Incest Babysitting

Incest Babysitting


Incest Babysitting

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Updated: Oct 5, 2015 / 11:13 AM CDT

Updated: Oct 5, 2015 / 11:13 AM CDT
SWINDON, United Kingdom – A woman who pleaded guilty to having sex with a boy she was babysitting will not go to jail for the crimes.
She also is banned from having unsupervised contact with young boys for two years.
Hatt was supposed to be babysitting the 11-year-old boy when the sexual encounter happened.
Prosecutors say the boy was laying down and Hatt sat on top of him and began taking off their clothes.
The boy’s father spotted a ‘love bite’ on the boy’s neck and found texts from Hatt, which is when he called police.
Hatt’s defense attorney says his client was immature for her age, but the boy was very advanced.
The victim’s father defended Hatt, providing a statement to her attorneys about the incident.
“He is sex mad. He would have been fully up for this experience and in many ways sees it as a notch on his belt and is totally unaffected by it,” the man was quoted as saying to the defense.
Babysitter spared jail after tryst with ‘sex mad’ 11-year-old boy
Judge Tim Mousley QC said the father’s statements made a profound mark on the case, allowing him to step outside the usual sentencing guidelines.
“Having read everything before me, it was quite clear he was a mature 11-year-old and you were an immature 20-year-old so that narrows the arithmetic age gap between you,” the judge said. “I have read the comments of the boy’s father to the police where he doesn’t consider you a typical 20-year-old. I have also read what he has said about the effect on the victim.”
The NSPCC said the judge’s comments ‘confirmed’ the incorrect view that child sex abuse on a boy by a woman is ‘somehow less serious’ than on a girl by a man.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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We all love hearing about awkward situations, especially when they happen to someone else. Some are fairly innocent others were more disturbing.
Being a parent can carry its own awkward situations. If anyone remembers the show “kids say the darndest things” or has kids of their own, they will know what I’m talking about. Kids have this lovely trait that causes them to have no filter on the things they say, which can make for some awkward situations. They also have no sense of shame, so they aren’t above running out of their room, naked, while you have dinner guests over. But, we love it about them, it’s how we get a laugh out of this parenting gig.
When you become a parent you start saying things you never thought you would ever say. I have told my toddler more than once not to eat the furniture. And we take these awkward situations and turn them into funny jokes to share later. We all love hearing about awkward situations, especially when they happen to someone else.
It's a different story when you add a babysitter to the mix, who finds themselves in the center of some pretty awkward situations. From troubling kids, naked kids and even some really inappropriate parents, they’ve seen it all. The difference is they are getting paid for it, some not enough. One online reddit post asked babysitters to tell them their most awkward situations, and boy did they deliver.
Some were fairly innocent, while others were more disturbing. The next 15 posts are some of the most awkward situations babysitters have been in.
Babysitters not only have to deal with children when they take a job, but they also sometimes have to deal with the parents. Whether they are strict, weird or just downright out there. It’s a hidden line on a babysitter’s job description.
Our first babysitter’s awkward story is one that actually sounds quite terrifying. She stated that the mom and dad came home drunk, and fighting. The dad went outside to walk the dog, when the mom locked him out but the babysitter in. The mom kept saying “shh”, while the dad screamed from outside. The mom started saying, “He wants to kill himself instead of being with me.” The scared babysitter tried to reach for the lock to get out, when the mom pulled her hand back saying, “no, leave him for a while.” She waited for a bit and then bolted out the back door.
To make the situation even more weird, the babysitter stated that the couple had a pretty nasty break-up (duh) but ended up getting remarried to each other.
When you take a babysitting job, you also have to deal with bathroom situations. One babysitter was watching her boss’ daughter, who was four years old and happened to be constipated. The little girl went to the bathroom, but after she had been in the bathroom for 15 minutes, the babysitter went in to check on her and she was, of course, sitting on the toilet straining. The babysitter went to leave, but the little girl asked her to stop and squish her.
The confused babysitter asked what she meant, and the little girl responded by saying, “When I can’t poop, mommy and daddy always squish my tummy, so you have to squish me!” She then shows the babysitter how exactly to squish her. The babysitter does proceed to squish her and is able to help the little girl out. I hope she charged extra for squishing time.
Talk about an awkward situation, when a babysitter walks into a home and realizes that she knows the kids from somewhere. Turns out they were kids that had been featured on the show Nanny 911. If anyone is not familiar with the show, it portrayed families at their wits end. It usually involved parents who had out of control children and needed the help of a professional nanny to straighten the kids out.
Anyone would think this would be a great babysitting job, as the kids should be well behaved since the family had the assistance of a professional nanny. The babysitter was asked after her job if the kids were well-behaved since they had been on this show. The babysitters reply was “I liked the dog better, frankly.” I don’t think she will be babysitting for this family in the near future. She may be open to dog-sitting though.
When someone babysits for a family, they sometimes will get a ride home from of the parents. It is a nice thing for a parent to do after someone has just watched their children for them. One babysitter had a normal babysitting job, but an extremely awkward car ride home from dad. She babysat two brothers, aged 9 and 12, and after one job, the dad and two brothers were driving her home. During the car ride, the 12-year-old randomly said, “hey dad, don’t sleep with this babysitter.”
The dad’s reaction was to immediately stop the car and yelled at his son to apologize to the babysitter for making her feel uncomfortable. Later, the dad explained to the baby sitter that his son was making a reference to a movie he had seen. She stated that she was still not sure if she bought this excuse. I don’t think she will be babysitting for this family anytime soon.
One babysitter had the unfortunate luck to be hired to babysit for a toddler who was in the middle of potty training. Like most children, he was fine to go number 1 in the potty, but number 2 was another question. The babysitter could tell the little boy had to go to the bathroom, and kept asking him if he wanted to go to the potty. He repeatedly replied no. Then came the moment, the moment when the little boy could not hold it in anymore and started frantically running around the house holding on for dear life.
I should also mention that he did not have any pants or diapers on at this point, as the babysitter was trying to get him to the potty. The babysitter was desperately trying to corral him, but she was too late. He squatted in the middle of the kitchen floor and found relief. If you are babysitting a potty training little one, don’t fight it, just use the pull-ups!
One of the great things about kids is that they are not embarrassed easily. They have so much innocence about themselves and their body that they want nothing more than to run around in their birthday suit. When they are infants and toddlers it is the cutest thing to see them run around all free. It starts to get a little more awkward when the kids are older.
One high school student was a babysitter to an 8-year-old boy and his 5-year-old little sister. Every time she babysat them, as soon as their parents left the house, the sibling duo thought it was hilarious to get buck naked and jump on the couch, no matter how much she begged them to put some clothes on. She never was able to tell the parents, as she didn’t know who to bring it up, who would. Maybe the family is just free spirited!
Children are very smart and observant. They pick up on things so easy, and they love to mimic. They will mimic what people say and what they do. They are always watching, that is why a lot of parents, and babysitters, have to be extra careful in what they expose children too. No one could have seen this next one coming.
One babysitter found herself in probably one of the most awkward situations. She was babysitting for 3 little girls. One was 4 and then there were 2-year-old twins. They were all playing together when suddenly they all got naked, sat
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