Incest Bestiality Stories

Incest Bestiality Stories


Incest Bestiality Stories
Updated Apr. 14, 2017 1:19PM ET / Published Dec. 16, 2014 5:45AM ET 
Christopher Sena presented himself as a loving husband and father but he stands charged with incest, felony child abuse and other horrific crimes.
Readers of Christopher Sena’s Facebook posts would be forgiven for thinking he was a real family guy.
A loving husband and responsible father: That’s the image the Las Vegas resident presented on social media.
In reality, authorities believe, Sena was a perverted monster who practiced child abuse and incest in what the Los Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is calling “one of the most horrific sex rings in memory.”
A 23-count amended criminal complaint alleging incest, bestiality and felony child abuse filed against Sena, sources said, only begins to illustrate the scope of the evidence Metro detectives have gathered. Sena was first arrested on a sexual assault charge in September. His wife Deborah and ex-wife Terri, the biological mother of his three sons and one daughter, were arrested December 11 in Las Vegas. Among the evidence recovered: A videotape of two Sena children having sex with the family dog.
A preliminary hearing set for Tuesday morning in Clark County Justice Court is expected to reveal some of the voluminous and revolting material in evidence against the defendants.
Sena might have felt insulated from suspicion in part because of his friendly relationship with local police. He went so far as to throw an “Activation Party” in their honor just weeks before his September arrest. He spent some of his spare time posting remarks on Facebook that made him appear the picture of the responsible father and loving husband.
One August 6 post making the rounds on the Internet was accompanied by a photo of Sena and his Deborah striking a pose on his racing motorcycle: “Some more beautiful pictures of me and my wife, don’t we make the best couple in the world, if you think so please give this a like and comment what you think. My wife is always doing something to make me laugh.”
Just days earlier Sena had lauded an unnamed son’s assistance with household chores. The child, “also learned a valuable lesson, after cleaning up your mess after you make it, its easier to clean the house. And I was really proud of him when we mowed the yard, he stood up and took charge instead of standing around, I think he’s finally getting the hang of things, because I didn’t have to yell at him, I just have one more son to go.”
Many of the nearly two dozen charges carry sentences ranging up to life in prison. Local CBS affiliate KLAS TV-8 reported veteran police detectives shocked by the horrific abuse of two children, who are now in their teens.
News of Sena’s arrest generated a swift reaction from acquaintances and friends, some of whom claimed to have known him for many years.
“I’ve known you most of my life & never would have suspected you to be such a disgusting pervert,” one self-described longtime friend wrote on Sena’s Facebook page. “... How could you hurt a child?”

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Open Discussions About Sexual Abuse and Incest.

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You are entering a forum that contains discussions of abuse, some of which are explicit in nature. The topics discussed may be triggering to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum. If you are posting about actions of yours which you feel are/were abusive please post about this in The Remorse Forum . If you have been falsely accused of abusing someone please post in the For Those Falsely Accused of Abusing thread . Please also note that discussions about Incest in this forum are only in relation to abuse. Discussions about Incest in a non-abusive context are not allowed at PsychForums. Thank you for your cooperation. The Mod Team

both my sister and I grew up in a loving and caring home with no problems at all. She is two years older than me and we have always been very close. at around the age of 12 (she was 14) we began to experiment with each other, this started by accident one day when we were wrestling and play fighting in her room. I accidently touched somewhere i shouldnt and then she did it back. before long this became the game we would play with each other. sometimes i would start the game and sometimes she would. We would sometimes end up on top of eachother and simulate having sex with each other when we were this age. as time went by it moved from touching and simulating sex to full sex. this continued until I was 14 or 15. My problem is not that I feel bad for these actions and it has not had any impact or my relationship with my sister we just pretend it didnt happen - or i try to. My problem is that I feel I am still very sexually attracted to my sister to this day some 15 years later. I once tried to talk to her about our past but she said she didnt remember having sex but could remember everything else. I dont know what to do anymore as I know im so attacted to her that it drives me crazy. can people please try to help me.

A difficult situation! I think from reading your post your sister is clearly moving forward with life and doesn't want to be back in that place. Yeah I get it's difficult and you want her to feel the same about you, but you're brother and sister. Let the past be what it is. You can't change it, but you can accept it and move forward TKe care

I'm sorry your sister hasnt validated the memory it could be difficult to admit in detail after several years. I think therapy would be a great idea. Talk about how it got that way where the adults were, how it could have manifested in ur life being a survivor. Obviously and attraction with roots in incest isn't the best healthy way to keep inside I think you can indeed put that into perspective so that it doesn't have to be shared in this way. How do you really know that sister wouldn't have gone completely off on you? She could have just saw a great movie about incest and want to turn you in for some desire that isn't healthy. Harassment keep away orders come to mind.

Dx: DID, PTSD, Panic Disorder We are system of several.....Blog of system map

Hey iwfms It is difficult when the safety and love of family mixes with the pleasures of sex. It must hurt to think your sister has moved on, but the question you should be asking is why haven't you? With the help of a therapist you could answer this question, and find relief in it.

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