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Enjoy some great, clean fun at IMVU!

Can my IMVU account get banned for having black market items?
Enjoy some great, clean fun at IMVU!
IMVU is a cutting-edge virtual world that’s visited by millions of people each day from all over the world. It’s a really fun place to meet new people and create long-lasting connections. And sometimes those connections can become romantic in nature, which is totally cool with us! I mean, what’s not to love about LOVE, right?!
But if you’re thinking about taking your romantic entanglements to a pornographic level in our virtual world… like, with your avatar… think again! Porn is definitely NOT allowed at IMVU. And neither are any items from the black market, especially if you’re using them for pornographic purposes.
Yes, sí, oui! We will absolutely and unequivocally ban your IMVU account if you are found to be using black market items on our platform. Using black market items not only violates our Terms of Service , it also goes against what we stand for. And it’s not that we’re being judgy. It’s just that when it comes to our users, we are very judicious. Because we are committed to ensuring that everyone who hangs out at our virtual world can have a great time and feel safe, without being exposed to pornography.
Fun for adults 18+, without pornography
If you want to have a more adult experience at IMVU, we have created the Access Pass (AP) for adults age 18 and older. It gives you special privileges to AP-Only Rooms, AP-Only Groups, exclusive content in our catalog, and so much more! To get an Access Pass, you must first submit to an age verification process, and you can pay for it with a credit card, PayPal or with a gift card.
So here’s the deal. The main reason to join our award-winning virtual world is to reach out and make friends, to get connected to people who share your interests and want to have some fun. And for that, we have tons of chat rooms and live events, about every topic you can possibly dream of! To get started, join IMVU for FREE, and get 4,000 Credits to start building your eye-popping avatar today!
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