Impaled Through Vagina

Impaled Through Vagina


Impaled Through Vagina
IAmA 17 year old girl who was vaginally impaled by rebar!
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When the word Blue Hole comes to mind i used to think of it as a cool place to swim, sometimes not the cleanest but it was still a chill place with rope swings and cliffs.
Now, Blue Hole means a dangerous place to swim where people can get hurt and killed.
For everyone who is mad at me and making fun of me for living through this, I will pray for you and listen to me when i say; I DON’T WANT BLUE HOLE SHUT DOWN! I want it cleaned so it is safe for everyone.
I was just swimming, Having fun with the people i love. Chase, My Boyfriend was showing off by jumping off the bridge into the water. His brother Aaron was just being a boy and trying to do back flips off the rope swing. Aaron’s girlfriend, Sarah, Who is also my good friend, was just chillin’ in the water, with me and even went off the rope swing a few times.
We were all really hot cause we spent some time at the skatepark with the blazing sun on our shoulders. So the first thing we all agree on is Blue Hole, Which landed us here.
We were pretty bored on the side of Blue Hole where the Bridge and Rope Swing is so we decided to take a little trip to the other side. And for the people reading who have never been there; We followed the trail to the side that was more like a lake instead of doing anymore cliff jumping, bridge jumping, and rope swinging.
We approach the side of Blue Hole that has the more lake vibe. Sarah looks at all of us, runs, and all we see is her splash from jumping from the side of the lake where the grassy area is. Doesn’t really put off the vibe “Dangerous” There are 5 year olds swimming 100 feet away from her. So i decide to beat the boys in along with Sarah and run and jump from the same spot she did. All i remember, Is slamming my feet against the bottom of the lake to get to the surface, I needed air, Especially since i just slammed my lady parts on a rock when i hit the bottom. For all of you who know the story, That wasnt the case, But i didnt know.
Chase and Aaron did front flips into the water in the same place i had jumped, I tried to spit out the words “STOP” but Sarah said my eyes were rolling into the back of my head. I could literally feel myself passing out. It was too late they had already jumped in, Luckily they were okay. Chase grabbed ahold of me when i could manage to say the word help and started crying. I told them that we needed to leave cause i wasnt okay. Aaron and Sarah were sweethearts and said they would go grab our stuff to draw away some attention. Chase helped me out of the water, And i was able to walk to the car all by myself. I was in sheering pain. But i was able to do it.I lied down in the car and we headed back to Chases to see if i was okay.
I remember barely even making it to his bathroom. The pain was just unbearable. I had to use Chase as a crutch and it was just horrible. When i finally made it to the bathroom i pulled my swimsuit bottoms down to see the most horrid sight ever. I could even SEE my lady parts. It was so swollen it looked like someone shoved a softball in there. Just awful. I busted out in tears and yelled for Chase to come in, I could tell he was frightened by what he saw, I told him to call my mom cause i need to go to the hospital. Chase grabbed my phone and called my mom.
My mom finally arrived and ran into Chase’s bathroom, She took one look at the injury and said, “Chase, Call 911, She needs an ambulance.” So Chase did exactly that. The EMT on the phone said the best position to be in when they get there was laying down on my back so i tried my hardest to get in that position. It actually felt better to be laying down instead of bleeding all over Chase’s bathroom floor. I was crying and confused on what was wrong with me, I just wanted to be in the hands of medically trained people who knew what they were doing.
The ambulance arrived only like 5 minutes after calling them. In the moment however it felt like forever. A group of about 5 firemen ran into the bathroom, Took a look at my injury and ran out of the bathroom. Next thing i know they sent a woman in to inspect it. I felt like a joke. They came back into the bathroom and lifted me by a bed sheet to put me on the stretcher. I just remember looking at Chase’s face as the set me on the stretcher, I felt really sad and lonely, And by just looking at his face i was able to realize that everything was going to be okay. I was being wheeled out the door and into the ambulance. I was too out of it to look around and find Aaron and Sarah but i was told they were the ones outside who flagged the EMS down. I was so thankful to have them there to help!
They took me to St. Davids Medical Center in Round Rock because apparently it was the closest trauma hospital. I didnt care, I just wanted to be better already! The Ambulance unloaded me and took me into an ER room. My mom arrived only 5 minutes after i did. I was squeezing her hand cause of the pain, It just seemed to keep getting worse and worse. The ER nurses kept saying they needed to call in an OBGYN specialist which would take 10 minutes or so. It just made me more anxious and upset. I also had to pee really bad! The nurse put a bed oan beneath me but i cam to the realization i couldn’t pee. She sad it was just so swollen that it had completely closed off my urethra. So i just kept begging the nurses to give me more Morphine. I couldnt even feel it working until they gave me “As much as my body should take”. Luckily the OBGYN, Dr. Pearce, arrived in a good amount of time. He looked at it in awe and asked what happened, but i interrupted him to tell him how badly i needed to pee so he decided to try putting a catheter in. My dad went behind the curtains and waited as he attempted twice. I was screaming from being in so much pain, I felt like someone was sticking a knife into me. He took another look at it and said, “We need to get her into the OR immediately!” I had only kind of heard that stuff on Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D. I thought i was going to die. I looked over to my right and saw my dad tearing up a little which broke my heart. They made my parents and I both sign a paper and then introduced me to my Anesthesiologist. He put the something in my IV and i don’t even remember going to sleep.
I only remember this time because i woke up in a recovery room and there was a huge red digital clock that caught my eye that read 1:12 AM, I was so confused on what had happened and what was going on because i could have sworn 5 minutes before i was in the ER room. I felt my face, and noticed i had oxygen tubes in my nose. Felt my body and found they inserted a catheter in my abdomen since they couldn’t the normal way. My OBGYN and parents appeared in front of me. I just remember Dr. Pearce saying “You didnt just hit a rock, You were impaled by rebar that went 5 or so inches deep. The huge swelling you saw was mostly a Hematoma from the rebar impaling you. You are extremely lucky. It managed to not puncture any organs, but i was literally millimeters away from my Organs and my Femoral Artery.” They said if i would have severed that artery i would have bled out in minutes and wouldn’t have even made it back to Chase’s. I am so lucky to have my life i thought. Next thing i knew, I was being wheeled off to my room that i would be staying in until i am able to go home. It was the same exact room my mom was in when she had her hysterectomy. We should have a ‘Powers Family’ placard. Just kidding, I don’t want to jinx it or anything.
I woke up with my mom knitting and my dad messing around on his kindle. I just thought, “What did i get myself into?” I asked them if i was going to live and they reassured me. They said i was very close to dying at Blue Hole though and that was something they didn’t want to relive. I don’t blame them. My mom got up and showed me all this stuff that Chase, Aaron, And Sarah had brought by the hospital the night it happened. I of course couldn’t see them because they weren’t allowed in. The nurses kept telling them “Family only!” They wouldn’t have wanted to see me anyway though. I was a mess, And i was crying and out of control. I looked at all the stuff. There was Dove Chocolate (My favorite!), Arizona Tea, Peach-Os, Swedish Fish, And a bright pink Pillow Pet! I was in love! I wanted my phone that second so i could text him and let him know how thankful i was!! Then i texted Sarah because they helped out too! I missed them. They were getting ready for Taylor’s (Chase’s cousin) Graduation. I was so devastated that i missed it! I wanted to be there so badly! But after texting them i fell back asleep till 4ish.
Mario my youth preacher and a group of my fellow high schoolers came to visit. First it was my church group, Then my whole family, Then Chase, Aaron, And Sarah. I was so excited to see everyone. They were so supportive and helpful! I am extremely blessed to have all the people i do in my life! After everyone left i felt like i ran a marathon and went to sleep.
I woke up and felt a little better. In all honesty i just wanted to take a shower. I felt disgusting and just wanted to shower off. My nurse helped me up and walked me to the restroom to undress. I felt like i was seeing spots everywhere, And it felt really surreal. It was the same feeling i had at Blue Hole when i was passing out. I told my nurse that i think i was about to pass out. My mom said “You are as white as a napkin! Lay back down!” So the nurse escorted me back to the hospital bed. I felt myself going in and out. It was awful. Almost like i didn’t have control of my body anymore. So they took my blood count and all the doctors were talking about giving me a blood transfusion. I have always donated blood when i could, But i have never been on the receiving side of it. 2 different people’s units of blood saved my life. Apparently i was in deep need of blood because my blood count was extremely low.
The transfusion took forever, Almost the rest of the day. I was bored out of my mind and stuck in this room. I watched I Love Lucy episodes most of it and Chase’s family came to visit and so did Mario along with Tiffany and her husband, Then the rest i slept. I heard my Youth Leader from Church, Sarah S, Stopped by but i was asleep from exhaustion.
After the blood transfusion i was put on antibiotics for this flesh eating virus that they feared me getting because of the water i was in when i was impaled, and they put me on heavy pain medicine. So far it has been a a recovery that is getting better and better. I am healing, It is painful but it is eventually going to subside. I am waiting for the wound to heal so i can do normal stuff. I am also waiting for the removal of my catheter that is in my abdomen, Which is hopefully next Wednesday! I can’t thank everyone enough for all the love, support, and prayer. I am really trying to overcome tis with the help of God. I am lucky to have my life. I am going to spend it wisely and embrace every day that comes my way.
TL; DR: I jumped into a lake, Got vaginally impaled by rebar, Needed a blood transfusion, Almost died.
As many pictures as i can provide for now! More to come Wednesday!
May I ask what the method of verification was?
How was it confirmed? Vag pics? :-0
Man.. of all the crazy things I've read on reddit, this has to be the most disturbing. Couldn't continue and read it all...
I actually curled up and clutched my groin when I read this. Goddamn, that's horrible.
PS: I have no idea where Blue Hole or any of the other locations you mentioned are. You should put a little bit of background in.
I'm a man, and even I was cringing and crossing my legs.
I'm sat here tightly crossing my legs.... Jesus Christ. 0_0
I thought it was painful when I stepped on some barbed wire in my local river...but wow.
Round Rock is a suburb of Austin Texas
this is possibly the most amazing gif. ever.
I might make more accounts just to upvote this gif more. Omfg im in tears...
The computer smashing was weak, but overall, it was the greatest thing ever.
So did the bar actually go up your vagina, like penetrate you? Or did it just slam against the side of it or something?
It impaled me. It went into my body. It impaled me in my labia majora. It created a new hole. (That will close up hopefully soon.)

Mesopotamian Underworld..

Impalement is one of the most ancient and barbaric forms of execution practiced within the
Mesopotamian Underworld, a cruel and slow agonizing demise that embodies all that the death
goddess demands of her willing pleasure slaves.

Whether it's upon the sharp tip of a cold unyielding steel post or upon one of wood, a post who's
thick and ominously blood-stained wooden shaft has been worn silky smooth by the desperate
dying struggles of countless women, here in the Mesopotamian Underworld many a long serving
pleasure slave has come to have a deeply justifiable fear of impalement.

Often, a deeply sadistic affair, the executioner will often rape his victim first, then use
the impalement shaft to once again intimately violate the woman's body one final time. Penetrating
the victim's body through her vagina or anus the executioner will force the struggling woman
down upon the unyielding shaft of the impalement post, the sharp tip of the post sliding
relentlessly deeper into woman's abdomen.

And while many of the impalement posts used within the underworld's countless torture chambers
merely penetrate their victim's body up to her waist, or perhaps just reach the underside of her diaphragm,
some of the cruelest impalement posts are far far longer. Long practiced in the deadly art of impalement,
many of the underworld's executioners can expertly thread these impossibly long shafts completely through
their victim's struggling body. Careful to avoid the woman's heart and lungs, they force her body down
upon the shaft until its sharpened point protrudes obscenely from her mouth.

Perfected, over the Mesopotamian Underworld long eon's of torment, death by impalement is rarely
a quick way to die, with each beautiful victim taking long torturous hours, if not days, to expire in
agonizing torment.

Home tortures The excruciating torture of impalement.
You want to know more about methods of torture? Give a look at this: Rack, Rope and Red-hot Pincers: A History of Torture and Its Instruments . A book written by a retired Warder of the Tower of London who studied in detail torture methods.
The earliest evidence we have of impalement dates back to the Hammurabi Code, enacted in 1772 BC where
it was contemplated as capital punishment for women who killed their husband for another man, or for those who had committed adultery.
Amante dell'horror, del mistero e del macabro sin da bambina, ha deciso di creare questo sito per tutti gli appassionati di horror e macabro. Crea per i suoi lettori articoli unici che rende disponibili in questo sito e nel relativo canale youtube, per veri appassionati del genere.
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Today I’ll talk about one of the most atrocious torture: impalement. Widely used in ancient times to punish those who committed crimes against the state or the king, became famous for being the favorite method of Vlad Țepeș, so much so that it cost him the nickname “the Impaler”.
The longitudinal impalement is perhaps the first that comes to mind when talking about this torture.
It consists of inserting a sharpened stake in the anus, vagina or in the lower abdomen of the victim,
being held by force in the prone position, then proceed to hit the post with a hammer to make it penetrate into the body and reach the torso, or get it out from the chest, or even the back of the mouth. Subsequently, the pole would be placed upright and feet would be tied to the stake to prevent the body from further sliding.
An expert executioner expert would be able to avoid harming any vital organ, prolonging the agony of the victim for several days: reports speak of impaled people who survived up to 6 days.
The merchant Jean de Thevenot provides an eyewitness account of this, from 17th century Egypt:
“They lay the Malefactor upon his Belly, with his Hands tied behind his Back, then they slit up his Fundament with a Razor, and throw into it a handful of Paste that they have in readiness, which immediately stops the Blood. After that they thrust up into his Body a very long Stake as big as a Mans Arm, sharp at the point and tapered, which they grease a little before; when they have driven it in with a Mallet, till it come out at his Breast, or at his Head or Shoulders, they lift him up, and plant this Stake very straight in the Ground, upon which they leave him so exposed for a day. One day I saw a Man upon the Pale, who was Sentenced to continue so for three Hours alive and that he might not die too soon, the Stake was not thrust up far enough to come out at any part of his Body, and they also put a stay or rest upon the Pale, to hinder the weight of his body from making him sink down upon it, or the point of it from piercing him through, which would have presently killed him: In this manner he was left for some Hours, (during which time he spoke) and turning from one side to another, prayed those that passed by to kill him, making a thousand wry Mouths and Faces, because of the pain be suffered when he stirred himself, but after Dinner the Basha sent one to dispatch him; which was easily done, by making the point of the Stake come out at his Breast, and then he was left till next Morning, when he was taken down, because he stunk horridly.”
The impalement could not only be performed longitudinally, in fact the stake could also be hammered in the front of the body and come out at the back, and vice versa.
In the Holy Roman Empire this method was used to punish mothers accused of infanticide .
A detailed description of the seventeenth century comes to us from Hungary (now part of Slovakia). A woman was to be executed for infanticide. She was placed in a tomb dug in the ground, her hands and feet secured by driving nails through them so that she couldn’t move. Then she was completely covered with earth except for the head, and a small thorn bush was placed upon her face.
Subsequently the executioner grabbed with a pair of tongs a rod made of iron, which had been made red hot and planted it directly in the heart of the victim.
A variation to this torture is by hanging: the victims wer
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