Incest Chastity

Incest Chastity


Fetish/erotic stories written by me.
“Happy birthday Clara. How about you go with your mum into the bedroom so she can turn you into a real lady,” Clara’s dad, Tom, said to her. Clara was excited. Today was the day she got to become a real lady. She knew real ladies veiled and was eager to wear hers for the first time now that she had turned 14. She was eager to be more like her mother, Bella. She had been wearing an abaya for as long as she could remember and she had been made to wear a headscarf since she was 10 so she had spent the last four years showing nothing more than her hands and her face to the world. The scarf and abaya she wore now were plain black and she had looked at her mother’s pretty black and saffron yellow abaya and scarf with envy. She had been assured that she would get pretty ones when she started veiling. Today was the day.
Clara walked into the bedroom where her mother was waiting. Her mother showed Clara a note instructing her to strip to her underwear. Her mother, of course, as a proper lady, talked as little as possible. She wore a gag at all times outside of her bedroom and would only talk inside the house in extreme circumstances, and never outside the house (Tom was always with Bella when she went outside anyway).
Clara did as her mother had bidden and removed her clothes down to her underwear. Clara’s mum handed her a pair of black stockings. They were nice and soft and Clara enjoyed pulling them up her legs to the top of her thighs. Next were the gloves of the same material that Clara drew up her arms almost to her armpits. It was an odd sensation to no longer be touching anything directly, but rather through the veil of a layer of material. It was a sensation she was about to get used to for more than just her touch.
Clara’s mum next handed her a long-sleeved top and a pair of ankle-length pants. Both garments were in black and loose, with elasticated openings to make sure they stayed put. Clara was now covered from her neck down completely in black. This changed when her mother passed her her new abaya. A few weeks ago, Clara had been asked what colour she would have in place of the yellow on her mum’s abaya. She had chosen a deep purple. Her mother had just handed her a black and purple abaya. Clara was in awe. It was so beautiful. She spent a few moments admiring it before she put it on. It was baggy and flowed nicely around her body. She thought she looked stunning in it. Her mother made a gesture indicating that she agreed. Clara’s abaya was complimented by the matching scarf in black, edged with purple. She wrapped it around her head. It was certainly much more elegant than the plain black ones she had been wearing until now.
It was finally time for Clara to start receiving items specifically for women. First was a ball gag. She would no longer speak outside of her room. She was concerned as to how she would be able to properly communicate but she reassured herself that her mother managed perfectly fine. She placed the gag in her mouth, tying it off behind her, and wiggled it around a bit to get it comfortable.
d[o] n[ot] worry. [Yo]U’ll get used t[o] it. I did her mother wrote on a bit of paper that she showed her. The note had been written with abbreviations her mother had developed to make the laborious process of writing quicker. Clara expected she would now be writing those same abbreviations and not just reading them.
[Author’s note: [Square brackets] indicate letters added for clarification.]
The final piece for now was a black niqab that covered Clara’s face, leaving only her eyes visible. It came with three layers of eye veils that could be flipped down to hide even that and to reduce the wearer’s sight. With the eye veils flipped back, Clara’s vision was mostly unhindered. Her sight was partially reduced when her mother flipped the first of her eye veils down.
1 veil min when work[in]g her mother wrote, 2 veils min when relax[in]g
Clara’s mother flipped down the second of Clara’s eye veils. Clara’s vision was noticeably dimmed and a bit blurry. She could tell that she would have trouble reading but not navigating. Her house attire complete, Clara and her mother returned to the rest of the family in the lounge.
“You look good, Clara.” “Very pretty.” “A true lady.” Clara received a round of compliments from her family, most of whom were impressed by Clara’s outfit, eight-year-old Emily being the notable exception. The conversation amongst her siblings quickly turned to more general matters and Clara discovered the true effect of the gag. Unable to speak and reliant on notes, Clara struggled to insert herself into the conversation. This was especially true with four-year-old Louisa and six-year-old Nick who were still learning to read, despite the gallant efforts of Matt (12) and Jacob (11) to read Clara’s notes to them. Clara soon found herself just listening to the conversation. She now understood why her mother shrank away in group conversations.
“Time to go to the park,” Tom declared, halting the conversation. “Bella, get Clara ready, please.”
Clara’s mum led her back to the bedroom where a burka was lying on the bed. It was a beautiful burka of the same purple that graced Clara’s abaya and scarf. The burka was covered in embroidery of the same colour to create intricate patterns.
I’ll show U wh[at] U’ll always wear outside T[he] house Bella wrote. Bella took a belt that was sitting under the burka and wrapped it around Clara’s waist. The belt had loops that she put Clara’s wrists into. Clara’s hands where now trapped, useless, by her sides. She could wiggle them but there was nothing for them to grab onto. Bella then flipped down Clara’s third eye veil, rendering Clara essentially blind. Clara could tell light from dark but the artificial light inside didn’t provide much of a contrast so it wasn’t much use.
Bella then took the burka and placed it over Clara’s head. With the large garment billowing around her, Clara suddenly felt claustrophobic. She was surrounded by this thing that was slowly heating up. The burka had a grille over the eyes, however, essentially invisible to anyone not wearing it, there was an opaque layer behind it. This layer removed the last of Clara’s sight. Although she couldn’t see herself, Clara knew from looking at her mum when they went out that she must look like a shapeless purple ghost. ‘Ghost’ felt very appropriate to Clara now as she had no way to communicate.
As they walked to the park, Clara was guided by her younger brother, Matt, whom she found to be quite capable at the job. It was slightly lighter outside but as it was typically overcast, it wasn’t enough to remove Clara from her blindness; if it had been sunny she reckoned she might have been able to just see. At the park (as usual, they were the only ones there), Clara wasn’t able to run around with her siblings as she usually would. Instead she was forced to sit on a seat next her mother and listen to the shouts of her brothers and sisters with no way to join in.
So far, Clara had found her entry into womanhood tough. She had known that she wouldn’t be able to speak but she hadn’t expected not being able to do so to cut her off from the world so much. Blinded, as she was now, she was dependent on other people to guide her. With her hands tied to her sides, she couldn’t even use them to communicate. Covered under a mound of cloth, she felt as though she was merely existing.
“Are they burkas?” Clara’s thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar male voice. How was she meant to respond?
“Yes, they are.” Clara’s dad’s reply removed her concern about responding herself.
“I didn’t know anyone wore them here,” the male voice said.
“My wife and my eldest daughter do. The one in yellow is my wife and the one in purple is my daughter,” Tom replied. Tom and the voice conversed some more. Clara listened in as she had nothing else to do. The voice seemed interested but Clara laughed to herself at the evasive answers her dad gave to any questions he didn’t want to answer.
“Why is only one of your daughters wearing a burka?” asked the boy that Clara had found out was named Charles.
“The others will have to wear a burka when they turn 14 as well. Today’s Clara’s 14th birthday so it’s her first day in the burka,” Tom replied.
“Happy birthday, Clara.” Clara tried to nod in acknowledgement but she didn’t think any movement was visible through her veils.
“And how old are you, yourself?” Tom asked.
15, Clara thought, that makes him only a year older than me. He seemed pretty interested in our veils, rather than being scared off by them. And he had wished her a happy birthday.
“Clara, I have decided that I was being too soft on you and your mother so we have a few extra things for you to put on to ensure you remain a gracious lady. Your mother is already wearing hers and is in the bedroom ready to help you with yours,” Clara’s dad stated authoritatively. “Be quick as Charles is coming over soon.”
Clara didn’t like the sound of having to wear more stuff that was almost certainly going to restrict her further. Over the past two years she had gotten used to wearing the niqab and often the burka. She felt she could cope with communicating only through notes when she was in the house and being blinded outside the house, especially as it’s what’s appropriate for a lady. Nonetheless, she wasn’t keen on being further restricted.
Clara decided to focus on the last thing her dad had said. After that first meeting with Charles in the park on her birthday, many such meetings had followed until one time he had been invited back to the house. It was the first time Clara had gotten to see him or talk to him herself. Clara and Charles enjoyed talking to each other and quickly struck up a friendship. Speaking to him was always the highlight of her day whenever he visited.
Clara’s mother was waiting for her when she went into the bedroom.
Strip t[o] Ur undergarments Bella instructed.
Clara did as she was told. Bella took a stiff garment that Clara recognised as a corset and wrapped it around Clara’s waist. The corset was black with edging in Clara’s shade of purple. The corset ran from beneath Clara’s breasts to her hips. It sat over her top and the top of her long pants had been temporarily pushed below her hips. Bella tightened the corset, vigorously compressing Clara’s waist. Clara wondered why this much compression was necessary but when she glimpsed herself in the mirror, she liked the effect. Pity it would so soon be covered.
Bella was evidently satisfied with the tightness of the corset as she tied it off. She buckled a purple belt around Clara’s waist.
This is how tight U h[ave] t[o] wear T[he] corset Bella wrote, gesturing to the hole the belt was currently buckled at. Message understood, Bella pulled the long pants back up, sitting the waistband over the corset. She then gestured for Clara to sit on the bed, which Clara did. In doing so, Clara noticed the stiffness of the corset. She was used to bending a bit at the waist when she sat but she could no longer do so. Even seated, she was forced to sit up straight.
Bella took out a pair of purple high-heeled boots. Clara wasn’t sure how high they were but when her mum started putting them on, she knew that she was going to have trouble walking in them. She expected that she would have to walk slower in them to make sure she didn’t hurt herself. Once Bella had finished putting on the boots, she got Clara to stand up again. Clara’s efforts to do so were hampered by her corset but she managed on the second try.
U’ll h[ave] t[o] b[e] more careful in T[he] corset. Takes practice t[o] move in Clara’s mother advised.
Once she was standing, Clara immediately noticed the effect of the heels. She was taller but less stable. Bella helped her put her abaya, scarf and niqab back on. Fully dressed again, Clara got a surprise when she tried to walk: the two boots were connected by a cord that she hadn’t noticed before. The cord ensured she took small, ladylike steps.
Clara was struggling for breath after the simple act of walking back into the lounge. The corset was preventing her from filling her lungs properly and making basic tasks exertive. She cheered up, however, when she saw that Charles had arrived. She walked slowly over to him and they hugged.
“You’re wearing something different,” he stated. Clara nodded in response. Charles led her over to the table where she sat.
v[ery] observant o[f] U. I’m wear[in]g a corset. Is v tight & makes breath[in]g hard Clara wrote once she was seated. She went on to explain the corset and high-heels in greater detail.
“I must applaud you for putting up with these restrictions. Your parents truly are making you into a great lady,” Charles stated once Clara had finished her description.
T[hank ]Y[ou] I understand y I h[ave] t[o] wear them B[ut] takes time f[or] me t get usd t them. Clara replied. Their discussion moved to general things. When even that faltered, Charles put his arm around his veiled friend, who in turn snuggled up to him. All too soon, it was time for Charles to go home again. As Clara walked with him to the door, he was very accommodating of her restricted stride and shortness of breath, adjusting his pace to allow her to easily keep up. He left with one last hug goodnight.
Clara was thinking as she walked back to the lounge. She definitely felt more feminine with the elegant posture forced upon her by the high heels and corset. The corset kept her upright, preventing her from slouching, whilst also denying her enough breath to do unladylike exercise. She had already found that with merely walking about the house now a form of exercise. She was, nonetheless, buoyed by Charles’s complimentary comments on her attire. It felt important to her that he supported her in this.
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