Impregnating My Sister Story

Impregnating My Sister Story


Impregnating My Sister Story
I accidentally got my sister pregnant and we aren’t telling anyone to make her rich husband believe it’s his.
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My sister and I grew up very close. We are close in age (I’m 22 and she’s 25), so we got to experience a lot of life things around the same time. Because of that, we became best friends super early on.
Growing up, I was absolutely never attracted to her in any sort of way. I also believe it’s worth stating that I have never had any sort of brother/sister fetish or any sort of incest fetish either. And after everything that’s happen, I still don’t.
Three years ago, I started college and moved to a different state. A few weeks after, my sister’s long time boyfriend asked her to marry him. It’s the first time I was ever really super far away from my family and it bothered me really badly. I got super bad depression and became really homesick. Around 7 months later, I got to fly back home and see my family for my sisters wedding day. It was one of the biggest days of my life seeing my best friend marry the man of her dreams.
Now, a tiny bit of backstory here...Her husband’s dad is insanely wealthy. A really big name in the pharmaceutical business. He not only paid 100% for their huge wedding but also bought them a gorgeous house in full (apparently with a check) as a wedding gift from the dad and mom.
I went back to college and life back home went on normally. I was still really depressed and homesick but decided to do what I had to do and just push on. I was able to visit back home a few more times because of holidays. The one time I went back home other than for a holiday, was a surprise party for my parents 30th anniversary. Usually when I went home, I would get picked up at the airport by my dad and I would stay at their house in a spare bedroom. But because this was a big secret, my sister picked me up and I was staying at her house for the five days I was in town.
The party was great and everything went wonderful. There was a lot of alcohol there and I definitely drank my fair share. The party ended around 10pm. My sister and I were both pretty drunk and took a Uber back to her house about 15 minutes away. Her husband works long hours and was unable to take off work this day and by the time we got home he was already asleep in their bedroom. We decided to go into the spare bedroom that I was sleeping in just to catch up and talk.
We chatted for around an hour and a half. Just talking about life and shit. We were both pretty drunk at this point and it was getting pretty late. I had to pee and told her I would be right back. So I got up and walked into the bathroom attached to the bedroom I was staying in and started to pee. Didn’t think anything of it. When I walked back into the room, my sister was laughing. I asked her what was so funny when she admitted, ‘I somehow managed to go 22 years without seeing your dick!’ I was super confused and sort of embarrassed. I asked her what she was talking about. She told me that she could see into the bathroom mirror which reflected where I was standing to pee. ‘Well was it worth the wait?’ I said drunkenly laughing with her. Just like that the mood of the room completely changed. It was like someone flipped a switch. We kept bantering back and forth for a few minutes when out of absolutely nowhere I started kissing her on the lips pretty aggressively. I immediately realized what I was doing and started to pull away when she grabbed onto my head and pulled me back.
I got extremely turned on and she did too. It didn’t feel like we were brother and sister at all. It felt like we were long time friends who finally gave into each other’s lust. Things got heated quickly and before we knew it, we were having sex. It lasted for around 10 minutes before we both finished. We laughed it off nervously and got dressed quickly. We chatted for just a little bit longer before finally deciding to call it a night. It felt so wrong and weird afterwards. The rest of my trip was super awkward. Us having to pretend that everything was normal with this being the biggest thing on our mind was challenging. But before I knew it, my trip was over and I went back to college.
Weeks later I received a text from my sister asking if I had some time to talk alone. My heart sank because I knew it was going to be about that night. I put it off for hours before finally calling her. She called me to tell me that she was pregnant and she’s 100% certain that the baby is mine. I was speechless. I wasn’t expecting something like this at all. We talked and tried to figure out what we should do. We were cornered in a situation that was so above our heads we couldn’t even figure out where to start. Abortion came into discussion multiple times but neither of us wanted that. We decided that it would be best to act like her husband is the father and raise it like so without ever telling anyone ever because of how wealthy his family is.
She is due the week of June 10th. Absolutely no one knows or has even the slightest clue. This is a secret that my sister and I put our life on to protect. Things will never be the same between us. The last handful of months I have become a heavy drinker and party goer and failing almost every one of my classes. It’s messed me up a ton. It’s going to be super weird whenever I have kids now too. It’s so weird how a quick dumb decision could change the rest of your life.
Oh yeah this is why I read this sub.
Dude. Sorry this is happening. That being said, I know you'll be a kickass uncle.
but what if he looks NOTHING like the father and he get suspicious and gets a DNA test and finds that out?!? dog you better be ready to watch hubby like a hawk, kill people to make sure that DNA sample is tainted, or run away, or move someplace with your sisterbride where this is socially acceptable.
LMAO how wouldn’t you agree on abortion if your sister got pregnant with your child. If this is real, not matter how rich her husband is, it cruel to keep it from him. This low will haunt you forever. I hope u figure it out. You should move to Alabama
Also, doesn’t incest lead to birth defects?
😳 ... I don’t even know what to say here
what’s this “accidentally” buuuuuuuuullshiiieeeettt?
Damn. You fucked up big time. Fucking your own sister is messed up bro.
you are so screwed, im here for you man
also, if you wanted to keep it a secret, why would you post it on reddit?

Madison’s Story: Why I am the way I am

© 2021 The When You\'re Ready Project
14 years ago, I was 5 years old. I remember living in the room next to my sister. We had a closet that connected our bedrooms. When I wanted someone to play with, I would crawl through the closet to her bedroom. Growing up, I had 3 brothers and a sister. Instead of having a stranger rape me, which I would have preferred, my brother and sister would rape me nearly everyday. I was 5. I’m not sure when it ended. It went on long enough that I’ve mentally surpressed many of those memories. The one I remember the most is when they brought a group of random men I had never met into my sisters bedroom and had them record her while she molested me. When it was over, she would give me toys and candy as a “reward”. At this time, my brother was in his twenties and my sister was in junior high. The day after this happened, I tried telling my mom. I was told I was having dreams and to “knock it off”. It was never mentioned again. Fast forward a few years later, and my brother was in prison for statutory rape. There were other girls, which is heart breaking thinking of today. At the time, it was comforting knowing I wasn’t the only person he ruined. To this day, I resent being born into my family. I still see my sister from time to time, and looking at her still scares me. It hurts knowing I don’t love my family. I look at my mother and hate her. It hurts knowing she could have helped me, and chose not to. I still have trouble understanding why. I’ve isolated everyone in my life. Out of fear. I’m hoping I manage to let go of the past one day. But for now, I hope someone reads this and feels comfort knowing they aren’t alone.
When You're is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories.
I just told my family about my story, my sister raped me multiple times. They don’t want me to address my sister because she is mentally ill(mania) but I am afraid of what she can do to me and other people. I blocked out so much of my childhood because of this, all I remember is that she would get into my bed in the middle of the night and hush me. I remember being confused and after she would do it she always felt remorse for me. I don’t know what to do, I feel like I finally told my parents and now they are pushing it aside because she is depressed and ‘can’t deal’ with this right now. Hearing your story and stories like yours of how these siblings have multiple victims scares me, what if I say nothing and she has other victims? What if I tell someone else and my family leaves me?
I hope you still have family such as cousins, uncles and aunts to fall back on for support later in your life. Also if your mother never believed you I would advise to keep other children in your family as far away from her and your cruel sister and brother.
I get horny reading these and with i could do this to my sister.
The When You're Ready Project is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories and have their voices heard, finding strength in one another. When you're ready to share your story, we'll be here.


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I'm Pregnant with My Brother's Baby
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by celesteheavenly


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How can a person, who I've known my whole life, change into someone I don't recognize, right before my very eyes? I ask this question every time I look at myself in the mirror or every time I think of what happened to me. I ask myself this question, every time I touch my slightly swollen stomach. I would have never thought that this would happen to me, but then again, who would ever expect this. Still, after two months, I can't completely believe the situation I'm in. After two months of being alone, and scared, I still can't believe it. At some point, I know that my reality will kick in, and it will no longer feel as if everything that is happening to me is a bad dream. But until then, I'm going to focus on the three things I can believe. My name is Elise, I'm thirteen, and I'm pregnant with my brother's baby.


I could hear the distinct sound of my brother's voice coming from a group of people. They where gathered outside of my house, and as I walked closer, I could see that these people didn't look like the type of guys that my brother Mathew usually hangs out with. They seemed much too old to be in high school, and as I took in there appearance, I had the sudden urge to run away from them. The group all looked slightly similar. Each one of the ten men had various tattoos, low baggy pants, and a white muscle shirt. There appearance reminded me of the many people who have been the subjects on the news channels, for homicide or drugs. They looked like the kind of people who'd you stay clear from, witch made wonder why Mathew was with him.


After studying the men, I looked curiously for Mathew, and found him in the center of the group .I studied Mathew for minutes, as I was unable to comprehend what had occurred. In one hand, Mathew held a lit cigarette, while in the other he held a half drunken bottle of tequila. Mathew had always been a good person. He never drank or smoked, got good grades in school, and tried his best never to curse in front of me. Today, if I had seen him without knowing him, I would have sworn that he was the complete opposite. This was something I would never expect for him to become. Hopefully, this was all a misunderstanding.


As soon as Mathew caught sight of me, he reluctantly walked over to me. When he arrived, I looked at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation. Every time his gaze met mine, I saw something within him, but he would quickly look down, as if he knew I could see it. After a couple minutes of his silence, my curiosity grew, and over came the need for an explanation.


"What's wrong? " I quietly asked him.


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