Imperial Fists

Imperial Fists


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Imperial Fists
This article is about the Space Marine Chapter. For other uses of Imperial Fists, see Imperial Fists (disambiguation).
Yellow armour, Codex Astartes company shoulder pad trims[47]
"Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth!"

The Imperial Fists were the VII Legion of the original twenty Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch is Rogal Dorn. The Legion remained loyal during the Horus Heresy, after which it was reorganised according to the Codex Astartes and divided into Chapters. The Imperial Fists have maintained an intense rivalry with the Iron Warriors since prior to the Horus Heresy, with whom they share a specialisation in siege warfare. The Imperial Fists are recognised to be among the most loyal Chapters to the Emperor and have been instrumental in holding the Imperium together during the bleakest of times with renowned stubborn resilience.[16a] Because of their service to the Imperium, especially their role in leading the defense of Terra during the Horus Heresy, the Imperial Fists are also known as the "Defenders of Terra." [40]
The Imperial Fists were formed on Terra as the VIIth Legion. The Legion was one of the few that recruited entirely from their homeworld and were the only formation to have recruited from across all of Terra, including areas where other Legions claimed exclusive "Rights of Tithe." Despite recruiting from such a wide range of locations, VII Legion recruits consistently possessed a taciturn nature and were quick to action but reserved in speaking [45]. The Legion had the benefit of being united with their Primarch shortly after their formation, while their character had yet to take fully shape and as much as 70% of their ranks were still aspirants. As result, the Imperial Fists and Rogal Dorn developed as servants of the Imperium together, forming an unbreakable bond based upon the common desires for self-discipline and total commitment to order found in Dorn's temperament and the gene-seed of the Legion.[2a]
The homeworld of the Imperial Fists is still officially given as Holy Terra.[16f] However, in functional terms, the Chapter has been fleet-based since being united with their Primarch Rogal Dorn, after which the massive starship Phalanx has served as their mobile Fortress-Monastery.[2e] Nonetheless, the Chapter still maintains a presence on Holy Terra, including the Pillar of Bone and Column of Glory. Prior to relocating to Terra, the Imperial Fists homeworld was Inwit,[38] where Rogal Dorn was raised and where the Legion took many of their aspirants and starships from.[39a][39b] The Chapter still emphasizes its historic role as the defenders of Terra and maintains a coded sequence of alerts and signals to coordinate the rapid redeployment of its full forces to reinforce Terra against attack if the contingency arises.[41d]
The Imperial Fists participated extensively in the Unification Wars, and are noted to have taken the Cities of the Crystal Sea, conquered the Fortress of the Fifth Circle, and defeated the Wind Caller Clans in the Himalazia at the expense of losing three battalions. During this time, the The Legion earned its first battle honour, 'Roma.' In their first decade of existence, they raised six hundred citadels on Terra. Veterans of the Unification Wars commonly displayed the campaign's badge on their power armor. [45]
During the Great Crusade, Imperial Fists behaved as crusaders and were driven to conquest. First Captain Sigismund was a prominent voice of crusade ideology, believing that the Great Crusade was an expression of man's infinite desire to master space and that maintaining the Imperium would require perpetual war.[10] The Legion espoused a philosophy of victory that held, "Victory was not enough, to conquer one had not only to defeat one's enemies, but to to hold the fruits of that victory." According to this view, victory therefore required consolidating power over the conquered society after the conclusion of combat operations, usually by way of building fortresses and military installations to compel a compliant social order. As a result, the Imperial Fists were considered to be “the most direct expression of the Emperor’s design of uniting humanity" and were generally regarded to be the "foundation rocks" on which the Imperium was built.[45]
In their capacity as crusaders, the Legion emphasized their military role in the Great Crusade and eschewed the civil responsibilities of governing worlds for recruitment and other purposes. Dorn is famously recorded as saying "I want recruits not vassals." After being granted recruitment rights on Necromunda following a major victory against the Orks, the Legion situated itself as guests rather than masters. This attitude contrasted with the approach of other Primarchs, such as Perturabo of the Iron Warriors, who took every opportunity to garrison worlds, claim their tithes and develop a personal empire.[2a]
During the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists demonstrated a stern disposition, even in comparison to other Space Marines. Upon first encountering the Imperial Fists, Captain Garro of the Death Guard remarked that "they seem a somber lot," to which Captain Iacton Qruze of the Luna Wolves responded in the affirmative, adding that he had served with a Veteran Imperial Fist for a year-long campaign who never once smiled. The stern character of the Legion earned the Imperial Fists the nick name "the Stone Men."[7]
During the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists were employed as a strategic reserve to reinforce fledgling campaigns or to achieve breakthroughs. The Legion rapidly redeployed between battlefields and developed special expertise in siege warfare and mass shock assaults. Offensively, the Imperial Fists employed assault formations, surgically applying force where and when it was required to shatter enemy defenses, often deciding the outcome of campaigns. Defensively, the Legion was commonly tasked to defend strategic positions and defeat enemy breakthroughs.[2a][45] [2d] Regarding the Legion's prowess in defending sieges, Horus once remarked to Dorn that "if I ever laid assault to a bastion possessed by you... then the war would last for all eternity, the best in attack matched by the best in defence."[10] The Legion also possessed special skills in urban warfare and space operations, including fleet and void warfare.[2a] [45]
The Legion was organized to support its crusade posture. The Imperial Fists maintained a fleet of 1,500 warships, a force quantitatively and qualitatively superior to any other legion. The Legion command and control structure featured theater marshals in charge of all forces taking part in their area of responsibility, fleet masters, and siege masters. Ad hoc commands of castellan and seneschals controlled formations called crusades or households, respectively -- each comprised of two battalions. Infantry unit configuration tended towards the two extremes of assault load outs or long-range heavy weapons. To replenish combat losses, the Legion often recruited from conquered populations en mass. Recorded examples include recruiting every man who could carry a spear from the hunter-tribesmen of Tiberna, taking half of the members of the tech-brat gangs of Sevan, and the recruitment of every youth older than 10,000 ship cycles from the Nedoran ship clans.[45]
The size of the Legion was recorded as 98,356 just prior to the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, though this figure is not thought to be precise.[45]
The Legion was instrumental in extending control over the Sol System in the early phases of the Great Crusade, performing key roles in the Unheard War, the War of the Consus Drift, and the Araneus Wars. During the Unheard war, the Emperor ordered the Bell of Lost Souls tolled for the first time in honor of 50 Imperial Fists who sacrificed themselves to defeat a psy-plague in the Azurite Stations. On the Plains of Kenneatar, the Legion's 5th Battalion broke the lines of the Tyrancy with an arrowhead formation of 50 war machines. The Imperial Fists are noted to have conquered Galabaz, a subterranean city buried in surrounding mountains. During operations on Ophelia VII, 10,000 Imperial Fists accompanied the Emperor and 100 custodes. At Askanisa, the Imperial Fists and the Luna Wolves formed the Emperor's vanguard to break the Shrouded Dynasties.[45]
The Imperial Fists were so effective in their role during the Great Crusade that the Legion accumulated a record second only to that of the Luna Wolves.[10] As a proud testament to their accomplishments, battle honours were displayed for kilometres in a gallery aboard the Phalanx.[7] However, in the course of accumulating honours, the Imperial Fists' developed hostile relationships with other Legions. Most notably, the Imperial Fists maintained a bitter rivalry with the Iron Warriors, which was largely the result of both Legions sharing similar combat specializations.[30] Less known was the strong mutual hatred between the Imperial Fists and Alpha Legion, who clashed on more than one occasion prior to the Horus Heresy, though the nature of these clashes is unknown.[31]
The Imperial Fists operated closely alongside the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade. The Legion served as the Emperor's personal Praetorians and fought directly alongside him more than any other legion. The Emperor bestowed the name "Imperial Fists" upon the VII Legion early in the Great Crusade, a reference to when many saw the lands conquered by them it was as if "the hand of the Emperor had descended and gripped with an unbreakable fist." The Emperor also granted them the right to wear the Laurels of Victory as part of their heraldry.[45] After the successful conclusion of the Ullanor Crusade, the Emperor returned to Terra, ordering the Imperial Fists with him where they were tasked to fortify the Imperial Palace.[10]
Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists were the first loyalists to learn of the Horus Heresy other than those attacked on Isstvan III. While attempting to reach Terra as ordered by the Emperor after Ullanor, the Legion responded to a distress call from the Eisenstein. Rogal Dorn discovered Death Guard Captain Nathaniel Garro and remembrancer Mersadie Oliton, who carried news of the events which had transpired on Isstvan III. In response, Dorn ordered the bulk of the Imperial Fists to the Isstvaan system while he and the Legion’s veteran companies returned to Terra to inform the Emperor of Horus' treachery. Significantly, each deployment faced difficulties from the Warp Storms that had enveloped the galaxy, which made navigation nearly impossible. [7]
On Terra, Dorn assumed command of the Imperium’s armed forces.[12a, 14a] There, the Imperial Fists oversaw the fortification of the Imperial Palace, as previously ordered before the Heresy, and other duties relating to its defense, such as counter-intelligence.[13] They nonetheless also fought scattered battles throughout the Galaxy, such as against the Iron Warriors in the First Siege of Hydra Cordatus
Dorn immediately organised the Imperium’s response to Isstvan III. After making contact as best as possible with the other Legions, which the Warp storms hampered, Dorn ordered that Horus be confronted on Isstvan V where his forces were entrenching themselves. Discussing the reasoning of this strategy with Malcador The Sigillite, he stated that “...kill the head and the body will die.” Notably, Dorn elected to keep his veteran companies on Terra while apparently assuming the bulk of the Legion which had been ordered to the Isstvan system would join the assault on their own initiative if they were able to navigate there successfully.[14a]
At the same time, Mars entered into open revolt, endangering the Imperium’s access to war material. In response, Dorn ordered First Captain Sigismund and Captain Camba-Diaz to command four veteran companies to secure the forges of Mondus Occulum and Mondus Gamma, which together produced the majority of Astartes weapons and armour.[14a] The Astartes force was accompanied by number of Imperial Army units, including thirteen companies of Saturnine Hoplites and four regiments of Jovian Grenadiers, also under the command of the Imperial Fists captains.[14c] The operation was met with overwhelming resistance by traitor forces belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus. The two companies under the command of Comba-Diaz were outnumbered one hundred to one and Sigismund’s force of the same size was met by two full Titan Legions. Facing annihilation, the Imperial Fists withdrew from Mars, abandoning the forges but successfully evacuating at least 12,000 suits of MK4 Power Armour and twice as many weapons.[14b] The four veteran companies involved in the operation suffered heavy casualties and were reduced to half strength.[12b]
Months later, the bulk of the Imperial Fists forces were continuing their attempt to overcome the warp storms and navigate to the Isstvan system as ordered. The force had been completely out of contact with the Imperium since their departure and was unaware of any further developments concerning Horus' treachery, including that the remaining loyalists on Isstvan III had been crushed uterly. The fleet regained communication with the Imperium when it received urgent orders to return to Terra while being engaged by a large Iron Warriors force during the Battle at the Phall system. Both sides suffered serious losses but in a testament to their discipline the Imperial Fists fleet successfully disengaged and set course for Terra as ordered.[12c]
As the traitors inched closer to Terra, it fell to Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists to oversee the defenses of the Sol System. In the subsequent Solar War, the Fists attempted to contain Horus' advance, seemingly defeating the Alpha Legion during the Battle of Pluto in the process. However ultimately, they failed to prevent Horus from attacking Terra itself.[53]
During the Defence of Terra, the Legion made indispensable contributions to the defense of the Imperial Palace alongside the White Scars and the Blood Angels.[2b] During the battle, the Legion made a massive move to reinforce the Palace from the great Sky Fortress at a critical juncture of the battle. [12d] It is also known that Dorn had the honour of accompanying the Emperor aboard Horus' Battle Barge and that he discovered the bodies of the Emperor, Horus and Sanguinius after the final drama had run its course. [2b]
Rogal Dorn's grief was immense in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. Until that point, Dorn had been true, noble and enduring, but now he became an avenging son dressed in the black of mourning. Whereas other Legions, such as the Ultramarines, dedicated themselves to rebuilding the Imperium, the Imperial Fists launched a crusade against the Traitor Legions, hunting them down and levelling fortress after fortress. Yet the Legion was still cognisant of its broader role as it lent itself to direct calls for assistance by Imperial worlds and institutions more so than other Legions during this period. Nonetheless, Dorn was absent from the highest councils of the Imperium until he returned to Terra upon being summoned by Roboute Guilliman to be presented with the Codex Astartes.[2c]
Dorn initially rejected the Codex Astartes and enmity developed between him and Guilliman. Dorn called Guilliman a coward, citing his lack of participation in the defense of the Imperial Palace. Guilliman accused Dorn of being a traitor for refusing the Codex. This enmity quickly involved other Space Marine Legions and a rift developed, Leman Russ of the Space Wolves stood by the Imperial Fists, while Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars and Corax of the Raven Guard supported the Ultramarines. A second civil war appeared likely when the Imperial Fists strike cruiser Terrible Angel was fired upon by the Imperial Navy in connection with Codex crisis.[15a] However, Dorn ultimately relented after spending seven days meditating in the pain glove. There, he concluded that the Legion could no longer serve the Emperor who had been and must serve the Emperor who was, which involved accepting the new order of which the Codex was a part.[2c]
It was Dorn's decision that the Legion would symbolically enter into the pain glove together and emerge according to the Codex Astartes. This opportunity presented itself in the battle that became known as The Iron Cage. The Imperial Fists had largely dismantled the Iron Warriors empire in their campaigns immediately after the Heresy. Upon discovering the Eternal Fortress, a twenty square mile fortress constructed by the Iron Warriors, Dorn, fuelled by his enmity towards Perturabo, committed the entire Legion to its assault.[2c]
Perturabo and his Legion were masters of defence and siege in their own rite and had designed the Eternal Fortress as a trap to ensnare the Imperial Fists. Ceding further advantage to the Iron Warriors, Dorn led the assault without his customary care in planning and preparation. What ensued was a near massacre. The Imperial Fists’ formations were broken, reduced to fighting with combat knives battle-brother by battle-brother in half flooded trenches with their ammunition expended.[2c]
Yet, the Imperial Fists endured and the Iron Warriors were unable to finish them, lacking the faith to make the ultimate sacrifice that victory demanded. The Ultramarines then intervened, driving off the traitors.[2c]
Cleansed by their sacrifice at the Iron Cage, the Imperial Fists immediately began their reorganisation[2c] with the fully hardened, veteran force that remained.[2d] For the next two decades, the newly formed Chapter went into retreat in order to master the tenets of the Codex Astartes. Despite the death of Rogal Dorn during the 1st Black Crusade, the Chapter has since assumed a place alongside the Ultramarines as exemplars of the Codex.[2c] As part of their reorganisation, the Imperial Fists participated in the Second Founding, christening the Soul Drinkers, Black Templars, and Crimson Fists. The Legion’s most fanatical battle-brothers composed the Black Templars while the more level headed members founded the Crimson Fists.[2d]
Secretly, Dorn established a contingency for his successors. Dubbed the "Last Wall Protocol", it called for the Imperial Fists Successor Chapter's to reunify into a Legion once more should Terra come under dire threat. The protocol was enacted 1,500 years later during the War of the Beast.[52]
The Imperial Fists suffered greatly during the conflict against Orks that became known as the War of the Beast. Nearly the entire chapter was annihilated by the Orks on the world of Ardamantua[50b] just during the war against the Xenorace Chromes[50a] The only known survivor was the badly injured Captain Koorland. In the aftermath of the debacle, Koorland enacted Rogal Dorn's secret "Last Wall Protocol", which called for all of the Imperial Fists su
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