shop without attracting the wrong kind of attention. But trust me, if you're disturbed by the gore and violence of the TV show, you're not going to be able to make it through Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's comic version. It's way, way more intense.
Formerly called "Marvelman," Alan Moore and Garry Leach (later Alan Davis) revitalized an old silver age superhero from the '50s and turned him into a straight-up nightmare. You know, in a good and fascinating way -- but the violence and terror in this book will probably turn some heads while you're reading.
You probably associate the name "Barbarella" with that old super weird movie about a futuristic heroine who has sex all over the galaxy, but the idea actually came from a French comic strip written by Jean-Claude Forest. The series only lasted a few years but became a staple of the '60s sexual revolution, and might even get a TV reboot soon. But yeah, for sure don't bring it to your book club unless all of your friends are super chill about that kind of thing.
Written by Joe Casey and drawn by Piotr Kowalski, this comic is all about a retired superhero who's finally learning how to be a normal human adult -- which for most people involves learning how to have sex. It's gorgeous, but also super raunchy. Plus, you know, the title and all.
If someone were to look over your shoulder as you read this iconic Mark Millar/John Romita Jr. comic, they'd probably be like, "Oh man, neat, I remember that movie! Look at little comic book Chloe Moretz!" And then you'd turn the page and they'd be like "Oh God, no, I don't remember that part, ugh gross make it STOP."
It is my firm opinion that everyone should be required to read "Bitch Planet," Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro's dystopian masterpiece about women who are sent to a prison planet for being "non-compliant." But as a satire of the exploitation genre, it is full of nudity. In the best way possible, mind you, but try explaining that to the other people on the bus.
This series by legend Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque follows the lives of vampires throughout history, going as far back as the Wild West. It's also about vampires. So, you know, it's gonna get pretty gory and sexy.
Want a jump on AMC's upcoming "Preacher" series by getting into the original comics? You should totally read it, but absolutely not where anyone can see you. Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon created a gripping, unsettling story about a small town Southern preacher who's possessed by a all-powerful supernatural creature and then hunts down God, who's currently on the run. If the violence isn't enough, the blasphemy is definitely going to get to somebody who's sitting next to you. So have fun with that!
Probably the least egregious on this list (but there's still a lot of nudity, sex and violence, so watch out!), this book by Brian K. Vaughn and Pia Guerra envisions a world where every single living creature with a Y chromosome dies at the same time -- except for one guy and his pet monkey, also male. If you, like me, love stories that feature diverse and nuanced women causing mayhem and solving conflicts with each other, then you're probably going to love this one. It's just too bad all the dudes one the planet had to die to make it happen, right?


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