Importance of Communication In International Product Sourcing

Importance of Communication In International Product Sourcing

When a company significances goods, their buyers can not be physically present all the time and therefore the services of sourcing company come salutary who supervise & coordinate the entire operations from getting products developed with manufactories, to icing timely and quality product; and eventually planning dispatch of goods to the harborage. 

 But how can the buyer who's thousands of country miles down and in a different time zone, be assured on a regular basis that all is on schedule and as per specifications given. 

 Obviously …. Communication … the Latin Word which means ‘to partake’

 Communication is abecedarian to the actuality and survival of humans as well as to an association. It's a process of creating and participating ideas, information, views, data, passions, etc. among the people to reach a common understanding. 

Buyers appoint sourcing/ buying agents with the trust they will be their eyes and cognizance on the ground and give them all the necessary information in an honest, orderly, and transparent manner. 

 Unfortunately, at times numerous sourcing agents treat communication as a bare formality. 

 In a moment’s world where so numerous options and tools are available from faxes and emails to telephones and internet videotape calling, there's no reason for the agent to not give timely and factual replies, instructions, and feedback to its client and supplier. 

As Johnny Tan so correctly stated in the book “ From My Mama's Kitchen.” Although we live in an information technology age, we frequently find ourselves in failure to communicate situations. “ 

 An agent coordinates the person (the buyer and the supplier) and physical rudiments (the product) This collaboration isn't possible without proper communication which creates fluent working systems and procedures. As well as helps in taking the right opinions and resolving problems if any. 

It's important the apparel soucing India provides effective communication as it 

 · Reassures the buyer and the plant that their interests are being taken care of professionally and therefore builds confidence, trust, and effectiveness. 

· The two-way communication process promotes cooperation and collective understanding amongst the buyer and plant which is eased by the agent between them. 

· Increases engagement and creates a better relationship 

 · Provides the necessary direction and clarity. 

· Sends a positive signal to the plant that the agent is taking a balanced approach. This ultimately improves productivity and commitment. 

 · Conveys to all stakeholders their separate interests are of consummate significance & are in safe hands. 

 We, at SmallWorld India, consider communication to be our biggest responsibility and duty. Hence our emphasis on the quality of our communication, to both our buyers and manufactories. 

SmallWORLD India believes the most important aspect of communication is the quality be it written or verbal. 

 For us, communication is the substance of a long-lasting mutually salutary relationship. We ensure our communication is simple, honest, transparent, and straight to the point. Thru our communication, we aim to convey our soberness and commitment, which installs trust and is the foundation towards developing long-lasting connections 

.Our aphorism 

· If we haven't replied within 24 working hours, we haven't entered your communication. The least we will do is admit, it's a pledge. 

 · Bad news is better than no news. 

· We'll noway say YES as a formality. Numerous times, due to colorful reasons a task can not be accepted. We'll sorrowfully say NO and give a reason for that. 


Original Source: Indian Sourcing Companies

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