Increasing Efficiency of Water supply and Wastewater systems Companies in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan!

Increasing Efficiency of Water supply and Wastewater systems Companies in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan!

PR specialist

The Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan announces that, association "Cleantech Latvia" the lead partner of the project co-funded by the European Union " Capacity Building of the industry associations serving engineering companies of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan", announced that the tender competition and contracting for the development of the program, content, as well as piloting, for the already second pilot course on the project on theme: "Increasing Efficiency of Water supply and Wastewater systems Companies in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan".

The winner of the tender was the company "Ekolat.Ltd.

The experts for the second course have been announced:

Mr. Yuriy Kondratenko (Swedish School of Economics in Riga), MA in Environmental Science;

Mr. Maris Zviedris (head of the "Daugavgriva" biological wastewater treatment plant);

Mr. Maris Klinka (Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at Riga Technical University);

Mr. Gints Daksha (lecturer and researcher at Riga Technical University, technical specialist at "Jurmalas udens");

And also: Mr Dimitris Kilups (Head of Automation Engineering Ltd).

The expert from Uzbekistan will be Irina Marksovna Ohremenko, PhD in Water Supply and Sanitation, Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Communications and Systems, Tashkent State Transport University. Ohremenko I.M. is also a lecturer of the "Centre for Retraining and Professional Development of Managers in Construction" at the Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute, and a member of the Industry Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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