In Some Muslim Countries

In Some Muslim Countries


The Muslim World can be used to mean three different aspects related to those who practice Islam: religious, cultural, and geographical. This term is sometimes also stated as the Islamic World. On the religious level, the Muslim World refers to Muslims, or individuals who practice Islam. Culturally, the term refers to Islamic civilization. In the geographic sense, which is perhaps the most commonly used, it refers to the countries and other political regions where Muslims make up the majority of the population.
Today, Islam is one of the most widely practiced religions across the world. Its practitioners make up the second largest religious group globally. With a population of over 1.6 billion people, Muslims represent over 23% of the world population. The two major sects of Islam are Shia and Sunni. Sunni Islam is the majority denomination and is practiced by approximately 1.5 billion individuals. Shia is a smaller denomination with only around 170 million followers. It is the dominant religion throughout the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Sahel region of Africa, and Central Asia. Additionally, China, Russia, India, and the Balkans all have large Muslim populations.
An Islamic state is a political area, usually a country, that uses Sharia law as its basis for government, laws, and social norms. It is often considered a theocracy. The idea comes from the ancient Caliphate, which included areas ruled by religious leaders thought to be successors of Muhammad. Today, an Islamic state may include modern political traditions, such as having a parliament or a President. These countries have used Islamic law to define every area of government, including the Constitution. The major Islamic states are Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mauritania, and Yemen.
For example, in Iran, every aspect of the government must adhere to Sharia Islam, the basis for all rules and regulations in this country. Religious courts are established to ensure that all of the regulations adhere to Sharia law. In fact, even the Supreme Leader, who has more political power than the President, is an Islamic law scholar.
Other countries are not quite considered Islamic states, although Islam is the politically defined state religion. These countries also have Muslim majority populations. They include Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Algeria, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Somalia, and Brunei. In Libya, Islam is also considered a state religion. However, 18 other religions are also official state religions, making Libya the most religiously diverse country in the Muslim World.
In a neutral Muslim-majority country, the population is overwhelmingly Muslim without Islam being the state religion. These nations include Niger, Indonesia, Sudan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sierra Leone, and Djibouti.
In secular Muslim majority countries, the majority of the population identifies as followers of Islam. The government, however, has declared a separation of religion and state. This declaration means that religion should neither interfere nor influence civil and political affairs. These countries include Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Northern Cyprus, Nigeria, Senegal, Syria, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.
All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021

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Best Muslim Countries in the World | List of Top Islamic Country…
What are the Muslim majority countries?
What are the Muslim majority countries?
These countries also have Muslim majority populations. They include Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Algeria, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Somalia, and Brunei. In Libya, Islam is also considered a state religion.…
What are some examples of Islamic countries?
What are some examples of Islamic countries?
There are many examples of Islamic nations where life is worst than hell. However, there are some Islamic nations available in this world as well those are a way safe, and peaceful to live. Have a look! 10. Turkey 98% of the total population here are Muslims, and 72 % of they are Sunnis.…
Which is the most Islamic country in the world?
Which is the most Islamic country in the world?
( August 2020) Most of the percentages of Muslim populations of each country, if not stated otherwise, were taken from the study by the Pew Research Center report of 5 facts about the muslim population in Europe, 2017. And the most islamic countries in the world is Maldives 100%, Mauritania, 100%, Somalia, 99.8%,and Tunisia 99.8%.
Where do most Muslims live in the world?
Where do most Muslims live in the world?
About 20% of Muslims live in the Arab world. In the Middle East, the non-Arab countries of Iran and Turkey are the largest Muslim-majority countries, while Egypt and Nigeria in Africa have the same status. The study found more Muslims in the United Kingdom than in Lebanon and more in China than in Syria.
The Muslim World
Islamic States
Countries with Islam as State Religion
Neutral Muslim Majority Countries
Secular Muslim Majority Countries
In secular Muslim majority countries, the majority of the population identifies as followers of Islam. The government, however, has declared a separation of religion and state. This declaration means that religion should neither interfere nor influence civil and political affairs. These countries include Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea, Kazakhstan, …
Islam is divided into two major denominations, Sunni and Shi'a. Of the total Muslim population, 87–90% are Sunni and 10–13% are Shi'a. Most Shi'as (between 68% and 80%) live in mainly four countries: Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Iraq. The major surviving Imamah-Muslim Sects are Usulism (with nearly more than 10%), Nizari Ismailism (with nearly more than 1%) and Alevism (with slightly more than 0.5% but less than 1% ). The other existing groups include Zaydi Shi'a of Yemenwhos…
Islam is divided into two major denominations, Sunni and Shi'a. Of the total Muslim population, 87–90% are Sunni and 10–13% are Shi'a. Most Shi'as (between 68% and 80%) live in mainly four countries: Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Iraq. The major surviving Imamah-Muslim Sects are Usulism (with nearly more than 10%), Nizari Ismailism (with nearly more than 1%) and Alevism (with slightly more than 0.5% but less than 1% ). The other existing groups include Zaydi Shi'a of Yemen whose population is nearly more than 0.5% of the world's Muslim population, Musta’li Ismaili (with nearly 0.1% whose Taiyabi adherents reside in Sindh and Gujarat in South Asia. There are also significant diaspora populations in Europe, North America, the Far East, and East Africa ), and Ibadis from the Kharijites whose population has diminished to a level below 0.15%. (with nearly around 1%), non-denominational Muslims, Quranist Muslims and Wahhabis (with nearly around 1–2% of the world's total Muslim population) also exist.

According to the Pew Research Center in 2010, there were 50 Muslim-majority countries. Around 62% of the world's Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region (from Turkey to Indonesia), with over one billion adherents. The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a country home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.0%), and India (10.9%). About 20% of Muslims live in the Arab world. In the Middle East, the non-Arab countries of Iran and Turkey are the largest Muslim-majority countries, while Egypt and Nigeria in Africa have the same status. The study found more Muslims in the United Kingdom than in Lebanon and more in China than in Syria. The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has more Muslims than any other Muslim-majority countries except Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran and Turkey.
Wikipedia · Текст по лицензии CC-BY-SA
Перевести · Строк: 228 · According to the Pew Research Center, there are a total of 50 Muslim-majority countries. Below is a table of each country’s total Muslim population, percentage …
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YouTube › Islamic Knowledge Official
Перевести · Строк: 50 · Islam is the world's second-largest religion, with over 1.9 billion Muslims. It is also the world's fastest-growing religion. The Islam population is mainly split between 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims and 240-340 million Shia Muslims with some others belonging to smaller denominations. The Muslim population in each country …
World-wide Muslim population: 1.8 billion (as of 2015)
Religion and state
As the Muslim world came into contact with secular ideals, societies responded in different ways. Some Muslim-majority countries are secular. Azerbaijan became the first secular republic in the Muslim world, between 1918 and 1920, before it was incorporated into the Soviet Union. Turkey has been governed as a secular state since the reforms of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. By contrast, the 1979 Iranian Revolutionreplaced …
Religion and state
As the Muslim world came into contact with secular ideals, societies responded in different ways. Some Muslim-majority countries are secular. Azerbaijan became the first secular republic in the Muslim world, between 1918 and 1920, before it was incorporated into the Soviet Union. Turkey has been governed as a secular state since the reforms of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. By contrast, the 1979 Iranian Revolution replaced a monarchial semi-secular regime with an Islamic republic led by the Ayatollah, Ruhollah Khomeini.

Some countries have declared Islam as the official state religion. In those countries, the legal code is largely secular. Only personal status matters pertaining to inheritance and marriage are governed by Sharia law.

Islamic states
Islamic states have adopted Islam as the ideological foundation of state and constitution.
• Afghanistan
• Iran
• Mauritania
• Oman
• Pakistan
• Saudi Arabia
• Yemen

State religion
The following Muslim-majority nation-states have endorsed Islam as their state religion, and though they may guarantee freedom of religion for citizens, do not declare a separation of state and religion:
• Algeria
• Bahrain
• Brunei
• Comoros
• Djibouti
• Egypt
• Iraq
• Jordan
• Kuwait
• Libya
• Malaysia
• Maldives
• Morocco
• Palestine
• Qatar
• Sahrawi Republic
• Somalia
• Tunisia
• United Arab Emirates

Unclear or no declaration
These are neutral states where the constitutional or official announcement regarding status of religion is not clear or unstated.
• Bosnia-Herzegovina
• Cocos (Keeling) Islands
• Indonesia
• Niger
• Sierra Leone
• Syria

Secular states
Secular states in the Muslim world have declared separation between civil/government affairs and religion.
• Albania
• Azerbaijan
• Bangladesh
• Burkina Faso
• Chad
• The Gambia
• Guinea
• Guinea-Bissau
• Kazakhstan
• Kosovo
• Kyrgyzstan
• Lebanon
• Mali
• Nigeria
• Senegal
• Sudan
• Tajikistan
• Turkey
• Turkmenistan
• Uzbekistan

Law and ethics
In some states, Muslim ethnic groups enjoy considerable autonomy.

In some places, Muslims implement Islamic law, called sharia in Arabic. The Islamic law exists in a number of variations, but the main forms are the five (four Sunni and one Shia) and Salafi and Ibadi schools of jurisprudence (fiqh)
• Hanafi school in Pakistan, North India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, other Balkan States, Lower Egypt, Spain, Canada, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Russia, Caucasus Republics, China, Central Asian Republics, European Union, other countries of North and South America.
• Maliki in North Africa, West Africa, Sahel, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.
• Shafi'i in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Eritrea, Somalia, Yemen, Maldives, Sri Lanka and South India
• Hanbali in Saudi Arabia,
• Jaferi in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain and Azerbaijan. These four are the only "Muslim states" where the majority is Shia population. In Yemen, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey, and Syria, are countries with Sunni populations. In Lebanon, the majority Muslims (54%) were about equally divided between Sunni and Shia in 2010.
• Ibadi in Oman and small regions in North Africa

In a number of Muslim-majority countries the law requires women to cover either their legs, shoulders and head, or the whole body apart from the face. In strictest forms, the face as well must be covered leaving just a mesh to see through. These hijab rules for dressing cause tensions, concerning particularly Muslims living in Western countries, where restrictions are considered both sexist and oppressive. Some Muslims oppose this charge, and instead declare that the media in these countries presses on women to reveal too much in order to be deemed attractive, and that this is itself sexist and oppressive.

During much of the 20th century, the Islamic identity and the dominance of Islam on political issues have arguably increased during the early 21st century. The fast-growing interests of the Western world in Islamic regions, international conflicts and globalization have changed the influence of Islam on the world in contemporary history.

Democracy and compulsion indexes
The Open Doors USA organization, in its 2012 survey of countries around the world that persecute Christians, listed 37 members of the Muslim world amongst the top 50 countries where Christians face the most severe persecution. 9 of the top 10 countries are Islamic-majority states.

Islam-based intergovernmental organizations
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an inter-governmental organization grouping fifty-seven states. 49 are Muslim-majority countries, the others have significant Muslim minorities. The organization claims to be the collective voice of the Muslim world to safeguard the interest and ensure the progress and well-being of their peoples and those of other Muslims in the world over.
Перевести · 10.04.2015 · Top 10 Most Peaceful Muslim Countries in the World General By Santosh April 10, 2015 I really don’t have those cryptic religious knowledge, belief, argue, philosophy or thoughts, even of my own religion (and I am not going to disclose which religion I belong to), but being damn frank, Islam is certainly wrapped with many sorts of controversies in contemporary arena.
Перевести · 20.10.2017 · While some certainly are, many of the most hospitable, interesting, and culturally rich countries on earth have a Muslim majority. Moreover, while most people associate Islam with the Middle East, there are plenty of countries outside this region that have a Muslim majority, from Indonesia to Albania, along with many countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Перевести · 30.05.2020 · From the table below (data obtained from the Pew Research Center), we can see that the top five countries with the greatest share of Muslims in their population are all from the Balkans region. Kosovo, Albania, and Bosnia rank the highest with 93.8%, 80.3%, and 45.2% of the total population being Muslim respectively.
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In Some Muslim Countries

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